Spiritual Guidance for Relationships for 11th to 17th January, 2021

Beautiful Souls!


Thank you for being here and for taking the time out to read this post. Today, we will look at the energy for next week (11th to 17th January) for relationships. This could be our love life or our relationships in general with our loved ones. Take what resonates and leave the rest.

Yesterday, I wrote a similar post on the topic of Abundance and Money. If you missed it, you can check it out here (click on the hyperlink).

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Beloved Souls! We have a few things to discuss in matters of the heart for the upcoming week. Firstly, many of you must be going through heartache at this time from the failure of a relationship, betrayal of trust, disappointing events in a partnership, or from an old wound that has taken a lot of time to heal. Sending you a warm hug! Next week, the feelings may intensify, making you feel helpless and hopeless. This is a time of healing for you and no matter how much the world tries to advise you on moving on and feeling better, it is only you that can participate in your healing and rise above the situation. Others can, of course, stand to support, but you have to the heavy-lifting of working through your emotions and finding liberation in the end.

It is but natural to be bombarded by negative thoughts and uncertainties of the future when going through such a phase. The Universe brings to you the guidance to not be consumed by negative thinking. It may seem like the end of the world or that there isn’t much hope left, yet only you can raise yourself to a high vibrational state by redirecting your focus towards what you want and not what you fear.

Some of you may be involved in a relationship with someone yet find it hard to trust the person and the relationship. You may fear that the same old patterns will repeat or something terrible can end up happening this time as well. You may even be playing out the same destructive patterns this time in a new connection as well. Again, letting your past experiences write the story of your present life is a sure-shot way of wrecking your existing relationship too. Take responsibility for your actions. Every relationship needs love, effort, trust, time, and a new foundation to sustain and in time, flourish. Do not be led by past narratives.


Even in existing relationships, we are being guided to put in the effort. Demonstrate small acts of care and affection to your partner and try to keep the whining and complaining at bay. Find better and non-demanding ways of communicating your point of view. Perhaps, you are the one who needs to strike a compromise and put your weapon down. Do not be led by ego. Do what it takes to make your relationship function in a healthy and smooth way.

The Chariot card reversed is showing us that we may not be taking charge of the situation in our love lives and letting things simply ramble on. We may be trusting the flow a little too much without really identifying our role in a relationship. As singles seeking love, we may be too focused on getting ahead and finding someone quickly rather than do the inner work and find balance and peace within our self. We may not be coming from a place of intelligence and pure emotions but could be getting influenced by extraneous factors that could be derailing our relationship or the chances at one, or dismantling the effort we have put in so far.

Get your act straight and bring back the missing balance in your life. Do not be taken in by negative patterns within your self and remember that you are in charge of how things pan out and where they go. To some of you, there is a message today to attempt moving forward from a toxic connection or a dead relationship. Thanks to a few bad experiences, at times we hide from the world and don’t really put in the effort to even date someone new. We feel too scared to put ourselves out there. This is a week to change that and overcome that fear that is holding you back.

For some of you, career or other areas of life could be taking precedence at the moment. So much so that you have forgotten to give importance or make time for your relationship. Maybe you travel too much or your partner does. Maybe you are too pre-occupied with your own self that you have forgotten to give the time and nourishment to your relationship. This week, put the effort to make your partner feel special. Take out the quality time to cherish your loved ones or your beloved.

This message is for the collective and hence has many different shades to it. Go with the one that resonates to you. I hope you find insights and guidance in this message and that this message warms your heart and inspires you towards creating a healthy and balanced relationship.

Sending you love,


Sonya Singh 
Om Namah Shivaya 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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