Tarotscopes for Love and Abundance – Venus in Pisces – 3rd to 28th February, 2020

Hey Beautiful Souls,


According to Sidereal astrology, which I diligently follow, Venus entered the sign of Pisces on the 3rd where it is exalted (meaning, Venus is very comfortable and happy in Pisces) and will remain here till the end of the month (28th February). As Venus stands for love, beauty, relationships, luxury, and physical pleasures, this period will prove significant for both relationships as well as abundance.

In this post,I would like to share short messages for each zodiac signs in the areas of love, relationships (of all nature) and abundance (which can translate to money for some) through the lens of Tarot cards and not astrology.

These are general messages and may not resonate with all. However, give them a chance to see how they may play out for you this season and take what resonates, leaving behind what doesn’t.

For private readings, write to [email protected] or send me a message on any of my social media handles.


Blessings and Love.




Dear Ariens, the Goddess of love wants you to be free-spirited and have fun this season. Bring out your playful side and be flexible in all your relationships. Some of you may be thinking or dreaming of a person who has narcissistic and egoistic tendencies. This person could be giving you the cold shoulder and acting distant because of pride or fear. However, you are on their mind and they do think of you often. If you find yourself displaying these tendencies, then it important to keep the ego aside and have an open discussion. For some of you, I am also picking up a one-sided relationship coming into play. Someone you are chasing is self-absorbed and the best thing to do is to focus on your own happiness and keep having fun. Don’t wait for this person to make you feel special. You also have the guidance to get out of your comfort zones and be open to talking, hanging out with and dating people who may be different from what you are used to. Experiment.

Abundance message: Ariens, you must get focused on your goals this season and block out any and all distractions if you want to see progress in your material and financial pursuits. Also, feel free to block numbers and people who could be adding more strain into your life and giving you unnecessary headaches. This is a period to offer your undivided attention to your life purpose and prioritize your ambitions.




Taureans, Lady Love rules your zodiac sign and she brings blessings to you in the form of new and improved connections and even celebrations. New beginnings are on the horizon for many of you. This is a time where you may meet like-minded friends and even a lover, so don’t hold back from putting yourself out there. I am seeing new dates, parties, and celebratory events on your cards. There is a small piece of advice to bear in mind though. Be careful of people who may create interference in your relationships this season. This could be intentional or unintentional but don’t get negatively influenced by someone’s ill thoughts. A lot of times, people plant seeds of doubts in our hearts in the name of practical advice. The more you trust yourself the better.


Abundance message: Where financed and abundance is concerned, this is a time to be open to working with others. Ask and accept help. Do not be shy or afraid of letting others know that you need assistance. Sometimes, our answered prayers come in the form of other people showing up on our paths to help us. Be aware. Having said that, unexpected help will show up for you from others this month.




Gemstars, Lady love says that someone likes you and is having a crush on you this month. Your cool as cucumber attitude will attract admiration and attraction your way. There could be a lot of flirting happening this month and chances to date will be available to you. Some of you have the guidance to trust in the process and not be too desperate in the love department. I am also sensing strong triggers coming up for many of you this season. There is a danger of overreacting and making bad decisions based on fleeting emotions that you must be aware and alert of. Do not take out your frustrations on those you love. Be chill!

Abundance message: Faith, positivity, and optimism can work wonders and create miracles in your life this month where finances are concerned, Gemstars. Do not let negative thoughts take home in your mind. Keep going and keep having faith. That is the secret sauce to manifesting abundance that will work beautifully well for you.




Cancerians, someone is stalking you and watching you from afar. You are the center of attraction in someone’s mind. Be prepared for surprises in love this season. There is also a message for you to choose healthy and supportive relationships over imbalanced ones. The ‘opposites attract’ theory may not work for you. Instead, someone compatible and on the same page is who you will vibe well with and your chances of finding them are huge during this Venusian phase. I am also sensing that some of you are afraid to be loved, Cancerians. In order to get hurt, you often run away or sabotage your relationships. Or, it could be that when things get real, you have a tendency to back out. You must work on breaking this pattern now and allow healthy relationships to bloom.

