New Moon Guidance – 6th March, 2019



Greetings Beautiful Souls,


We have a New Moon around the corner on the 6th of March, 2019. I know you may all have your little plans on what intentions to set and what energy to clear out of your life. But here’s a post I created to bring you additional prompts, reminders, and guidance from Spirit on what else to bear in mind during this time of cosmic reset.

There is a general message for us all and also a chance for you to pick a card for your New Moon message. Go ahead and get your zen on and when you are ready, pick a card from below and scroll down to read the message.




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I asked the cards what energy, prompt, or reminder this New Moon phase is bringing to us and received the Knight of Pentacles from the Everyday Witch Tarot.




You guys, this New Moon energy is setting us on a new path. It is here to give us a kick on our butts to get serious and get started with new adventures, goals, and plans. We are being pushed to create something new by getting out of our comfort zones. For too long you have stayed in the safety of the familiar. It is now time to embark on a new journey. Unlike the Knight of Pentacles from the Rider-Waite deck, this Knight appears to be motivated and in motion.

Rome wasn’t built in a day and your dreams won’t come true overnight. Some legwork needs to go into the process of fully realizing your goals. This New Moon phase is guiding you to get started with the preliminary work by bringing focus and commitment into your life.


Are you feeling drawn to a new subject? Are you being called to learn and master new skills? Do you want to break the spell of monotony and inject your life with a sense of adventure? Do what you have to do! Now is the time and you have the resources to support you in your endeavor. Even if you don’t have the resources, trust that a door will open if your heart is in the right place.


To some of us, the prompt is to make better financial decisions and work towards bringing more security in our lives. Stop being careless with your money and explore good investment plans and options. Remember we are in the midst of Mercury Retrograde so you don’t have to start something right now but spend time exploring ideas and options. When the right one clicks and you feel prepared, you can dive in.



I would now like you to take a few deep breaths and focus on a message. You can think of a question in your mind but if you don’t have a question, simply remain open to receiving a guidance message this New Moon. When you are ready, pick a number from the below image.



If you were drawn to the number 1, beautiful soul, you must believe in your power to manifest your dreams. This New Moon phase is giving you the opportunity to birth something new with your thoughts, intentions, and actions (even a ritual, perhaps). Be clear about what you want to invite into your life and then visualize this dream taking form. It is never too late to start afresh and the Magician is reminding you that magic is not outside but within you. With that kind of power, we must take care to not give too much power to negative thoughts and beliefs. Because just as you are capable of attracting the positive, you can also end up drawing in the negative.


There is another prompt coming up for you and that is the need to tend and nurture your physical body and make contact with the healing energy of Mother Earth. Are you feeling nourished? Are you feeding your mind, body, and soul the right things? Are you feeling strong or lazy and lethargic? Spend more time in nature these next few days. Breathe in the fresh air, eat healthy and wholesome foods, Bask in the sunshine, watch the beautiful morning sky or stargaze to draw in hope, inspiration, and healing from the cosmos. Disconnect from the artificial world from time to time and reconnect with the natural world around you. Not only will this bring nourishment to you on a soul-level but it will also boost your manifestation power. If you are feeling spacey because of all the cosmic energy at play, go out and ground.





If you were drawn to the number 2, then the Queen of Wands says hello to you. She is passionate, charismatic, confident, and highly attractive. Have you been feeling this way lately? If not, this New Moon, get in touch with this fiery side of you. You may be lacking confidence in yourself and now is the perfect time to work on removing those blocks which are dimming your light and making you sell yourself short. This may be a time for you to rekindle your passion for life itself. Start by setting the intention. Meditate. Look at your beautiful self in the mirror and tell yourself that you choose not to play it small anymore. You deserve more and you welcome all the blessings into your life.


This Queen is also giving you the prompt to get out and make your presence felt in this world. Don’t be shy. Build your network, socialize, connect with new people, make new friends, and love yourself enough. Take healthy risks in life instead of being afraid of change. One of your main lessons at this time is to get in touch with your own personal power. Spirit supports you.






If you were drawn to the number 3, this New Moon energy is about confronting what you have been denying and suppressing. Maybe there are things that you are finding hard to come to terms with. Maybe there is a situation in your life that you need to face and not run from. Perhaps, you need to come to grips with your own self-sabotaging behavior. Something needs acceptance from you this New Moon and the further you run from it, the more you stop yourself from leveling up. Face this fear, situation, or harsh reality, make peace with it, learn from it, and allow it to open the way forward for you. If you must seek professional assistance, take the bold step.


I love the depiction of the World card here. Look how free this young woman is feeling! She has come to the end of a cycle and instead of fearing change or getting worked up about what’s next, she is taking the time to unwind and surrendering to whatever is up ahead of her. You too, dear one, are being encouraged by Spirit to stay in this state of calm surrender right now. Even if something is ending or leaving your life or has come full circle, there is no need to fret. Take time out for yourself, celebrate this experience, be thankful for the good times, bad times, and whatever this experience taught you and let it go with grace. Be free of stuff that has held you back for so long beautiful soul and enjoy the blessings that are yet to come with full faith in the Universe.


I hope these messages serve you well.

Blessed New Moon!

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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