New Moon 25th September, 2022 – Zodiac Guidance

We have a New Moon brewing in the cosmos which will occur on the 25th of September, 2022. In sidereal astrology, the New Moon is taking place in the earthy sign of Virgo. Following are the zodiac guidance messages for all the signs.




Dear Ariens, this New Moon cycle is about rebirth for your sign. You are being called to shed old parts of you, toss away false conditionings, and give yourself a second chance at life. Life wants you to celebrate yourself and revive your lost innocence. Accept yourself the way you are and seek redemption. You are also being called to adopt a beginner’s mindset and look at life from a fresh pair of eyes. This is a cycle of learning and discovery. Start a new chapter and see things from a new perspective. Do something exclusively for yourself on this day and make a promise to love yourself better.



Dear Taureans, this New Moon cycle brings you renewal. You have been going round and round in the same circle and now is a time to break the pattern and love your vulnerabilities. Like a snake sheds its old skin and grows a new one, you have shed an old part of your life and have begun a new one. Do not keep scraping away at the old.  Luna is guiding you to love your body and take care of it really well. If you don’t like something about your body or the way you look, change it. If it is an unchangeable part of you then learn to accept it. Most importantly, treat it like a temple and begin nourishing it in every possible way.



Dear Geminis, this New Moon, your guidance is to develop more courage and be brave. New opportunities could line up for you and it may require a healthy amount of risk taking. Work on your confidence, walk through new doors and embark on new journeys that await you. Your focus should be towards the future and not the past. Spirit also wants you to release your fears and raise your self-worth. Know that you deserve more and put this belief into practice. Engage chakra cleansing this New Moon giving special focus to your Solar Plexus chakra.



Dear Cancerians, for those of you who planted new seeds and laboriously nurtured them this past month, this New Moon cycle promises a bountiful harvest. This is a time of material prosperity and abundance. For those of who you are expecting more from life with no or less effort and investment, Spirit reminds you to stop looking for shortcuts to success and commit to putting in the effort towards your dreams and you will soon see beautiful results flourish. You are called to be of service to others during this New moon cycle. Lend a hand to someone in need andb willing to offer assistance to others.




Dear Leos, this New Moon phase brings a reminder to you to pause, breathe, and enter a period of standstill. Constant action is not going to get you anywhere. While the Universe orchestrates to brings all the parts of your goal, mission, or dream together, enter a place of rest and relaxation. Engage in meditative activities and savour life’s many blessings. If things have not been falling in place, know that there are blessings involved in that, too. You are safe and protected from harm’s way. Situations will get better and thing will begin aligning soon. Pause for now.



Dear Virgos, this New Moon reminds you that lethargy and laziness are the two debilitating factors that you must work towards overcoming. The path you are on is going to challenge you and stand in front of you like a mountain. Do remember that once you are on top of this mountain, the view from atop is a beautiful one which will make your effort and hard work seem worthwhile. If possible, visit a sacred power place this New Moon to offer your gratitude and prayers like a shrine, temple or a place where pilgrims go. Adopt a new perspective and be a rebel for the right cause, if need be. It is time to do things differently from what you are used to in order to achieve different and more fulfilling results.



Dear Librans, this New Moon cycle brings to you the invitation to dream big and open yourself up to new possibilities that go beyond your wildest imagination. You are also being invited to shift the attention from ‘me-me-me’ and to extend selfless offerings towards  mother Earth and its inhabitants. Do something for others. Contribute towards bettering the Earth. Clean up your space, take care of your pets, support Earth in ways you can. I also see many Librans averting some kind of danger or an emergency. You may have expected the worse but allow life to show your otherwise. Also, keep worries, tension, and anxieties at bay.



Dear Scorpios, this New Moon cycle invites you to live more in appreciation of everything you possess. Even if you feel life isn’t exactly where you pictured it to be at this time, stop complaining and start being grateful for everything you have. It will help to look at detoxification in the coming days.  This could be a physical, emotional, or a spiritual detox or all three. Cleanse, reset, and start afresh. Feed your body and mind only those things that are nourishing and supportive of your growth and wellbeing. Take care of yourself and quit habits and practices that are creating toxicity in your life.




Dear Sagittarians, this New Moon, a truth is likely to unravel. Dig deeper and discover the source of negativity in your life. There may be detrimental patterns running deep in your family or ancestral DNA that need to be healed and released and this New Moon energy is calling you out to do the work. You have the opportunity now to honor your ancestors, acknowledge these patterns, forgive yourself and those involved and heal.  Healing these patterns within you means you are healing the so-called ‘ancestral curse’. Spend time listening to pleasant music and  mood uplifting rhythms. Change the story you are telling yourself, especially if it inhibits you from rising.



Dear Capricorns, this New Moon, you are asked to pay close attention to your emotional world. An emotional cleansing is in order and it will help to sit with those troublesome feelings and invite them for a cup of tea. Do not be scared of confronting them and hold space for your emotions to flow, even if it means crying your heart out. If there are suppressed feelings that you have been holding too tightly inside, it may be time to write them down or express them to someone who needs to hear it. If you have been hiding something from someone that is weighing on your heart heavily, now is an opportune time to reveal the truth. Honor your emotions and feelings and allow them to flow.



Dear Aquarians, this New Moon brings to you the chance to face your fears and perceived shortcomings. The wound that lives inside that you fear confronting, needs healing. Muster the  courage to face your shadow side and do the work. If some things in your life right now are hazy and clouded, the fog will soon begin lifting. Until the smoke clears, do not make any big decisions. Make sure that you are not running away from the truth and what needs to be seenand find comfort innfakse narratives. Celebrate life and no matter what it brings, keep dancing to the rhythm. Your positive attitude will help you overcome any obstacle.



Dear Pisceans, this New Moon reminds you to banish thoughts and beliefs revolving around scarcity. You possess all the resources that you need to make your life count and achieve what you have your eyes set upon. Limiting beliefs and a scarcity-driven mindset is blocking you from accessing your full potential. Your commitment could be tested in the coming days so no matter how confusing or challenging your path appears to be, stick to it. Do not throw in the towel just yet. You are closer to your goals than you realize so don’t let doubts and fears hold you back.



Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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