Messages of Self-Care and Surrender for this week

Hello my lovelies!


Life can get so hectic and stressful sometimes. In such moments and phases, we often forget how to tend to ourselves because we are busy taking care of others or life responsibilities most of the time. In this post today, I have prayed for guidance for all zodiac signs on what to surrender and how to nurture yourself at this time. I hope these messages will be of use to you.

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Ariens, brooding over negative thoughts has never helped anyone fix or overcome a problem. Negative thinking leads to fear and diminishes hope and optimism rendering us weak and incapable of recognizing our own ability to rise above a situation. The Universe guides you today to take control of your thoughts and stop giving your energy to negative thinking. Replace this with a positive mindset and affirmations. As a self-care practice, cook a meal this weak. Whip up something tasty for yourself and your loved ones. Learn a new recipe and watch how you alchemize raw ingredients into supple, delicious, and healthy food.


Taureans, the Universe is guiding you to release low self-esteem and to believe that you are deserving of love, abundance, success, and good health. Life events may have led you to question your abilities lately. You may be questioning your own self and wondering if you really can achieve something or if you should compromise and settle for less. Believe in yourself. Work on healing your solar plexus chakra. Integrate the radiant energy of the Sun into your life. Check your vitamin D levels. As a practice of self-care this week, identify all the things you are grateful for and blessed to have. Write a gratitude list and thank life for the many blessings that are still a part of your life.



Gemstars, the answer to your dilemma and the solution to your situation lies within your own creative self. The ideas that you are receiving and the urge to follow the off-beat path is your inner self guiding you towards new horizons. Pay heed to your creative self and give your imagination free reign. Stop going by the same old mundane ideas and routine and make room for fresh thoughts led by your creative instinct. You can tend to self-care this week by working on your Sacral chakra (aka sex chakra). Tend to your sexual and sensual energy. Pamper your body and allow yourself to indulge in sacred pleasure. It may be time to spice up your sex life.


You are unique and special, Cancerians. In divine truth, we all are, for there is no one else like us. It is time to honor yourself for all that you are. For the way in which you uniquely deal with situations and for the way you look and smile. Respect your decisions and your inclinations this week. Respect what your energy wants you to do and remember that you are not just a face in the crowd for your existence and opinions matter. Create an altar and spend some time in this sacred place. Gather all the things that help you create a space that exudes peace, love, and sanctuary. Meditate and spend time doing inner reflection.


Easy does it, Leos. Sometimes, the solution is to stop putting in way too much effort and to simply let go. Sometimes, pushing too much can only spoil and delay the results while releasing control can get you closer to your desired goal. Now is a time to practice effortlessness and to go with the flow. Flow like water. Let go of what doesn’t want to stay and live in acceptance of what is instead of working your mind up to change things beyond your control. To tend to self-care this week, work with the energy of animals. Make extra time for your pets, visit an animal shelter, or volunteer to help the animal kingdom in whatever form is convenient for you.


Your heart center needs extra care and love this week, Virgos. When your heart center is closed or constricted, you tend to have trouble opening up to love and trusting people and life. Now is a time to let go of the fear of intimacy. Let love in. Work on breaking old patterns that involve mistrust and betrayal. The Universe is nudging some of you to open your heart to finding and being in love. As a self-care practice, soak into a refreshing bath this week. Add some sea salt or bath salt for cleansing and purification. Use the energy of water to cleanse yourself.



While it is easy to be happy when circumstances are great, it takes maturity, strength, understanding, and trust in the divine and abundant Universe to stay joyful when life tests your mettle. This is one of those moments in life where the Universe is guiding you to surrender to the energy of Joy. No matter what your situation, keep your chin up and wear a smile. Invite the energy of joy and savor every bit of it. Your energy field needs cleansing, Librans. Find a method that can help you clear your aura and purify your energy. Choose from smudging, meditating, healing, to something as simple as intently stepping into a shower and visualizing the water to cleanse you of any energetic blocks.


Scorpios, divine timing is at play in your life and you must honor this by being patient and letting things take their own time to sort out. While this may seem very hard at times, working against divine timing can lead to frustration or undesirable results. There is a time for everything and if something is not happening right now despite your best efforts, practice patience and trust in the flow of life. Let go and know that everything will fall in place at the right time, in the right way. Sound healing will benefit you at this time. Allow the power of healing sounds and mantras to bring you peace and serenity. Listen to harmonious and soothing melodies to uplift your energy.


Archers, do not lust for results. This is a time to do your very best and let go of the attachment to results. Do not be fixated on the outcome or do something with the sheer desire of gaining something in the end. When your focus on the doing and not the gaining, your efforts and actions will open new doors and deserving rewards for you now or perhaps in the near future. Trust. As an act of self-care, indulge in deep breathing exercises this week. This can help release the anxiousness and restlessness that can erupt when wanting something to happen badly. Pace yourself and pace your breathing.


Cappys, it is time to silence the voice of your ego and to display humbleness and gratitude. Be of service to others and move with compassion. Cultivate humility and stay out of the clutches of egoistic demeanor and actions. You practice self-care by saying positive words and affirmations. Program your mind to think positively and do not speak negatively about yourself or your goals and dreams. Get into the habit of saying positive things and emphasizing what you want and not what you fear. This attitude will help remove obstacles and get you back in the flow and rhythm of life if you have temporarily lost your way.


Aquarians, certain addictions could be impacting your well-being and life at this time. It is time to break free from addictive behaviors and patterns and replace them with healthier alternatives. Do not wait for these addictions to further sabotage your life and dreams. Addiction does not limit itself to substance abuse or drugs. Over-eating, overworking, harmful characteristics, for instance, is also an addiction. Identify what you are addicted to that is compromising your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. As an act of self-care, give your body and mind plenty of rest. Sleep well and do not give free access to your energy to everyone. Replenish and rejuvenate yourself first and then you can share yourself with the world.



Pisces, it is important to cultivate inner peace at this time. Take the time out to enter the stillness of mind and body in your everyday life. Make time for yourself. Make time to meditate and replenish your mind. Not only will others feel your good vibes but you will begin reacting less and responding more. Life will begin flowing more easily as your first strengthen your inner refuge by focusing on peace. As a practice of self-care this week, engage more in grounding yourself. Connect with the steady and nurturing energy of mother earth and stay more aware and present in the here and now. Root yourself to the present moment.

Sonya Singh 
~ Om Namah Shivaya ~

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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