Free Tarot Horoscopes for July 17-23

Namaste Beautiful Souls! Welcome to another edition of your Free Tarot Horoscopes (Guidance for zodiac signs derived from Tarot cards) to get a peek into the energy of the week ahead.


I hope these messages will serve you well. If you would like to book a reading, send me an email at [email protected] or use the contact form on my site.

ARIES Tarot Horoscope

Dear Ariens, this week, you stand very close to accomplishing something. Your hard work and sincere effort are going to pay off. The 3 of Coins card is advising you to take all the help you can get in making your dream, goal, or project come to fruition.

Ariens typically don’t like asking for help and are known for their leadership skills but working as a team and asking for help is going to help you get better results and reach your goal faster. This is also a great week for collaborations.

Your instincts are sharp this week and I want you to trust your intuition when it comes to making decisions and discerning important matters. Trust your vision and don’t let small bumps on the road bring you down. Focus on the bigger picture.


There is a good chance of a partnership or a connection in your life coming to an end this week. Don’t let this dampen your energy. Again, in the bigger scheme of life, this may be one of those ‘meant-to-be’ things at present. Accept the present and keep moving forward with your focus in place.

TAURUS Tarot Horoscope

Dear Taureans, you are in a sensitive place this week and Spirit brings you a very powerful message to Face your Fears.

Facing our fears is not always easy, I get it. Yet, what you have been fearing to face holds the key to your transformation and liberation.

This week, I want you to accept whatever it is that is creating discomfort within you. Don’t just face it but also understand and take the steps towards overcoming this challenge.


There is something that will bring sorrow and dissatisfaction to many Taureans in the coming days but rest assured that this is only a temporary situation.

You must also take very good care of your emotional self this week, Taureans. Do things that boost your energy levels and make you happy. Find wonder and awe in the simple things of life and notice what your heart is telling you.

The silver lining to this week is that despite some heavy emotions surfacing up, the Universe is going to grant one of wishes. Something that you sincerely have wanted will come to pass.

GEMINI Tarot Horoscope

Dear Geminis, the world is your oyster, and many brilliant possibilities exist for you. However, you must push yourself out of your comfort zone and explore these opportunities if you are to make progress. Let this be a week of exploration, positively guided action, and believing in yourself.

I sense many Geminis feeling discontented with some aspect of their life. The more you remain in this state, the more subdued and demotivated you will continue to feel.


The lightening Bug has shown up as your medicine and is telling you that you Attract through Glow. When you glow with confidence and positivity, your aura brightens up and acts like a magnet, drawing all the good things into your life.

So don’t forget to let your inner magic shine this week. Look your best and do your best. A lot of goodness exists around you if only you can look at the world from a refreshing perspective.

A man with dark complexion or hair is likely to play an important role in your life in the days to come.

CANCER Tarot Horoscope

Dear Cancerians, somethings are weighing heavily on your heart and overwhelming you this week. I sense many Cancerians feeling hurt, disappointed, or holding an old grudge or pain that could be making you passive aggressive or frustrated.

This week is about bringing a shift in your Perception and finding a way to release this pain and finding your peace.


Are you burying your head in the sand when it comes to a painful situation that you perhaps don’t wish to face? Or is a bitter experience from your past blocking your ability to see things from a fresh pair of eyes and experience life more fully?

Understand that our emotions can paint the world as either good or bad and I urge you this week to gain control over your thoughts and not allow the negative chatter in your mind to overpower you.

This week requires that you act cleverly where important business decisions or investments are concerned. Heavy emotional energy can only dampen your ability to think clearly and make the right calls.

Being focused is what you must strive for and set new goals for yourself. A birth of something new is highlighted on the cards for you, Cancerians, but if you remain lost in a false perception, you could end up missing out on the beautiful, new experiences that life has to offer.

LEO Tarot Horoscope

Dear Leos, situations this week can test your inner strength and perseverance. But let me tell you that you are capable of beating the odds and emerging out of them. The trick is to not give up.


Drawing your boundaries and learning to say ‘No’ are the lessons that life wants to teach you. Knowing where to draw the line is crucial.

Also, don’t let others overstep your boundaries and take you for granted. Somethings are bound to make you dissatisfied this week, but these are only temporary situations.

When I look at the big picture, I see you climbing the ladder of success one rung at a time. You are rising whether you notice this or not.

Don’t let trivial matters deviate you from your path and shake up your faith.

VIRGO Tarot Horoscope

Dear Virgos, this week is about clearing the mental fog that is making you feel indecisive. Focus is your keyword.

If there are things that are confusing you in life, seek clarity or cut through the disarray. Clear your mind and rid yourself of any disorderliness from your life.


Virgos are known to be sticklers for order and perfection, and this is much needed in your life in the days to come.

This week, I see a reunion taking place in your life. An old friend may pop back into your life. If you have lost touch with a good friend, reach out to them or send them a note. It will be pleasant.

Many Virgos may experience reconciliation as well. Past grudges can be dissolved, and a fresh start can take place this week.

The Universe is telling you that no matter what difficulty you may be undergoing right now, know that things will get better and you will be taken care of.

