7-Day Candle Healing Ritual – Banishing Negative Energies


Unlock a New Beginning: 7-Day Candle Healing Ritual

Embark on a transformative journey to cleanse your spirit and environment of deeply embedded negativity, evil eye effects, and any lingering negative energy. Our 7-Day Candle Healing Ritual is meticulously designed to banish unwanted influences and protect your energetic space, bringing you peace, clarity, and a renewed sense of well-being.

What This Ritual Includes:

  • Use of a Powerful 7-Knob Black Candle: Each knob of the candle represents a day of the week, ensuring a continuous and focused cleansing process. The candle is dressed with my specially crafted banishing oil and a potent blend of banishing and protection herbs.
  • Personalized Carvings: Your candle will be uniquely inscribed with your name, intentions, symbols, and sigils, tailored specifically to your needs and goals.
  • A Week of Focused Healing: Each day, one knob of the candle is burnt, systematically removing layers of negativity and reinforcing protective energies.

The Process:

  1. Booking and Initial Contact:
    • Once you book your 7-Day Candle Healing Ritual, I will reach out to you to gather essential personal details. This includes your full name, date of birth, and a photo.
    • We will also have a brief chat to discuss your specific intentions and what you hope to achieve through this ritual.
  2. Preparation:
    • With your personal details and our discussion in mind, I will carefully dress your candle with my powerful banishing oil and a blend of protective herbs.
    • Your intentions, name, symbols, and sigils will be meticulously carved into the candle, ensuring a deeply personal and effective ritual.
  3. The Ritual:
    • The ritual will commence on a Saturday during Saturn’s hour, a time renowned for its powerful influence in removing negativity and banishing unwanted energies.
    • Each day, a knob of the candle will be burnt, focusing on removing layers of negativity and fortifying your protection.

The Significance of Saturdays and Saturn’s Hour:

Saturdays are ruled by Saturn, the planet associated with discipline, protection, and the removal of obstacles. Performing this ritual on a Saturday during Saturn’s hour enhances its potency, ensuring that the energies are perfectly aligned for maximum effectiveness. Saturn’s influence aids in breaking down barriers, banishing negativity, and providing a protective shield, making it the ideal time for such a profound healing process.

Embrace this opportunity to cleanse your spirit and space. Let go of what no longer serves you and invite in the light of positivity and protection with our 7-Day Candle Healing Ritual.


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