Strawberry Full Moon: Pick Your Number for Personal Guidance! June 21st, 2024

Hey Beautiful Souls,


Get ready to witness the enchanting Strawberry Full Moon illuminating the sky on June 21, 2024. To celebrate this celestial event, I’ve crafted a special Pick a Number reading just for you. If you haven’t already chosen, take a moment to select a number or pick a symbolic animal or bird that resonates most with you from the image below.

Full Moon Reading - The Indian Tarot Lady

Significance of this Strawberry Full Moon

The Algonquin tribes named this full moon to mark the peak season for harvesting plump, juicy strawberries. In Europe, it’s known as the Rose Moon for the abundance of blooming roses, and even the Mead Moon for the honey harvests that coincide with this time. Across cultures, the Strawberry Moon whispers of love, prosperity, and achieving abundance.

Astrological Significance

Astrologically, the 2024 Strawberry Moon falls under the zodiac sign of Capricorn, renowned for its emphasis on ambition, responsibility, and achievement. This alignment enhances the energy surrounding goal-setting, career advancement, and the practical pursuit of your dreams.

What makes this year particularly special is the rare overlap with the summer solstice, marking the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere. This cosmic convergence promises an intensified period of energy and momentum, ideal for propelling your plans forward with vigor and purpose.


Did you pick your number?

Alright! So, if you have chosen the number for your message, let us get straight to the message. If you want to jump straight to the message, use the ‘Table of Contents’ above to go to your number to read your message.

Number 1: The Owl

Full Moon Reading - The Indian Tarot Lady

Hey Beautiful Soul, were you drawn to the Owl in pile 1? Well, I’ve got some news for you. Significant chapters are closing in your life. What I sense is that these closures are closely related to karma you have wrapped up. You will witness big shifts and changes in the coming days. Embrace change—it’s inevitable. Right now, the energy of this Full Moon provides the perfect opportunity to acknowledge and energetically cut ties with everything that has served its purpose, whether disappointing or beautiful.

In the days ahead, you have some tidying up to do. Get clear and organized in your approach and lifestyle. Clear out things that weigh on your schedule and life without purpose, and perhaps declutter your space. Some things deserve to go, and this will feel like a cleansing phase. You’re clearing out the old to make space for the new.

The coming days will require you to summon your fighting spirit and assertiveness as you navigate life and its challenges. Stay active and energetic. Ensure your diet meets your body’s requirements and that you are sufficiently nourished to exert the energy needed. It’s time for action.


And another thing—avoid conflict! There’s a high likelihood that people and situations could trigger your emotions and push your buttons. Remember, you are in charge of your emotions. Move through these phases with self-control and choose your responses carefully. Don’t react in the heat of the moment; take time off if you feel rushed or pressured to decide.

Beautiful Soul, wrap up things that have served their purpose. Don’t become too attached to past successes or recent achievements. Be prepared and proactive. Clear your space, energy, and life of all things negative, unnecessary, and burdensome. Move forward with courage because the path ahead will demand more energy from you.

Number 2: The Wolf

Full Moon Reading - The Indian Tarot Lady

Dear Beautiful Soul,

If The Wolf in pile 2 caught your attention during this Strawberry Full Moon reading, there are a few insights I’d like to share with you. Firstly, this Full Moon cycle encourages deep reflection on negative patterns and behaviors that may be impacting your relationships and your ability to connect with others.

Consider which toxic ties or unhealthy patterns you’re ready to release in your relationships:

  • Fear of commitment
  • Need for validation
  • Co-dependency
  • Jealousy or possessiveness
  • Fear of vulnerability

The Full Moon’s energy is all about shedding what no longer serves you. By acknowledging these issues, the Full Moon offers you a powerful opportunity to let them go, paving the way for more fulfilling and balanced connections.

Another significant aspect highlighted in your reading is the importance of releasing negative self-beliefs that affect not only your relationships but also your connection to the world around you. Whether it’s overcoming low self-esteem or adjusting unrealistic expectations, now is the time to work on these aspects.

Beautiful Soul, in the days ahead, the Universe invites you to open up and engage with the world. Seek out a community or soul tribe that nurtures and supports your growth. Embrace opportunities to expand your social circle and enhance your social skills, allowing you to connect with like-minded individuals who inspire you to evolve.

You’re encouraged to be more outgoing and people-focused, particularly in cultivating healthy relationships and releasing patterns that hinder your ability to form lasting bonds or find meaningful connections.

Lastly, take time to celebrate and appreciate those who enrich your life with their support and positivity.


Embrace this transformative time with openness and courage. The path ahead is about growth, connection, and embracing the best version of yourself.

Number 3: The Deer

Full Moon Reading - The Indian Tarot Lady

Dear friends who chose the third pile and the Deer for this Full Moon phase,

During this time, it’s crucial to release negativity and anything that drains your energy or holds you back from true happiness. Let go of anything that hinders your joy, stability, or sense of belonging.

Additionally, take a moment to acknowledge your hard work and achievements. Don’t underestimate yourself. Combat any self-doubt with evidence of your success. Shift your focus to gratitude for what you’ve accomplished. Thank yourself sincerely for your dedication and effort. Celebrate your successes from a place of confidence, not doubt.

Some of you may need to refocus your energy and get serious about your life goals. If celebrations or distractions have been taking up too much of your time, consider cutting back. Redirect your attention to what truly matters and avoid activities that drain your energy and delay your progress.


Embrace gratitude for your journey so far and release the need for constant validation. Celebrate your progress without feeling the pressure to prove yourself to others.

The key word for this Full Moon is “exploration.” Break free from any restrictions in your life and open yourself to new possibilities and experiences. If you’ve been stuck in a rut or following the same old routines, it’s time to expand your horizons. Approach life with a fresh perspective and explore different options and methods.

Looking ahead to the next lunar cycle, expect a positive period of financial abundance and enjoying life’s pleasures. Embrace your independence and trust in your ability to handle challenges on your own terms. Take time to connect with nature, find peace in outdoor activities, or simply appreciate the beauty around you.

Pamper yourself with luxuries that bring you joy and embrace the material aspects of life without guilt. This upcoming phase promises prosperity, satisfaction, and the rewards of your hard work. Enjoy this time of abundance and stability and celebrate your achievements with gratitude and fulfillment.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 238

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