Tarotscopes for Lunar Eclipse January 2020


Hey lovelies! Eclipses are said to be a time of profound change and transformation. I pulled some cards for each zodiac sign to focus on a message for this Lunar eclipse. Be sure to check your Moon and Ascendant signs as well.



These are general readings and if you would like a personal reading, you can visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section on my site or reach me by filling in the Contact form for inquiries. Alright! Onto the messages now.




Ariens, an important decision between two choices may be gnawing at you during this lunar eclipse. Eclipses are not the ideal time to start anything new so make sure you take the time to rest and contemplate. Avoid taking on more than you can handle or giving attention to two things at the same time. Emotional and financial highs and lows could affect you during this period. Some of you may be grieving a loss this eclipse season and angels surround you and bring you comfort and space to heal.


Taureans, release and surrender your burdens to the higher power or your angels and quit worrying. There is much power, healing, and miracle contained in the very act of surrendering. You may feel emotional, sensitive, and romantic this eclipse season. Follow your heart but make sure that no one is taking advantage of your kindness. An important proposal or news may reach you around this eclipse as well. Stay hydrated.




Gemstars, this lunar eclipse is about nurturing and giving yourself all the love you can. You may feel indulgent and rich foods may turn out to be your weakness. Watch your diet. There may even be a sudden urge to spend more money on things that enhance your appearance and beauty. Make sure you are not overspending on a whim. An important woman in your life may have some advice or guidance to share with you. Listen to you. Also, listen to the advice that you hear from those who have your best interest at heart. Guidance will come to you through the spoken words so pay attention to what you hear in unexpected places and unexpected ways.



Cancerians, this eclipse may be a bit challenging for you. Heart chakra healing is very important so work on releasing all your suppressed emotions. Emotionally, many of you may experience a block. You may not be paying attention to your instincts and intuition and disregarding your emotions. It is important to revive your faith and set crystal clear intentions during this time. Your manifestation skills are very powerful at this time so make sure you clearly focus on what you want and not what you fear. Avoid the color white.




Leos, this eclipse for you is about realizing and working on your self-worth and confidence. It is about leaving behind all the troubling experiences from your past and looking ahead at the future with your chin high. Feel more secure in your skin and incorporate the color yellow in your life, more. This is a good day to engage with children or do something for them. Donate, support, or help the children you are being called to offer support to at this time.




Virgos, this eclipse phase is perfect for healing any relationship wounds. You can do that by softening your heart and practicing more compassion and forgiveness. Do not be too rigid and understand that we are all humans to make mistakes. This is a good day to let go of any past grudges and offer the olive branch to someone. This eclipse will open the doors for unions, reunions, and even reconciliations. New connections and contracts may also come your way in two days or two weeks from the time of the eclipse. Remember, compassion is the keyword.




Librans, this period may bring up a sense of emotional dissatisfaction and you may feel unhappy with where you are. Yet, the Universe is telling you that everything is in divine order and exactly as it should be. Look beyond the illusions. Whatever lack of joy you may be experiencing during the eclipse will be temporary. This is a good period to take some time out for yourself and say ‘no’ to big crowds and groups. Take the time to recharge on your own and visit a holy place or go on a retreat if you can, to gain perspective and peace. Leg aches may come up for some so take care. Avoid being dramatic.



Scorpios, your passion will be revived this eclipse season and you will emerge out of your deep shadowy abyss with more power and energy. You are being guided to follow your new found calling and interest in the direction of your love life and/or career. Wonderful travel opportunities may also open up for some of you post this eclipse. Take charge of your life and move ahead.




Archers, enough with feeling low on confidence and the self-doubts. This eclipse is pushing you to embrace your leadership qualities and make your mark. You need to rev up your confidence and the first step in doing that is to start thinking more of yourself. Take new responsibilities and do not shy away from shining. Come out of your hidden place and share your knowledge with the world. This eclipse is a good period to take on any type of learning especially spiritual and metaphysical ones. You may not have the full picture of a situation yet so avoid making hasty decisions. You may be susceptible to water-borne illnesses during this time so take care.




Capricornians, let this lunar eclipse season mark the beginning of a healthy new year for you. You are being nudged by the Universe to incorporate healthy additions to your lifestyle from diet to exercises to getting adequate amounts of sleep. Make your health and fitness your priority. This period will also bring more channels and opportunities to make more moolah for you. Remain positive and welcome new opportunities.



Aquarians, this eclipse is positively pushing you forward to explore your options and expand your reach. You are being nudged to stop limiting yourself and go out there and look into your options to make it big. The sky is the limit. New business opportunities may come up post the eclipse. Travel opportunities may also show up for some which will help you grow. If you are feeling confused about making the right moves, seek guidance from someone in a professional capacity to guide you.



Pisceans, you may feel dull, lethargic and disconnected this eclipse season. I am sensing a lack of enthusiasm and energy. Take the time to rejuvenate yourself but don’t end up isolating yourself for too long. You must also make it a point to stay hydrated this eclipse season as low water intake may affect your health. Take care fo your back and make sure you do some stretches and keep your body active. Your intuition is becoming stronger and many of you are already or will receive important guidance and nudges. Pay attention to the psychic experiences you have this season.



May these messages serve you well.

~ Om Namah Shivaya ~




Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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