Messages for Lunar Eclipse January 2020

If you weren’t afraid, what would you do?




This Lunar eclipse is occurring in the Nakshatra (lunar mansion) of Punarvasu (the twin stars Castor and Pollux in the constellation of Gemini) which means ‘Renewal’. Haven’t we all been waiting for this renewal? Transitioning from the dark to the light and from the downside to the upside, healing energy surrounds us. Healing, however, is seldom a rosy experience and so we may be experiencing a slight discomfort as we reach for this renewal phase. A deep cleansing may be occurring in our lives forcing us into bed, crumbling all that we thought was real and dissipating illusions that we bought as reality.






The theme of leadership is emerging in the cards that I have received as guidance for us. The ‘Warrior woman’ is awakening our inner warrior to break out of limiting beliefs and step up to lead. We are being guided to cast aside our phobias, fears, past traumas that lead us to mistrust and misjudge life and pursue that life that we were born to lead.


This eclipse, take some time to reflect on the fears that are holding you back from realizing your full potential. What is it that stops you from rising and taking the steps forward? If you remain in your comfort zones all your life, you will never truly witness the beauty of the life you were born to live. Boredom, lethargy, regrets, and apathy can weaken your mojo for life if you played it too safe all the time.







In the ‘Opulence’ card, we see a woman moving from the darkness towards the light. This is the power of the Punarvasu nakshatra which leads us towards renewal and rebirth. No, you are not being asked to shed the old but to don your failures, your quirkiness, and unique creativity as your power and step into the light. Whatever your experience from the past, you can contribute and share something beautiful and wise with this world.





There is a message for us to take charge of our life and move forward. There is no comfort in pain and sorrow. We are being dared to move beyond the limitations and view our life situations from a fresh pair of eyes. Notice the nudges, the purpose and calling that you are feeling drawn to embrace post this eclipse. If there were things about yourself that you were ashamed of facing, now is the time to do so so that it no longer holds any power over you. If you have dreams and ambitions, it is not enough to set intentions and visualize them coming into fruition. You must start doing the little practical things now that can help weave them into your reality.







Angel Rochelle card is guiding us to follow the wisdom of our hearts to lead the way. Often we don’t give enough attention and importance to our passion and desires and settle for the stereotypes. Notice the guidance that you have been receiving. The nudges, the omens, and signs, the repetitive messages are all here to tell you that you must trust and take action. The gates of prosperity are opening for us in various forms. If some of you reading this post have been carrying financial burdens, things will begin improving post this eclipse season.




I hope you are inspired to take the right steps in the direction of your dreams this eclipse season. Spending the day meditating, chanting, or engaging in any zen act can be highly beneficial. This is a powerful day to give back to the world in the form of support and donations so make your contributions and help from a place of non-expectation.




Have a blessed eclipse season, friends.





Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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