Weekly Zodiac Guidance – 13th to 19th December, 2021

I hope you will find these messages helpful. If you would like to get a personalized reading or a distant healing session from me, send me a DM or write to [email protected].




Ariens, the highlight of this week is Partnerships. I sense challenges and struggles in all kinds of partnerships that can even delay decisions and create a lack of emotional fulfillment. Remember that you must first develop and nurture your relationship with your self and only then can you be in a position to give to another. Depending on others to nourish and fulfill you can lead to emptiness and act as a burden on those around you as well creating a strain on the relationship itself.

Flirtatious vibes are in the air. Some of you Ariens could be dealing with a person who likes the chase, is a player reluctant to settle or could be spinning a castle of false hopes. Be wary. A vacation is indicated on the card and it is possible that you may come across this person during a vacation or could be accompanying them to a holiday.

I also sense a lot of fears in many Ariens that could be restricting them from exploring new, healthy relationships. Past struggles and experiences may have scarred your perspective and you must focus on healing from those experiences and cutting yourself some slack. Stop creating a wall around you and address to the issues that are blocking the quality of your connection.

I also sense that some of you Ariens could be reassessing your relationships with others. It could be your spouse, friend, or even a business partner. Whatever the reason for this reassessment, beware of those around you who may not be commitment material. In existing relationships, it might help to look at your individual lives and seek self fulfillment first before you can get to the task of satisfying the other person’s needs and wants.


In matters of business, shrewdness is required this week. Use your resources optimally. Partnerships need a closer glance and if you are avoiding an important decision-making process, it’s time to gather all the information through research and make the move. You could be in a state of confusion this week which can bring up a sense of losing direction. Clarify your needs. Understand what is missing that can bring fulfillment in your work. Open the blindfold you are wearing and learn to listen to what your heart truly wants instead of retreating to a state of fear and defeat.



Taureans, with many reversed cards in your reading this week, the message for you is to engage in some deep cleansing. This can be cleansing of your space, house, or even self. Your aura could use a good cleanse too through a spiritual bath, meditation, nature activities, or healing techniques to eradicate the negative fog that you may have picked up externally or through your own obsessive thinking.

Obsession is also a keyword for this week as I sense many Taureans engaging in this behaviour mostly where relationships are concerned. A new relationship is not seen happening at this time (this week) or you could be obsessing over someone a little too much. Whatever form obsession has taken in your personal life, it is important that you don’t lose yourself and bring some balance back into your life.

This is not the time to take risks and stop and smell the roses. Awareness and intelligent thinking are necessary else you could be moving towards a hard thud. Be more present and weigh the pros and cons of a situation before jumping into something impulsively. You may also want to listen to the good advise from those around you. As spontaneous as you may want to be right now, it is important to stick to a more level headed and mature approach.


Relationships may be losing their spark because of obsessive and compulsive behaviour. The quality of your sex life may also need improvement or work. Instead of feeling stimulated in your relationships, you may experience a sense of lethargy or impatience. Also notice if you are feeling overwhelmed with too many things on your plate that could be affecting your personal and emotional life. If you are single and are trying force yourself into a new relationship, it will help to look at the long-term consequences of your present erratic decisions.

In career and business, you could be constraining yourself by sticking to the familiar. The familiar environment may not have anything worthwhile to offer anymore and change is needed. I also sense that the offer or invite that you are waiting for may not occur now or this week in particular. Change is necessary and if you are looking for something new, explore new opportunities. Staying where you are may not be the answer but widening your horizon could land you in a fruitful place.

I also see you sharing some quality time with a friend this week. This could be a deep friendship with someone of your own gender. This person could assist you in making a decision or offer new insights that can come in handy. Make time to meet such wise and loved souls this week.



Gemstars, this week’s highlight are finances, children or a child, and family matters. I am going to start by saying that either you could be receiving financial support or may have to be the one to offer this support to another in the form of alimony, child support, or the likes. Some form of material advancement is seen taking place and family matters are coming to the fore that need to be addressed.