LIBRA Tarot Horoscope

Dear Librans, this can be quite an eruptive week for you if you allow things to mess with your head.


What you really need is a lot of love, nurturing, and care and yet, your environment may offer stress and disarray which could tip the scales of balance and disrupt your harmony. Librans are not happy when life is seems out of balance.

You may experience some friction with family and friends. Someone in your life may place huge expectations on you and could treat you very critically. Take care when dealing with this person.

Many Librans will feel a sense of discontentment in an area of life this week. But, the Universe is telling you that you are a Master Manifestor. If you put your thoughts and energy towards things that are creating unfulfiment in your life, you will end up feeling disgruntled.

Focus your energy towards the right things and lo and behold, you will begin noticing miraculous shifts taking place in your life.


You are in a powerful place when it comes to manifestation, so play your cards right. Get away from people who are proving to be difficult.

You need emotional security and care this week and if people around you are overlooking this need, then it is better to step aside and tend to your nurturing and care.

Librans, some opportunities could come your way this week and it is important that you stay focused and clear if you want to grab them. Else, you stand to miss out on some wonderful chances because of emotional problems.

SCORPIO Tarot Horoscope

Dear Scorpios, this week you may experience some anxious moments and worries. Some plans may not go as per your expectations, and this could naturally trigger your fears and insecurities.

This week, you must take very good care of mental and emotional health. Don’t fall for illusory thinking. Your state of mind could exaggerate tiny problems and you could end up making a mountain out of a molehill.

Scorpios, Spirit wants you to know that Destiny is very strongly at play in your life at this time. Even though you may feel like you are going nowhere or that life is not moving as per your plans, there is a bigger force at work that is leading you exactly where you are supposed to be.

Keep the faith that life knows exactly what you want and it is leading you there.

This week, you must take care who you share things with. There is a gossiper around you who could spill all your secrets to others. Do not engage in gossips and don’t confide in people blindly.

SAGITTARIUS Tarot Horoscope

Dear Sagittarians, unbridled fire burns within you this week and this can be both constructive as well as destructive, therefore, I am going to start by saying that you must handle your emotions and impulses with care.

Your passion towards your goals and your persuasive powers are very strong right now. You can convince anyone, and your leadership qualities will be at their best. Take advantage of this energy especially at work and important meetings.

Also, Archers, there are some problems that need your attention and must be attended to this week. Do not procrastinate.

This week also brings big changes in the lives of many Sagittarians. This change could be very literal such as a house move or relocation or it can be a shift in your attitude and personality.

Like a Butterly, you are going through an inner metamorphosis, shedding the old parts and emerging with a new skin.

Often these transformational times can be difficult to handle. So, take care and choose to be constructive and not destructive this week.

CAPRICORN Tarot Horoscope

Dear Capricorns, you need a break from all the humdrum and the busy-ness of life, and this week requires you to take a mental or even a physical break, if you can afford to. A vacation can do wonders for you.

Life may be throwing frustrating situations at you and if you allow yourself to get impacted at every small setback and misadventure, you will burn a lot of energy and feel more frustrated. Instead, deal with challenges in a composed manner and allow your wisdom to lead the day and not your rage.

If you feel that Abundance is eluding you, it is because you are disconnected from the Abundance mindset.

It is not that you are not meant to attract the good things in life, it is just that you may be out of alignment with being in the flow. Raise your vibration, clear your energy and get back in the groove.

Don’t overlook the little red flags that could crop up this week in any matter. These are warning signs to course-correct now so that you don’t suffer in the future.

Avoid greed at all costs.

AQUARIUS Tarot Horoscope

Dear Aquarians, your heart is in need of some healing this week. Spirit is guiding you to not be led by the narratives of your past. You cannot view your present in the light of your future.

I see many Aquarians feeling indecisive and unfocused in the coming days. If you want to make progress, you must set realistic goals and bring some order and structure into your life.

Spiritual blessings surround you and you will receive signs, omens, and guidance on how to move forward. You will be shown the way to move forward so make some time to connect with your own inner divinity and the divine energies.

Where relationships are concerned, this can be a fruitful week for many Aquarians. Someone new is entering your life. This connection can be a romantic or platonic in nature.

What is important is that this is a week where you may connect with people who resonate with you on a soul level. Work on healing relationship issues and be kind and compassionate when it comes to your partner and your loved ones.

Heal issues from the past that bring up fear within you and do not let past mishappenings, dictate your present.

PISCES Tarot Horoscopes

Dear Pisceans, important announcements will be made this week. The days to come may see many Pisceans entering new contracts and taking on new commitments.

Legal matters can be of importance as well with you entering into some kind of a deal. Make sure you read the fine print carefully before committing yourself to something.

Pisceans, this week asks you to take back your power from any situation or person that is turning out to be detrimental for you. I see the need for you to draw sacred boundaries and not give your full access to people who are misusing it and feeding off of your energy and kindness of heart.

Spirit is asking you to get out of a situation before it’s too late. This situation has given you sufficient signs that it is not good for you.

This week, justice will be served, and the karmic payback will be restored. If you are on the right side of things, then know that you will get what you deserve. Maintain balance in your life and be fair in all your dealings.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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