The Fool Tarot Card Meaning – Astro Tarot Series

Hello Beautiful Souls! I have been meaning to share so much with you and today, I want to start the Tarot Astrology series.


Many of you who are adept at Tarot may already be aware of Tarot and its Astrological associations. However, for those of you who are not, I hope this series will serve purposeful.

Tarot Cards and Astrology have many parallels. Sometimes, the correlations is obvious whilst at others, you may have to dig deeper.

Each week, we will look at one card from the Tarot and understand its Astrological association and meanings.

I also have a FREE downloadable for you at the end of this post where I have shared the meanings of Uranus in different signs using Tarot cards as the premise.


Let us begin with the very first card of the Major Arcana numbered 0 – The Fool. The Fool in the Tarot is linked to the planet Uranus. Let us understand Uranus a little first.

Uranus is one of the outer planets. It was discovered by Sir William Herchel on 13th March 1781.

Here is an interesting take on Uranus from the Mythological lens. The story goes that Uranus was born from Mother Earth (Gaia) and later mated with her, giving birth to the race of the Titans.

The Titans ruled the Earth until they were overthrown by the Olympian Gods and Goddesses who were lead by Saturn. Saturn is said to have had Uranus castrated and out of the castrated genitals the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, was born. Aphrodite also goes by the name of Venus.


Uranus is known as the Rebel and fittingly enough if we go by the story above. Uranus is a shocker, and it brings abrupt changes.

It is a planet that shuns convention, is original and inventive. It is known for individualism, originality, revolutionary change and personal transformation.

Uranus rules technology, electricity, and everything on the cutting edge. On a positive note, Uranus brings flashes of insights, brilliant ideas, inventions, and technological advancements.

On the negative side, this planet can stir up chaos, disruption, turmoil, restlessness, wild rebellion, and agitated states of mind.

Even the symbol used to represent Uranus looks like a satellite with antennas that aptly fits its association to cutting edge technology.


Is it any surprise that The Fool is associated with this planet? Take a look at the Fool.

He showcases eccentricity, creates a shock because of his demeanor and outward appearance wherever he goes, and does not like to be constrained.

The Fool loves his freedom and does not fit in with the ordinary. The Fool is a rebel, and he would much rather follow his own path than follow the one that is charted out by others before him.

Who else would be ballsy enough to walk towards the edge of a cliff without any fear of the consequences and ignore the warnings and concerns of those who are assumptively concerned about his safety and well-being (Dog in the picture)?

When you look at the Fool card from an Astrological point of view next time, think of someone who is carefree and eccentric.


Someone who likes going to the extremes and does not fit in with the customary norms of society. This is a person who could be technology savvy, the mad scientist so to speak, and a radical person who brings change in the society in a rather shocking manner.

Both the Fool and Uranus represent innovation and the spirit of invention. On the plus side, this daring, unconventional attitude leads to revolution and change in the society.

Even on a personal level, the energy of Uranus (Fool) helps one break out of limited thinking and fosters individualism, originality, and new discoveries. If we wouldn’t take that risk, we would never learn and grow.

When representing a situation, The Fool card could point towards abrupt changes, the need to break out of old ways of thinking and doing things and breaking free of limitations.

If reversed or negatively aspected this same card could mean rebellion, restlessness and agitation, and doing things without any concern for the past, present, or the future.


The next time the Fool pops into your reading, think Uranus and notice if this is someone trying to introduce innovation and originality which is much needed or someone trying to stir up chaos and disruption because of their reckless behavior.

And now, I have something to share with you that will be useful in deepening your insight and enhancing your understanding when it comes how Uranus acts in different zodiac signs from the perspective of Tarot.

Click on the link below to download your 3-page Astro-Tarot Combination Guide of Uranus in different signs.

I hope this post has been helpful and that it will offer you some new insights about looking at the Tarot cards from Astrology’s standpoint.

I will see you in the next post where we will examine the Magician card at length through the eye of Astrology.

If you wish to get a personal reading from me, you can reach out to me through my website, social media, or email – [email protected].


Have a lovely day!

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 238

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