When it comes to personal relationships, I see some stress and overwhelming tasks that could keep you engaged. You may have to deal with a lot this week and take care of many responsibilities. Too much work could engulf you, disconnecting you from emotionally being able to give yourself to others. Take care of yourself and watch out for back pain and back injuries as well. Some Geminis may be dealing with an individual who is so absorbed with their own lives and commitments that they don’t have time for you. Someone could be ignoring you or your emotional needs as well.


As I was stating earlier, children could play an important role in your life this week, Geminis. This could be your child who may seek more love, time, and affection or a child that you may have to deal with. I also suggest that you nurture the child within yourself. It is possible that you may be feeling a bit sensitive and emotionally vulnerable this week. Look out for new opportunities that can delight you emotionally. Don’t be so caught up in your own busy world that you ignore the pleasant offerings of life.

Matters related to career look positive for the upcoming week. Overseas travel or employment and business opportunities from another land are highlighted. You may even receive an invite to travel abroad mostly for work. If you are thinking of expanding your network geographically, then this is a good week to proceed. Achievements and accomplishments are possible now. If you have been burning the midnight oil and toiling away with extra work, expect some form of reward this week. Your product or services may also do well if you expand the horizon and increase it’s reach to other places.



Cancerians, this week, you have to muster and drawn on your inner magic to make things happen. You must bank on your personal strength, talent, will power and resources to make the move and achieve your personal goals. Else, it may seem like a challenging week. Be prepared in every manner to grab the right opportunities as opportunities will be presented to you. I also see spiritual development on the cards. Usually, this awareness will dawn upon you through a disappointing situation. Tragedy leads to awareness, lessons, and then growth.

There is going to be a sense of loss lingering in the hearts of many Cancerians this week. You may come to the realisation that you cannot have something no matter how hard you try. This does not mean the end of the world. Through sheer inner strength and intelligent thinking, you will realise that all is not lost and that you can use this opportunity to aim higher and better.

In personal relationships, I see you finally beginning to free yourself from a restrictive thought or a connection. You may have played the victim and stayed put in a hopeless situation for too long. Now, the bindings are beginning to fall apart. You are able to see and accept what the reality is which will enable you to move forward. I see social media playing an important role in your life this week where relationships are concerned. Perhaps you are meeting someone new, as a friend. Or you are connecting with new people who could motivate you and get you out of a rut. Some of you Cancerians may finally begin opening up to fresh ways of working out your relationships, leaving behind the old restrictive ways that got you nowhere.


When it comes to work situations, I suggest that you up your multiple-tasking game or else, you may find it hard to keep things in balance or end up mishandling your responsibilities. Finances need careful handling or you could end up burning a hole in your pocket. If your current job or income is failing to support your life needs sufficiently, it’s time you started scouting for fresh opportunities. Look for a job or a business model that allows you to be less stressed and also offered a better income. If you are someone who is doing two or more jobs or is handling a plethora of roles and responsibilities that are impacting your physical or emotional well-being, maybe it’s time you looked at new horizons. Reduce your expenses and live a balanced life.



Leos, this week, I encourage you to spend time in increasing your consciousness. It’s time to go within and invest more time in your spiritual and self-development. It’s time to empower yourself and pay more attention to your inner growth. Faith and optimism are needed on your path. Even if you are going through a dismal time, trust the workings of the Universe. Spiritual support is available to you and you have your guides and angels closely working with you. Their warm embrace, messages, and signs surround you. Meditation is a great tool that can assist you now. You may even want to partake in spiritual retreats. Your intuitive hits will prove right as your instincts can be developed and sharpened at this time.

I also see the end of something in your life. This is a situation that has served it’s purpose and has to move away from your life. This can even be a part of you that is dying to make room for elevation and growth. Embrace change. A meeting with someone new can prove to be of importance this week so keep an eye out for chance encounters.

