Moon Messages for the Full Moon of 26th April, 2021



It is wonderful to be posting again! I apologize for going missing from posting these on my blog. It has been a while since I wrote Moon messages and tonight’s Full Moon has been an energetic one for me. I hope it has been a good one for you as well.

A little bit about what intentions were set in writing these:

I said a small prayer to the Moon asking her guidance for the upcoming days until the New Moon phase. In the reading below, we will look into the energy of the days ahead, events that may come to pass, a message of self-care, and some wise words of wisdom.

To make it seem a little personal in the world of writing collective messages, I have divided the cards into three piles. I would like you to pick a number that calls out to you between 1 to 3. Once that is done, scroll down and read through the messages.


Now that you have made your pick, look up the appropriate number and the messages.



Pile number 1 – The Knight of wands 

The Knight of wands comes racing into your lives. I see you chasing something, feeling excited about a prospect, and going after a very exciting goal during this period. There is so much fire in you! But… you must also take a little care during this phase as sometimes, we tend to run after things because of the spur of the moment only to later lose the momentum, interest, and zeal and abandon the goal. I would not recommend that you don’t pick up new tasks and responsibilities simply because you are feeling good at that moment. Plan your moves and review yourself before doing so.

I can also see some of you running towards the past or something that you used to do, like, or follow in the past. It can be a person but it can also be a habit, a pattern, a job, a way of living.


Some events that may come into play: I will start with something sober first. There may be plans that will not reach fruition during this upcoming Moon cycle. If this happens to you then don’t let this break you down. Look at your mistakes and learn. Plan better and do better next time.

Here’s something that will cheer you up, though! Recognition and rewards are coming your way! You will be applauded for something that you have accomplished. Respect and a sense of well-being will also come your way.

You will also enjoy a happy social phase that could lead to gathering with friends or doing something with people in your circle. There could be close bonding in friendships and relationships. Meetings, chats, video calls, etc. Perhaps even getting to know someone new and starting a new connection.

How can you best practice self-care during this time? Family will be your source of strength and support during this period so do not ignore them and find a way to co-operate, communicate and work any differences out. Lean on a close one for encouragement. Look after those who matter to you. Hug your loved ones more and show them you care.

Wise words of wisdom – Follow your intuition. Now, this can be kind of tricky given that we live in times of stress and fear. Is it panic that we are feeling or is it intuition? A simple thing to do here is to hold back when in doubt and to let your body and the vibes decide what is best for you. Many times, people have experienced sixth sense kicking in when they are about to make a wrong call. That eerie sense of keeping away from something even when everything looks fine and inviting on the surface. Trust that voice inside that sounds like the wise one offering pearls of wisdom and calm nudges.




Pile number 2 – Two of pentacles 

Ups and downs! We all go through it. This phase will bring highs and lows but it will keep you going. But at no time are you giving up or giving away in any manner. But to be able to work through everyday life situations requires strength – both mental and physical. Keep yourself healthy, fit, and nourished so that you can sail through the daily happenings.

Money and resources need careful management. Otherwise, it may feel like you are stuck in a loop where you keep earning and burning. Also, give serious thought to planning your investments. You may have a lot on your plate so buckle up.

Some events that may come into play: The good news is that money is coming to you. You stand to gain during the upcoming cycle and channels will be open for you. This is why I earlier mentioned that you need to take care when dealing with your finances and resources as what you earn can quickly be lost as well if you don’t take careful consideration. Or, it simply could be that expenses may be too many and you must learn to cut corners where necessary.

Another positive is that you will see successful outcomes to your problems. Keep going and a solution will arise.


Happiness is a state of mind but you will have reasons to feel happy.

How can you best practice self-care during this time? By creating art! Bring the Picasso in you out. Pick up your paintbrushes or drawing pencils and draw something. If you think you are the un-artistic types, then think of what you can create. An idea? A plan? A product? A service? Use your creative juices to their best in the upcoming days.

Wise words of wisdom – Your luck will soon change. Tired of going through a bad streak of luck? Wondering when things will get better? There is a promise of things turning out well soon. There is a ‘Wheel of fortune’-like to feel to this message. What goes up must come down and what is down will come up. Keep these thoughts in mind and know that this is part of life and life has a cyclic pattern. Our challenges do make us stronger or at least teach us a lesson or two that can reshape us and help us evolve.



Pile number 3 – Nine of Pentacles 

There is so much abundance in this card but also a sense of being alone. The upcoming phase will be a comfortable cycle for you. You will enjoy the peace and security you have created and comfort will be made available to you.


This is also a time when being alone and focusing on self can become important. You may want to slow down a little and start living life and not get too caught up with being busy all the time. Some country air can do you a world of good. A walk in the park, being close to nature and becoming more appreciative of things will add to your sense of well-being.

This is a time for entrepreneurs and people in a leadership role to accept new ideas and do a little planning ahead. Be open to new opportunities.

Some events that may come into play: Be open to asking and accepting help. Sometimes, two minds are better than one and this is a phase where you must accept valid criticism and use is to your advantage. If you are wrong, accept it. There is no shame in seeking assistance when in need so reach out to those who can offer you guidance.

Is someone pointing out your mistakes? It can be a natural instinct to feel defensive when someone makes a comment about the way we do things or live life. Yet, a wise person would take the time to assess these comments and weigh the truth in these statements as opposed to letting ego blind them. Acquaint yourself with your weak areas and improvise.

That 9 of Pentacles energy can feel so isolating at times. Could it be that you have distanced yourself too much from the world outside of your mind? The cards are pointing towards a distant friend who may be of some help to you. Connect with important people you have lost touch with. Make the effort to stay in touch and maintain important contacts that can be of help to you.

How can you best practice self-care during this time? Make a Vision board.


Visuals can help us in manifesting a goal or staying on track. Make a vision board to keep reminders of what you want to accomplish and use it to motivate yourself. It is easy to say that you will do something but it can be tough to keep up with the action steps to help you reach there. How many times have we not built castles in the air about doing something? For instance, ‘I will start Yoga soon’, ‘I will get more focused and disciplined’, ‘I will soon start saving for the future’. There may be many such thoughts and goals that you may have set for yourself in your mind but you have to now work on introducing the pen to the paper and putting words into action. A vision board can motivate you or you may want to invest more time in making your dreams a reality by working towards them during the coming days.

Wise words of wisdom: You will be guided through darkness.

We are going to witness the Moon shrinking away in the upcoming days and usually, the waning phase can seem very depleting for many individuals. Just as the Moon loses its visibility, you too may feel like you are succumbing to a lack of clarity and a sense of feeling lost. No matter how lost you feel, you will receive the guidance, help, support, and path-showing that you need. Do not feel alone or abandoned. Energies are working in your favor and ready to offer support.

That brings us to the end of this post. I hope these messages will serve useful and insightful. Don’t forget to let me know if it made a difference in your life.

Until next time!


Sonniyaa Singh 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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