Pick a card for a quick message


Hey Lovely Souls,



Here’s a quick pick a card reading for anyone who needs a message right now. Just center your energy and ask – What message will help me most at this time? and scroll down.


The deck I have used in this reading is called ‘Vintage Wisdom Oracle’.




Bear in mind that this is a general reading for us all as a collective. So take what resonates. If you would like to address a more personal situation through a reading, you can book a reading with me by visiting the Buy a Tarot reading section of this site or by using the Contact form to reach me.



At card 1, you have the message of Abundance. Yay! The Abundance you are seeking is coming to you. Keep your thoughts positive and stay high vibe. Start thinking, feeling, and being in a state of abundance. This card is also speaking to me of the importance of self-care at this time. Nourish yourself in every way possible. When you feel nourished and at your best, your manifestation power doubles and the results come rapidly.






Card 2 is about Discernment. The three geishas remind us of the three monkeys who teach us to say no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil. Your actions, words, and deeds can lead to positive or negative consequences (Saturn, the hard taskmaster is about to turn retrograde). Let your actions come from a place of understanding and awareness. There is another angle to this message which you must remember and that is to be more discerning of what or who you allow into your life. What you should tolerate and where you must draw boundaries. Exercise this power.





At 3 we have the message of Divine timing. Divine timing is at play in your life right now and this is one of the core reasons why your desires are taking longer to come fruition. Don’t lose hope. Allow your situation to unfold naturally and learn to go with the flow right now. Don’t put your life on hold until you get what you are seeking. Instead, let the Universe/God/Source do the work while you focus on other areas of your life and on making the best of each moment and day.






Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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