When it comes to relationships, some of you may experience a strange connection with another person. A soul mate is in your radar and soul mates are known to contribute to your growth process. Be open to identifying this connection and also the lessons that this connection can bring. Be more reflective of your relationships and what they are here to teach you. Rectify your false patterns and assist those on your path, if that is what life calls you to do. Some of you may also need to take a step back from intense connections and relationships and spend some time meditating on what your relationship is asking out of you. It is okay to feel distant, aloof, or curious in your connections at this time.

Moving to your work and career, I strongly encourage you to look at all your options carefully. Are you happy being where you are? If the answer is a no, you may want to open yourself to the opportunities that are present and are being offered to you at this time. If you feel you are lacking inspiration and the motive to carry on with what you are doing, there is no point hanging in. It is suggestive that you pick an option that brings in a sense of inner fulfilment and joy. A job or a career that aligns you with your happiness is better than a job that robs you off of it. Some of you may also feel the need to take some personal time this week. It is okay to step back and nourish yourself and not be taken in by the demands and offerings at work. If you have a job that does not allow you to take a break, then find alternative options or sources that can bring emotional and spiritual fulfillment so that you don’t feel depleted.




Virgos, stealth, strategy and good planning are required this week. You must be alert and aware of your surroundings and the implications your lack of awareness can bring. There is a ‘fake’ energy present in your environment. Now, this could be you living a life of pretence or this could be someone in your life or environment who could be duping you or taking advantage of you. Be careful who you trust and share your secrets with. I also suggest that you take extra precautions with your possessions and belongings. If you are trying to please others or impress someone, it is important that you don’t go beyond your means to achieve this. Remember that any hidden secrets can come out at some point and lead to unpleasant and embarrassing consequences in the end.

I also see the involvement of law and legal situations taking place in your life. This can mostly be something work-related. For instance, you may sign new contracts or deal with paperwork. You may decide to enter a new investment scheme or enter a legal binding of some kind. Read the fine print carefully and make strategic planning. Success will come in the future if you make the right plans and put in sufficient work now. So make your decisions carefully and consult a legal expert or a professional who can give you sound advise where important matters are concerned.

Relationships may need work and there is a message for you to examine if you are falling back or repeating wrong patterns from the past again. I see lack of growth coming from the refusal to learn an important lesson in your relationships with others. Emotional healing is necessary and you must take the time to heal by releasing all past elements that are bleeding out in unhealthy manner in your current life and relationships. Counselling, therapy, and third party interventions can help provided you choose the right mentor or guide. If your relationships are suffering, couple counselling with the right professional can be of help. I also feel some couples may need some expert advise or legal guidance in terms of an important matter this week. House renovation works may experience delay or a Possible hiccup on the path. Avoid taking wrong casual advice and beware of those who are adding more to your situation as a third party than trying to make things better.

This can be an important week for some Virgos when it comes to finding a new job, signing a new offer letter or entering a new collaboration. Make sure all your documents and paperwork are in order. Do not involve yourself in any unethical practices at work and be honest with everything you are doing. The consequences of your actions this week can come back to bite you later if they are unscrupulous or involve lies. For everything you do, consider the long-term consequences. If your job involves dealing with justice or law, this can be a positive and decisive week for you. Businesses may enter new heights as well. The results of your past effort can also come through now.



Librans, there is a situation this week that needs some cleaning up. There is something in your life that no longer deserves a place and it is time for you to push it out. This can be a person, a habit, or a personal situation. I sense that you are limiting your growth and not really exploring opportunities to your full potential. If you are feeling dissatisfied with where you are, what are you doing about it? What once made sense and offered security may no longer be fulfilling, appealing or conducive to your growth. It is time to expand your horizons and reach for the stars. Be willing to step out of the familiar and know that there is an entire world out there. I also see some delays in matters related to expansion and travel. Widen your perceptions and ideas. Abandon fear so that you can grow.

