Self-Empowerment Guidance Series Day 3 – 16th February, 2020

Guidance towards self-empowerment – Day 3 – 16th February 2020 or whenever you feel guided towards this post.




Be Proactive + 5 of pentacles



Nobody will come to save you. You must take responsibility for your healing and learn to disengage from disempowering thoughts, attitudes, and behavior. That is the essence of today’s guidance message.



The problem is, many of us don’t try enough or try harder. Sometimes, the solution is right in front of us but we hesitate to pick up the key and open the door that will help us get out of the funk.






Today, recognize that you are not a victim. The power to your freedom and healing very much lies within you. Yes, sometimes it takes some kindred souls on our path to give us a kick in the butt and encourage us to walk the path. But it is you who still needs to walk the path. So don’t wait and waste time. Don’t bank on someone else to come rescue you. Maybe someone will show up to rescue you after all, but what about the wound that is still festering inside? When will you allow it to heal and stop giving you the aches and pain?




Being proactive also means not waiting for shit to hit the fan and taking action steps before or in time to save you from any discomfort. Remember that saying, that a stitch in time saves nine? Identify the areas of your life that need addressing at this time and start working towards your betterment and growth.





Today, also make sure that you are fully utilizing all the resources and tools that are at your disposal to combat any challenge you are facing. For instance, there are numerous self-help books available these days on almost any topic of concern on your mind. If you are not a bookworm, a wide range of services, professionals, and support groups are made available at your convenience as well. Our current times are replete with such resources and the best you can do is to take advantage of this help.



We all have the potential and the power to overcome all adversities. All we must do is awaken our inner strength and recognize the light within us. Know that you can support yourself. Instead of throwing in the towel, we must recall that alternatives and solutions are always available to us. We just need to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, do what needs to be done and start all over again. Be proactive!



Om Namah Shivaya



Each day, for 7 days, I wish to focus on themes that will help us empower ourselves, become more productive, heal, and grow. I am working with Tarot + Oracle cards to give us a sense of direction and divinely guided nudges to take the first steps on this path. Join me in consciously creating your own success, overcoming blocks through the sheer power of self-motivation and efforts. I hope you will find this little endeavor valuable. 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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