Pick a Card Tarot Reading



Hey Lovelies!


When was the last time we did a ‘Pick a card’ reading? It’s been a while, I know. So with all the mish-mash that is happening with the current energies, let’s do a quick one card reading to channel some messages for us as a collective.





All you need to do is pick a card from the image above. Choose a number or card that calls you out and scroll down to read the message.


Do keep in mind that these are still general readings and some parts may resonate with you and some may not. Take what makes sense and fits your situation. And if you would like a personalized reading on your situation, send me a message or check out the Buy a Tarot Reading page to book a reading.


I am guessing you are done picking your number/card. Scroll down for the message.




Card 1: Knight of cups

Lovelies, you need to work on setting stronger boundaries at this time. You are more sensitive to harsh energies and negative influences right now so take better care of yourself and don’t be swayed by others opinions If you are finding it hard to make decisions, ask for guidance as you may have the tendency to keep going back and forth on matters. Follow your heart but don’t leave your brain behind. A new path may show up for you soon. Keep the faith and trust that you will be guided. Travel to a spiritual or romantic destination may come up and your sojourns will bring you a sense of peace and comfort.



Card 2: High Priestess

Pretties, yes, trust your intuition but also be wary of delusional thinking as not everything is being revealed to you at this time. It is important to move through situations slowly or wait until you have access to all the facts. Impulse can be your worse enemy right now. Meditation and mindfulness practices will help you connect with your inner wisdom so it will be worth focusing on these activities right now. Mental stability is important before you make big decisions. Some of you may be having a tough time emotionally and could be going through depression and mood swings. It is important to be gentle with yourself right now and seek help from qualified people if the situation demand. Surround yourself with supportive people and invest in self-care.






Card 3: The Tower

An often-dreaded card, the Tower is indicating that you are undergoing a cathartic experience in your life right now. Sudden and unexpected changes may be bringing up chaos and confusion. Where possible, watch your own actions and behavior. Avoid conflicts and getting into fights and arguments. For some of you, suppressed emotions may be coming out in unexpected ways. Sometimes when this happens, it is common to experience frustration, bouts of anger, and erratic behavior. Deal with these issues effectively. Find safer and healthier ways of expressing yourself. Most importantly, move through this current phase with fearlessness and courage. You can always re-create something new and more meaningful in the place of a current loss. Always.



Card 4: The Hanged Man

The Hanged man has become a stalking card for many and with the current energies, some of you may be going through a lot of suffering and pain. Your limits are being put to test and you may be making too many compromises and sacrifices to keep things going. Through this suffering comes growth, lessons, blessings and karmic fulfillment. Like the ‘Hanged-man’, keep surrendering to the Universal force and make peace with where you are. When something is out of your control, let it go. Don’t hold onto stuff that isn’t meant to be in your life right now. The Hanged man also urges you to be willing to shift your perspective and view your current challenges with a fresh set of eyes. Maybe what you need right now is a good shake up that allows you to think and do things differently from what you are used to. Perhaps, this is why your situation is triggering you towards change. One last thought – escapism may also have grown into a tendency for some of you right now. This may include dependency on substances such as alcohol or drugs. It could mean choosing to live in a world of fantasies while ignoring to confront important matters. Ignoring a problem won’t make it disappear. Pay heed.

May these messages serve you well. Until next time!

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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