Abundance message: Cancerians, the money you are looking for will come your way. Your dreams will be funded and supported. Expect help from people and unexpected sources. Expect the Universe to help you in making your dreams come true through unforeseen and synchronistic assistance. Partnerships are also favored for many this season.





Dear Leos, the Goddess of love advises that you make more time for self-care and self-love this month. Work on raising your self-esteem and consciously decide who and what deserves your attention. If someone does not value your true worth, cut them loose. Some of you may be dealing with an individual who is highly egoistic and displays narcissistic tendencies. Beware of manipulation coming from this person. Pay attention to the red flags as this person may not be sharing their complete truth with you. Take the time to get to know people better when it comes to friendships, romance, and dating before making up your mind.

Abundance message: This is going to be a highly positive period for you where abundance is concerned, Leos. You will receive help from various sources and a windfall is on its way. Your needs will be met and everything will be taken care of. Make sure you share some of those blessings with others as well. Especially those in need.




Dear Virgos, this Venusian period for you will bring clarity and some harsh truths to the surface. Truth can be a bitter pill sometimes but it does set us free. Use the clarity you gain to bring positive shifts in your life. It also seems like some of you are in a place of frustration and apathy where relationships are concerned. There is a sense of depletion and you may be feeling drained, perhaps encountering the same situations over and over again or experiencing the same patterns. It is important to work on cutting through the delusions and all those negative aspects that are keeping you bound, Virgos. The Goddess of love says that someone will be expressing their admiration and attraction towards you this month. But are you really paying attention? Be willing to explore new connections and proposals that come your way. You never know, you may end up pleasantly surprised. I also see some of you virgos enjoying some fun flirting and dating opportunities. Romance may also bloom for some.

Abundance message: Virgos, this season, you must work on feeling more deserving of Abundance. Self-sabotaging behavior, lack of trust in oneself and constantly putting yourself down and not feeling worthy can rob you of some wonderful opportunities and gateways through which you can invite abundance. Think more of yourself and believe that you deserve all the richness and you will.




Dear Librans, during this shortlived Venusian phase, the Goddess love advises you to work on eliminating negative subconscious imprints that are creating challenges in your personal life. It could be something such as a way of doing or saying things or patterns and beliefs that may not be serving your highest good which you must do away with. The power of seduction is at your disposal as well, Librans. Glam up and get sensual. Others may find you mysterious and enticing, however, don’t play too hard to get as you may come across as too defensive and perhaps, push potential options away as well.  Skilled interaction will be needed if you want to leave a lasting impression. Some of you also need to drop your guard down and explore connections that come your way. Again, rewrite your beliefs to new ones that support the present you.


Abundance message: Your message this season is to let go of guilt, Librans. Old guilt is obstructing the flow of abundance into your life. It could be past regrets on what you should have or could have done or perhaps, a mistake you made in the past that needs forgiveness and release. Notice how guilt is creating a challenge in your life during this month and as you heal this, you will open the gates of abundance your way.




Dear Scorpions, it appears that some of you may be engaging with a selfish and egocentric person this Venusian season who may be violating your boundaries and manipulating your thoughts. Be more aware of who you give your attention to and open your heart to. Do not end up becoming a victim of someone’s lies and manipulations and ensure you dig deeper into new connections, especially the ones that you may develop online. If you have been waiting to hear from someone, this person may just decide to hit you up online or through text. There is a lot of communication I am picking up for you this season. Chase the good vibes, Scorpions. Be selective of your company and surround yourself with positive folks who uplift you and not the narcissists who are too consumed with themselves to notice your presence.

Abundance message: This season is about doing a friendship detox as this is directly linked to your abundance, Scorpions. Are there people in your life who are serving as negative influences or are constantly pulling you down? Take note of who you associate with and give your precious time to. Are these people supportive of you or do they negatively influence your mind? Choose your company wisely and be more discerning about who you spend time with. Good attracts good.




