Tarotscopes for the week of 19th to 25th September, 2022

Welcome to the upcoming week’s Tarotscopes with me, Sonniyaa. I want to thank many of you who recently left your suggestions on my Facebook page on what kind of posts you wish to see on my page and blog. Many of you voted for the weekly and monthly horoscopes, so here we go.


This week, a couple of things are likely to occur in the cosmos. Mercury went retrograde on the 9th of September in its own sign of exaltation, Virgo and is opposing Jupiter, which is also in retrograde in its own sign of Pisces. I shared some predictions for all the zodiac signs earlier this week on my blog so for all the scoop, visit this post, if you haven’t already – Mercury Retrograde Zodiac Guidance

Virgo is in the limelight this month. On the 16th, Sun entered Virgo. Mercury is also stationed in Virgo and soon, Venus will join these two planets when it will bid adieu to Leo and enter Virgo (its sign of debilitation). Saturn and Uranus will be entering a hard aspect for the final time paving the way for massive change which will be felt on a global scale. Previous hard aspects of Saturn and Uranus involved major earthquakes, terrorist attacks, airlines crashes, etc. The world may experience intense emotions and change.

If I can squeeze in some time this week, I will try and share some love guidance with you all on the upcoming Venus transit. For now, let us get to your weekly Tarotscopes. I suggest that you check out both your rising (also known as Ascendant) and your moon signs preferably using a sidereal chart.



Let us now get to the weekly Tarotscopes, which is what you are here for. I am hoping these short messages will serve you well during the upcoming week.


Dear Ariens, your card for this week is the Queen of swords. This is a week where you are guided to reevaluate things in your life and shed what is becoming burdening and heavy. Something needs to be released from your life in order for you to rise. Do not view life from an emotional lens but adopt a logical approach towards things and use your reasoning powers to understand and deal with situations. It is also time for you to speak up and make yourself clear to others. A tough attitude and approach is called for, Ariens. It may seem uncomfortable at times but do what you need to do to get things in order.



Dear Taureans, your card for this week is the High Priestess. I see things becoming clearer for you this week and in the process, you are going to uncover some hidden truth about a situation. Your own intuition will play a pivotal role in helping you reach a better understanding. Do not ignore the nudges and the niggles. Spirit is also guiding you to adopt a giving nature this week. Engage in charitable deeds and be willing to be of service in whatever manner and capacity you can. This will especially help you if you are feeling blocked from receiving things. Pay heed to the guidance coming from wise and intuitive people in your life.



Dear Geminis, your card this week is the Ace of cups. New and happy emotional experiences are on the horizon. A new beginning awaits you. Also, this could be a time of emotional cleansing and balancing. Shed old feelings and adopt a fresh outlook towards life. The help that you were seeking is on its way. If you were praying for something desperately, God is about to answer your prayers. Stay centered in faith, hope and optimism and continue to remain in gratitude for your miracles to unfold quickly. Solutions and support mark this week.



Dear Cancerians, your card this week is the 7 of wands. Buckle up and be prepared to tackle a busy week. Minor issues may crop up this week that will require strength and more effort from your side. You got this! You have what it takes to battle the situations that may crop up so believe in yourself and do your best. Spirit is also guiding you folks to pick up an old hobby or polish a dormant skill. You may have stopped using this skill or hobby for a long time now or maybe you are not giving yourself enough time and credit to get better at something. Notice what this is and revive this skill as it will be beneficial for you in the future.




Dear Leos, your card for this week is the Tower. Something is about to disintegrate and die out this week. Handle fragile matters with care and be more accepting towards the inevitable. Keep your rage in control and handle such fiery situations with caution and care, aiming to diffuse the problems and not make things worse. Spirit is guiding you to be of help and assistance to others. Someone is in need of your support. Chances are that you may receive the support you are looking for as well.



Dear Virgos, your card of the week is the Knight of cups. This week, you are being asked to review your emotions. What are your inclinations in life? Where are these inclinations leading you? What makes you happy? An important news may reach you this week which can have a positive emotional impact on you. People may extend their love and affection towards you as well. Spirit is also guiding you towards detoxification this week. This could be a bodily detox or an emotional detox. Focus on cleansing your system and energy. Avoid food and substances that are beginning to have a destructive effect on you.



Dear Librans, your card for this week is the Page of wands. This week calls you to experiment and try new techniques. Have an open mind and be receptive to learning new things. You may end up goofing up sometimes but use this as an experience to learn from your mistakes. Avoid haste and do not make commitments because you are feeling overly enthusiastic. Spirit is guiding you to make time for spiritual pursuits this week. It is time to invest in your spirit and spiritual growth. Slow down and engage in zen activities that can bring you peace and upliftment.



Dear Scorpios, your card of the week is The Hermit. It is a week of slowing down and spending time in contemplation. The answers you seek will come when you make space for them through quiet, meditative activities. Also, take a break from people, crowd, socialising, and being too busy. You need some solo time by self focusing on your own needs and practising self care. Spirit is also guiding you to not take offence or personalise situations. Do not take anything personally. Learn to see things from a bigger perspective and know that others’ bad or unpleasant behaviour has nothing to do with you.



Dear Sagittarians, your card this week is the 2 of coins. Expenses may be on the rise this week and you must handle your finances and resources with care. You may have too much on your plate as well so manage your life carefully. Being more organised can help and may even minimise unnecessary stress. Spirit is guiding you to view your life in a positive light. Do not focus on the negative. Instead, focus on those things that are going right for you. Shift your perspective to a glass-half-full attitude. Turn on the light inside.




Dear Capricorns, your card this week is The Star. This is a week of hope, healing, renewal and restoration. If you have been passing through the dark night, your guidance is to keep the faith and know that soon, a new day will dawn. Engaging in healing practices will be beneficial for you. Spirit says that sometimes, all you need to do is ask and reach out for support. Whether this is reaching out to the Universe, God, your angels or guides or to your human support team, seek help. Instead of closing yourself off from everything around, open your heart to receiving love. You are loved and cared for.



Dear Aquarians, your card is the 6 of wands for this week. Victory is in sight. Your hard-earned appreciation awaits you this week. I see many Aquarians excelling and overcoming the obstacles that kept you from moving forward. You may also find yourself in the limelight basking in attention, glory, and appreciation for something. Spirit is guiding you to surrender what is beyond your control to God (whatever, God means to you). Instead of bottling up your emotions and keeping your worries inside, let it all go in peaceful surrender knowing that you don’t have to take on the responsibility of figuring everything out. Divine help is available to you and will show you the way once you release resistance.



Dear Pisceans, your card of the week is the 6 of cups. Consider a reunion or reconnecting with all those lovely people in your life who form your support team. This weeks, expect themes from your past to re-emerge. People from your past may reach out to surprise you. You may also find yourself re-living memories from the past. If difficult past memories resurface, it may be time to clear your energy and make peace with what is over and done with. Spirit wants you to call back all the scattered pieces of your energy to your present. Do not let your past hold you back. Cherish the beautiful memories but remember to stay grounded in the present. A good time to engage in past life healing or work on healing from traumas of the past.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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