Taurus – What is Tarot telling you about March 2022?

Happy March 2022, dear Taureans. Welcome to my space! I am hoping that the Tarot insights mentioned below will be of help to you as you navigate through the month of March. There are loads of guidance included in this post for your sign ranging from the energy of this month, the opportunities being made available to you, the challenges that you may encounter, your self-care message and what the Universe wants you to surrender. There are also some insights included on relationships and career. Read on and leave me a feedback or a comment if you found this post helpful. Better yet, you can help me by sharing this post and recommending your friends or family members who may find these posts helpful as well. Let’s get started.


Taureans, March is about maneuvering through the ups and downs of life through balance. You need to seek wisdom as most of you may find yourself overwhelmed and confused in some areas of life. Lucky for you, the Universe has lined up the right people to assist you with this task. Therefore, pay attention to advise that can come through a friend or even some wise and learned folks in your life.

Your money needs to be handled carefully this month, Taureans. Do not make careless decisions with your hard earned money and try to avoid unnecessary expenses. Otherwise, you may easily lose out on what you have worked hard to earn. I also see many Taureans working really hard this month for their money. Some of you are likely to juggle between two jobs or take on extra responsibilities to strengthen your earning potential. Don’t forget to strike a balance though otherwise this can end up overwhelming you.

Many Taureans may feel the need to escape and spend alone time during this month but the Universe does not want you to go solo especially where your emotions and relationships are concerned. There are pleasant offerings and surprises lined up for you where romance is concerned. For instance, someone may pop (back) into your life, a reconciliation can take place, an old friend may reconnect, or you may even receive a gift from Your beloved. New connections are taking place in either personal or professional life and I see some Taureans entering a commitment.

The Universe wants you to surrender fear, Taureans. Fear is holding you back from making progress and it is time that you find your center and stop telling yourself fear-based stories. Focus on taking things one step at a time and seek solutions than allowing fear to overtake you. The baby steps matter. Also, whatever predicament or dilemma you find yourself in, with a little bit of help from outside and through your own inner wisdom, you will get to the solutions.


When it comes to your work, patience and a calm attitude are recommended. Focus on resolving conflicts and have an adjusting attitude. Be willing to strike healthy compromises and be negotiable. The crown is waiting for you at the end of the road but this month requires you to display a balanced and flexible attitude at work. Try to get along with your colleagues and team members and fix any misunderstandings at the earliest.

As a message of self-care, Taureans, the Universe wants you to free yourself from the cage you have locked yourself into. Where and how are you restricting yourself? Stop beating yourself up and try loving yourself instead. Give yourself the permission to be happy.

With that, we come to the end of this post. I am hoping my insights from the cards will prove useful to you as you navigate through March.

I also offer personal Tarot readings as part of my services and if the Universe guides you to get a reading from me, hit me up with a message.


I will see you soon!

Have a blessed March.

Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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