New Moon Tarotscopes for January 24th 2020

Here are some Angel messages for this upcoming New Moon on the 24th January, 2020 for all zodiac signs. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.




Ariens, look before you leap. Thorough research is needed before you say ‘Yes’ to something. This phase is not good for acting on a whim. Pay attention to the signs and red flags. A cautious approach to situations will serve you well.



Taureans, make time to spiritually engage yourself this New Moon and know that you have something to teach and awaken in others. Soon you will be asked to counsel someone and share your wisdom. You are being called to step up and lead the way.



Gemstars, the timing is ripe to start new ventures or move in a new direction. Remain positive and you will reap positive results. The Universe is giving you the ‘Go’.



Cancerians, time to forgive someone and sort out a conflict between you and another. Let compassion be your guide this New Moon and keep others perspective in mind as well. Do not be quick to judge.




Leos, a decision needs to be made with regards to a situation and you can no longer procrastinate. However, it is important that you make a well-informed decision. If you are confused about choosing the right option, dig deeper and do some research or seek expert help.



Virgos, be open to learning new things and educating yourself at this phase. Make time to study and enhance your skills. Studying of all nature is favored for you during this phase. Maybe, plan a book reading date with yourself this New Moon.



Librans, this New moon phase brings you the opportunity to heal. Book a healing session or meditate on your favorite healing audio. Work with Archangel Raphael to assist you in healing any challenge and discomfort.



Scorpios, you are being called to step up and shine your light in this world. Be of service to others, to causes and charities this New Moon. Share your love and touch someone’s life with your kindness.




Sagittarians, this is a good time to contemplate and give birth to new ideas and situations in your life. You are safe and protected from harm’s ways. Connect with your guides and guardian angels for support and clarity on your path.



Capricornians, communication plays a big role this New Moon for you. Journal your thoughts and ideas. Writing, speaking, or discussions could be important at this time. Get creative and do not allow insecurities to hold you back in life anymore. Archangel Gabriel is working closely with you.



Aquarians, move with courage this New Moon. Invest time in clearing your energy and cutting negative cords with situations and people. Archangel Michael is working closely with you. Release the old to welcome the new.



Pisceans, rest and rejuvenate. Get enough sleep and give your body some rest. Work on healing and release inner child issues. Do something for young people for children this New Moon.

Om Namah Shivaya 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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