Pick a Card for the week of 13th to 19th May, 2019 (Reveal included in the post)



Hey Lovelies,



I hope the Weekly Guidance message that I posted earlier was helpful. It is now time to pick a slightly more specific message for you for this week. As we always do, take a good look at the image below and choose a pile. Go for the one that resonates with you. The messages are posted below.





Also, keep in mind that this reading is timeless. Meaning, you could bump into this post a year or a few months down the line and pick a card as well. Trust that you will be directed to the message that you need to hear the most at the time.


If you would like to receive a more personalized reading for a situation specific to you, I will be happy to do a reading for you. You can book a reading with me by visiting the Buy a Tarot reading section of this site or by using the Contact form to reach me.


Alright, onto the messages now:




If you chose pile 1, your cards are 8 of swords and Hope.


You, my loves, may be passing through what is called the ‘Dark night of the soul’ this week. Your mind may play all sorts of tricks on you and you may feel limited, stuck, and confused. A situation could make you feel trapped. But are you really helpless and out of options? I don’t think so. The first and foremost thing to understand here is that your situation, in reality, is not an impossible one. Your feelings could be intensified, leading you to believe that all hope is lost. But hope remains. The hope that things will get better and you are strong enough to pull through. Your recent setback or failure is not the end of all good tidings in your life. Make space in your life to nurture hope and positive energy. Be gentle with yourself and know that it is okay to make mistakes and stumble sometimes. The more power you give to good vibes and positive thoughts, the easier it will become to pull yourself out of the situation that is challenging you.





If you chose pile 2, your cards are the 6 of pentacles and Success.

Such lovely cards for the week ahead, loves. Expect to receive gifts, rewards, support, and blessings this week. Your situation is getting better and you will find help in the most unexpected of ways and places.  Your hard work will pay off and new doors could open for you. But don’t just sit and wait for things to happen. Go out and get engaged. Do what it takes to give yourself the chance at success. Seek support from others and put yourself out there. Also, consider donating something this week. When you give from a generous and open heart, the Universe mirrors your actions and gives back to you. If you feel called to be of service in any way to any worthy cause or person, be kind and do what you can. Sometimes, this is all you need to do to open the doors to your blessings.







If you chose pile 3, your cards are 4 of pentacles and Denial.


Remember loves that sometimes, some things are denied to us because it isn’t meant for our highest good. Or, maybe the timing is not ripe for your picking. When this happens, it is best to surrender and direct our focus on other areas that need our attention. This week is about recognizing this truth and developing the awareness that if something is being denied to you, don’t chase after it in desperation. You may be refusing to see the truth of a situation and living in denial about something. Or, you may simply be reluctant to give up on something even when it is not aligning with your path at this time. Surrender, let go, be free and most importantly, develop trust in the magic of this wondrous Universe to lead you to what is best for you. Trust in divine timing. Don’t be in a rush but allow life to move you towards your best outcome. Money management will also be crucial this week. Resist the temptation to spend or invest recklessly.


Have a Blessed Week ahead!

Sonnyaa Siingh 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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