Dear Archers, this Venus in Pisces season may seem a little intense for you with temptations all around. There is a strong chance of falling victim to destructive habits from gambling to alcohol to even sex that can negatively impact you. Pay attention to addictive patterns and cope with them consciously and healthily. You must also guard against negative thoughts which may project in your behavior towards others. The good news is that someone you have been waiting to hear from may contact you this season. I am seeing lots of texts being exchanged and online chats that can get you hooked. Again, you must be aware of not getting hooked to the wrong people or sources. Make room for those who bring positive vibes into your life and be open to connections that are healthy and uplifting.

Abundance message: The way to inviting more abundance is to make yourself a priority this season and to save. Set aside a portion of your money for yourself every time you get paid. Pay attention to your investments and plan for your future.





Dear Capricorns, this Venusian season, you have a lot of inner work to do. Inner child healing may play a big role in many lives as I see many of you experiencing issues around emotional intimacy that dates back to your childhood and parenting. You may discover triggers that make you react in a certain way and negatively respond to situations. You must also guard against emotional abusers and notice any red flags in your relationships and connections that could be detrimental to your well-being. Some of you may even need to deal with anger issues that could be wreaking havoc in your personal connections. So, get ready to do the real work on yourself, Capricorns. Like many other signs, I see many of you glued to that cell phone exchanging sweet nothings with someone special this season. You may get a blast from the past or make new connections where the conversations are going to roll.

Abundance message: The way to invite more abundance this season, Capricorns, is through faith, optimism, and positivity. Don’t let minor setbacks to derail you from your focus. Fight those negative and insecure thoughts and stay high vibe. Do something charitable for the animals this season.




Dear Aquashines, this is the season where you are divinely guided to finally take the trash out from your personal life and dump that loser bf/gf who has given you too many days and nights of headaches. Release the attachments and let go of toxic connections. Not just that, remove any objects from your space that reminds you of this person and smudge and cleanse your quarters of old energy. Tis’ the season for building your self-worth, baby! The Goddess of love is also encouraging you to express your love for those special ones more often either verbally or through gifts and heartwarming gestures. Show your support to your loved ones in their times of need and selflessly contribute towards others’ well-being. You are riding the wave of positive manifestation this season so don’t let anything stop you from receiving what you want. Be cool and keep going!

Abundance message: Pay attention to your actual dreams and visions this season, Aquashines, as they will contain guidance and ideas that can help you manifest more abundance into your life. Keep a record of your visions and dreams and do not dismiss the ideas that you receive while daydreaming, too. Positive omens and significant messages are trying to reach you and you can tap into them by keeping your eyes and senses wide open. Nothing is a coincidence and all signs mean something.




Dear Pisceans, beloved Venus is going to be enjoying her staycation in your sign and while she’s here, she wants you to realize and get in touch with the spark within you. She is here to encourage and facilitate your healing that so you can attract healed people and healthy relationships in your life. This season will be crucial for all types of relationship healings and her advice to you is not forget that you are divine. A lot of dark spots may be illuminated this season both within yourself and in your relationships, giving you the chance to transform all those things that are not serving you well. Pay heed. Romance will bloom this season and singles may even have someone expressing their love towards you. People will be drawn to your light, lovelies. Your guidance is to also not pass up options too quickly. Explore connections and get to know people better before you write them off especially in new connections. Practice more gratitude and the Universe will bless you more to be grateful for.

Abundance message: Your mind will be ripe with ideas this season that can help you bring more abundance into your life, Pisceans. Don’t just take note of these ideas but also work out the action steps. The Moon cycles will be prominent to your growth and you may receive more creative and genius ideas during the Full Moon time. Your imagination is worth giving credit to and exploring so do not dismiss any divinely guided ideas and messages.


All Glory to Mahadev. 

Om Namah Shivaya  

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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