Pick a card for a Spiritual Guidance Message



Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Happy Valentine’s day!


I received a gorgeous new deck this morning after almost a month long wait. It’s called the ‘Work your light’ Oracle cards by Rebecca Campbell with artwork by Danielle Noel. I love the excitement a new deck brings and even more, I love exploring and sharing the messages with you.


Below are three cards that I picked keeping you all in mind. Yes, I set the intention that may the most helpful reminder come through for the person who will be choosing the number or that particular card. So, go ahead and make your pick. Most of these messages are self-explanatory but I have also written a short note for you.



If you would like to book a reading with me, I offer e-mail and live readings. Please feel free to check out the Buy a Tarot reading section for that or send me an e-mail at [email protected].



Have you picked your card? Great! Let’s get to the messages then.




If you picked the first card, your message reads ‘Trust the niggle‘. This is one of my favorite cards in the deck because I strongly believe in the niggle. We all have wisdom within us that constantly guides us on our path. Some of us are in tune with this wisdom while some of us ignore it. It’s the unexplainable feeling that tells us something is up or that something needs to be done. I also love how the two figures behind are laying emphasis on the solar plexus and the third eye chakras because these are the two places from where you receive those intuitive nudges. What messages are your receiving lately? Are you turning a deaf ear to an important insight your intuition is bringing up for you right now? Listen and trust the feeling that is emanating from within you. Do not ignore the signs. Your body and spirit are guiding you towards your best path.





If you picked the middle or the second card, your message reads ‘Unbound‘. What a powerful card! Have you been feeling a huge shift taking place in your life, lately? Or perhaps, you may be in the middle of a shift right now. There is a lot of releasing happening in your life on a soul level. You may be encountering repetitive patterns right now which are begging to be released. You may find yourself in this place of learning and awareness where you are shedding old beliefs and adopting new ones. Life is bringing you face to face with situations that you must release and learn from so that you can integrate the lessons on a soul level and be free of the bindings. These bindings are what is holding you back from realizing your full potential. They held back your parents, your ancestors, and now you are being given the chance to break the unhealthy ties and set new energy in motion. Let go, beautiful soul! Be done with those beliefs, attachments, and patterns that are not in alignment with who you truly are and shine your light even more brightly. Learn from the mistakes of those who have come before you.





If you chose the third or the last card, your message reads, ‘Answer the call‘. There is no tomorrow. All we have is here and now. With this card comes a message for you to stop postponing your call to take action. Don’t tell yourself that you will do what your soul is calling you to do when you are in such and such place or when you have x amount of money or when something will happen. The moment to act is now. Something new and beautiful is calling you out. Something that is meant for you. But you have been ignoring this call or are spending too much time thinking and procrastinating. Stop! Take the first step. Don’t waste the opportunity and the idea that is given to you. Listen to the calling of your soul and take action, even if it means taking that first step only for now.



Love and Blessings!

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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