Pick a card for a message



Hey Gorgeous Souls,




Thank you for being here! It’s time for another pick a card reading. Are you ready?



These are general guidance messages for your soul right now and this is a time-less reading, meaning, you could be reading this post two years from now and it will still be applicable if Spirit has brought you to this post.





I want you to take a few relaxing breaths and when you feel calm, look at the image above and choose a pile that you feel drawn to. Once you have chosen your pile/number, scroll down to read the message.



If you would like to book a private reading, check your options from the  Buy a Tarot Reading section or send me a message using the Contact form. I will be happy to be of service to you. Want to know my clients have to say? Read the reviews here on my Facebook page.




Alright now! Let’s get to why you are here – the messages!






























Pile 1


Opportunities are waiting for you! Are you looking into your possibilities? Do you have faith in your potential? Opportunities won’t always come knocking on your door. You need to go look and explore to find them. A new dawn awaits you! Don’t let failures of the past create doubts and confusion in your mind. Don’t let closed doors from the past create fear. The sky truly is the limit.




Pile 2

When was the last time you took a good break to rejuvenate yourself? When was the last time you spent time healing in the laps of nature? Abundance is always there for us to receive. But sometimes, we need to be in the right physical, emotional and mental state to claim it. A soul retreat or a vacation will do you a world of good right now. And when you have returned from your sojourn, expect abundance to flow your way. What more, you will be in a much better state to give your best to the world. If you cannot afford to take a break right now, schedule some spa time or go for a good massage to release the tension.




Pile 3

Why so seriousssssss? Bring some playfulness into your life, homie! Don’t take life too seriously. Don’t let your existing circumstances stress you out. Flow in the high and low tides of this life and the waves will carry you to your destination, effortlessly. Do something fun with your partner or friends. Introduce excitement and adventure into your life and relationships. An upcoming journey or trip will prove fruitful and bring you important news.






Pile 4

Tune out of the external cacophony and tune inward for peace, healing, and guidance. Your inner wisdom wants some alone time with you. Your intuition will grow sharper and bring you helpful messages when you make time to listen to yourself through meditation or a temporary period of alone-ness. Beings from other dimensions support you now. Your ancestors, angels, guides and loved ones on the other side are around you waiting to connect with you and bring you assistance. They can only reach you through stillness. Slow down, beautiful! Don’t get influenced by the world outside. Take good care of your energy right now and engage only in gentle activities. A lot can be gained through silence and quiet.



I hope these messages serve you well now or whenever you find yourself here. Thank you for being a part of my journey and I look forward to serving you again.

~ Om Namah Shivaya ~


Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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