The Indian Tarot Lady - Privacy Ploicy - Cover

Privacy Policy

Unveiling Your Destiny with Trust: My Tarot Privacy Policy

Welcome, seeker! As you embark on your journey through the mystical world of tarot, it’s natural to wonder about privacy. Rest assured, your secrets are safe here.

Confidentiality is Key: Everything you share during your reading, from your deepest desires to trickiest questions, stays under wraps. It’s a sacred space between you and the cards, and I would never dream of breaching that trust.

Information We Gather: Think of it like packing for an adventure! To schedule your reading, I might ask for your name and email address (think map and compass). Depending on the reading format (online or in-person), your birthdate might be needed for specific layouts (like a roadmap for the cards). But that’s all! No social security numbers, bank details, or medical records are ever requested.

Data Storage and Usage: Any information collected will be stored securely and only used for providing the tarot reading service or contacting you about your appointment. I will not share your information with third parties for marketing or any other purposes.

Your Rights: You have the right to request access to the information I hold about you. You can also request for your information to be deleted at any time.

Security: I take reasonable steps to protect your information from unauthorized access or disclosure. 

Age Restriction: I do not offer readings to anyone under the age of 18 without parental consent.

Disclaimer: Tarot readings are for guidance purposes only. I do not claim to diagnose or treat medical conditions, or offer legal or financial advice.

Updates: I reserve the right to update this privacy policy at any time.

Questions? My inbox is always open! Feel free to reach out at [email protected]

Now, with trust and transparency as our guides, let’s begin your tarot adventure!