New Moon Messages for April 5th, 2019




Blessed New Moon, Gorgeous Souls!



We have a New Moon coming up on the 5th of April and I have drawn some cards for us all as a collective. For this reading, I am using two decks – The Triple Goddess Tarot and the Work your light oracle cards. The messages are available in both text and video format (youtube video link below) for those who love reading and listening/watching respectively.






For those of you who are new to my site and work, I offer professional Tarot guidance readings and if you are interested in booking a reading with me, visit the Buy a Tarot Reading page or write to me at [email protected]. Let’s begin!


Beautiful Souls, all New Moon phases are marked by the themes of letting go of the old and welcoming the new. However, during this New Moon, we are quite strongly tapping into the themes of Aries (the sign in which this New Moon is taking place as per western astrology). A new path is unfolding for us.



The first card I drew for us is the Knight of wands and this represents what we are ready to release this New Moon. The immediate message that came to me was that we are ready to stop chasing things (especially the wrong things). Life doesn’t always go as per our plans and there is a hidden blessing in that too. We are being urged to stop running after things and people that, despite our best efforts, are not aligning with our current purpose and path.



I also feel that some of you are quite literally being guided to let go of a specific person in your life who is not the right match to your energy right now. This could be someone who often brings a lot of promise to the table but fails to deliver. You may have given this person too many chances but it is time to let go now.


With strong Arien themes exuding in the cards, I also feel this is a wake-up call for us to stop fantasizing and start doing. You may have received some great ideas lately to implement in your life. But what are you doing with these ideas? You may be good at starting things but do you stay committed to your projects/promises and deliver the end result? Starting now, get serious about how you will accomplish your goal(s) and start taking the action-steps.


The second card I have for us is the Fool. This card represents what we are ready to invite into our lives. We are ready to invite wonder, awe, new beginnings, and a start writing a new chapter. We are ready to let go of the old energy and map out a new journey for ourselves. Sometimes we don’t have to know what this new journey is all about. Simply being attuned to the rhythm of life and going with the flow can acquaint you with your next steps.


The last Tarot card I have for us is the 3 of wands and this card represents how we can stay committed to our growth until the next New Moon cycle. We love the rush of new beginnings. We feel so refreshed and raring to go at the thought of starting something new. But how often do we keep up and see things through the ends? The 3 of wands from the Goddess tarot to me speaks of seriousness, commitment, and dedication. It is quite literally talking about walking your talk. Both the Fool and the 3 of wands are offering us a chance to pack up our bags and leave an old situation so that we can start afresh. What baggage are you ready to shed? What are you choosing to carry with you onward?



Once you firmly decide to go after a dream, the Universe will support you in your endeavors. Opportunities will show up. If one door is closed, another will open. You have to decide and be firm with your decisions. You can develop this willpower by committing to do small things and not changing your routine because of distractions. The knight of wands perhaps is that distracting energy in your life that pulls you away from your path. Time to say no to such distractions and continue towards your real goals.



Our final message comes from the oracle card and it beautifully sums up the energy of this reading – The Initiation.

The powerful imagery of this card is laced with symbols of transformation and shedding the old (snakes). Rejoice and celebrate life because it is taking you towards a brilliant new adventure. Your current place may look dark and spooky. The Thunderbolt may have struck some situations that you thought were permanent. You may be tired of being in this desolate place in life without hope. But Spirit is bringing you this guidance today to let you know that ”You are going somewhere sacred”. You are about to reach the oasis after a difficult phase. Your challenges have prepared you to embrace a beautiful start. New experiences lie on the other side but only you can make the decision to walk this path. You make that decision by breaking bondage from situations that are holding you back.


Some of you beautiful souls have embarked on a tough spiritual journey. Your Kundalini force is rising and in the process clearing away a lot of emotional, physical and mental debris. Do not fear this transformation but embrace it. You are being led.


I hope this reading resonates and brings you guidance, insight, and that nudge that you are on the right path. Thank you for being here and for supporting my work.



Wishing All a Blessed New Moon!


Sonnyaa Siingh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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