Tarot Horoscopes for 11th to 17th February, 2019

Hey Gorgeous Souls,


Thank you for being here! Below are some messages and insights for the week ahead. The reading was done keeping your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in mind so feel free to check for all three.

These are general messages for all zodiac signs as a collective. If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries via the Contact page or visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section of my website.

Oh, and don’t forget to share or tag someone who may find this post helpful.



Aries, take a break from situations and connections that are depleting your energy. It is absolutely okay to walk away from things that are no longer serving you well. If you are feeling an emotional disconnect with things that once made you happy, step back and reclaim your space to gain clarity and perspective. This week bodes well for business and profit related matters as you may see the results of past endeavors. Nevertheless, make wise decisions where money and business is concerned.



Taureans, you may find yourself in the midst of some decision-making this week. Confusion is in the air and you are unsure of what path to take. You will find it much easier to determine the best choice for you if you drop the serious attitude and have some fun. Answers and clarity come when you are not absorbed knee-deep in stress so include some fun and frivolity in your life. Sometimes, the answers can be right in front of us while we choose to overlook them. Don’t turn a blind eye towards what is apparent.


Gemstars, healing doesn’t always come in solitude. Sometimes, healing and optimism find it’s way into our life through others. If you have the chance to be part of celebrations, gatherings, and reunions, don’t turn the invite down. This week bring signs of hope and reassurance of your path. Let the light in. Deep cleansing is happening in your life on some level. Do not hold onto what you should be leaving.


Cancerians, you are being encouraged to seek and accumulate knowledge this week. Before you proceed towards your chosen path, make sure you have done the necessary research. Seek advice from an expert or a knowledgeable person who can guide you in matters that are not clear. Mentors could be especially helpful to you this week. This is also a good week to start a new course, join a workshop, or take action steps towards further education. On an emotional level, a dream or a person is calling out to you. Follow your heart.


Leos, a new job or learning curve is presenting itself this week. Stay focused and dedicated if you want to learn and master new concepts. This week will keep you mostly occupied with your work which is a good thing if you run a business of your own. Make sure you are sensitive and understanding of your client’s needs. But at the same time, don’t end up ignoring opportunities to relax and spend quality time with your loved ones. I also see that a young woman will be playing an important role in some of your lives this week. This could be a sister, a friend, a daughter, a colleague, or a lover.



Virgos, an important message is coming your way this week. This message could prompt you to travel or make an important decision. If you have been waiting for some news, this week may bring you the message. Some of you may also need some downtime this week and temporarily disconnecting from the hullabaloo will do your soul plenty of good. If your job requires you to sit in one place for long durations or if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then try to get up and move around a little. Go on long walks. A walk by the beach can be therapeutic to your well-being, as well.


Librans, the emphasis this upcoming week is mainly on matters of the heart. Love is in the air. In some cases, I see someone from your past or someone you have known in the past, making contact with you as well. Expect to receive gifts, invitations, and be wooed with flowers. This week’s message is also encouraging you to clear old relationship energies in order to invite new connections into your life. Make time for your loved ones and do something nice and kind for those who add joy and meaning to your life.


Scorpios, this week brings you opportunities to socialize and join celebrations. But you have to keep your indulgences in check to avoid experiencing burnout or falling ill. Do not go to the extremes as this can have a bad effect on your health. Pay attention to your diet this week. I feel like some of you could contract a stomach infection if you don’t watch what you eat. Make sure the food you eat is clean and healthy. On the plus side, recovery from an illness is on the cards for some. Have fun but know your limits.


Archers, the cards foretell that a positive week is in store for you. You have all the potential and skills to successfully complete pending tasks and projects. This, in turn, will earn you rewards, recognition and a sense of relief. Don’t be lazy and start ticking off all pending tasks on your checklist. Some of you are also likely to receive a gift in the mail, preferably from a faraway place. Even if a situation comes to an end and leaves you confused in the moment, think of it as a blessing in disguise.


Cappies, this week will bring an end to some confusing matters and offer you more clarity. Even if the right thing to do seems to be the hardest decision to make, do it anyway. There are some hidden enemies around you, Capricorn; People or opponents who don’t have your best interest at heart. While you cannot always tell who is who, be slow to trust and don’t take people blindly into confidence this week. Do your best and be meticulous with the work you do, so that you don’t leave room for others to complain or take advantage of you. Some hidden agendas or dark secrets may also be revealed this week.



Aquarians, this week requires you to be more proactive and courageous in approach towards life. Don’t sit and wait for things to happen but take responsibility to make things happen for you. Stand up for your beliefs and be loyal to your cause. It is also time to stop resting on your laurels or past accomplishments and put a new idea/plan into motion. Take note of the new ideas that you are receiving and work on them. A wish may come true, as well, this week.


Pisceans, an important choice lies ahead of you and you may not be fully equipped to make this decision on your own. Seek out the right person to guide you and pay heed to wise counsel. A teacher, mentor, professional advisor, or a wise person will have the right guidance for you. Important matters should be dealt with at the earliest. Don’t waste time delaying. I also see some happy moments in the cards for you this week. Make room for joyful activities.


Love and Blessings

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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