I also say this because I see a new opportunity coming your way. Your own personal fears and limitation approach towards life can keep you from identifying this opportunity. In addition to this, your head could go through confusion and thoughts may be chaotic. You need to think clear and attain your mental balance. An imbalanced Libra is an unhappy Libra. Something new is wanting to birth in your life and you must look at growth, now.


In relationships, I see a situation that could be hampering your growth and personal happiness. There is much emphasis given to material comfort and convenience than personal fulfillment. You may be stuck in a relationship where material needs and routines are beginnings to impact the bond. Some Librans need to carefully assess their relationships as you may stuck with a person who is only in it for the convenience and benefits and not love. If such a toxic relationship pattern is occurring, steps should be taken to address this or eliminate the relationship completely if it is a hopeless situation. I also encourage Librans to examine their own addictive and toxic traits that could be affecting your personal relationships. Are there patterns that need to be released within you or your connection that are leading to negativity and unhappiness? Stop focusing too much on the material life and make the effort to improve the emotional quality of your connections. Situations involving separation and divorce can see some hard times this week.

In work and business situations, confidence and faith are required. Whether you are going through a difficult phase or are in the brink of welcoming something new, keep the faith and stay optimistic. Your personal strength and effort can pull you off from any sinking situation. Some of you Librans need a good break from the everyday hustling and demands of work. You need time to rejuvenate yourself and find the missing inspiration. Making time for recreational and replenishing activities can enhance your mood and fill your empty cup so that you are back with more energy, creativity and spark.



Scorpios, this week can bring new opportunities your way that allow you to grow and master new skills. A serious and practical approach is recommended towards life. Your passion and dedication will now determine how far you will go and how much you will succeed. If there is an option to learn something new, embrace it. Focus on self-development. Add a new skill set to your repertoire that will increase your chances of success in the future. Make careful decisions with your money.

Family and inner circle is coming in the spotlight as well and this could be an important week for you in these matters. Some of you Scorpios may need to pay attention to your children, their studies, and plan their future carefully. If you are seeking support, lean on your tribe. Your advise this week is to seek enough knowledge on a topic and do adequate research before you make any decisions or moves. Learn, research, and know more.

Relationships may present some challenges for you this week, Scorpios. Partnerships may seem more stifling in nature and can be marked with petty arguments. These arguments can present challenges and lead to stress. Be mature and handle these situations in a practical manner to avoid chaos in your personal life. I also sense that some Scorpions are feeling limited and stuck in a relationship. Perhaps, a relationship is failing to bring you the joy you once thought it would however, you are too confused or afraid to move on. If a relationship has exhausted it’s potential and if there is not effort being put in, you must either work on improving it or make the call to end it so that you can be free. Some relationships need a shift in perspective and also some adventure and spark. Plan a vacation, for instance. Or, do something different and fun with your partner that is both thrilling and rejuvenating.


This can be an exhausting week for many Scorpions where work or business is concerned. You may be feeling hemmed in not only by fear of failure but also by the pressure to deliver. Bad experiences from the past may also be adding to your fear-based thoughts. There is a serious need for many Scorpios to replenish their energy and feel centered in order to operate. There could be too much preference given to the past and past occurrences that could make some Scorpios reflect on their career and jobs. I also sense that making more time for family and loved ones, bonding and allowing yourself to be nurtured and nurture your emotional ties can release some of the pressure. If your current work environment has been overlooking your efforts and passing you up for promotions or growth opportunities that is well-deserved, time after time, it is time you look out for something new.



Archers, this week calls for courage and inner strength. I sense a week where you are likely to face many challenges and have obstacles to overcome. There is a sense of sorrow looming over you this week arising from the loss of something. Someone’s words or actions could hurt you. Emotionally, you don’t seem to be at your best and this is where your inner strength and understanding will be of help. Try not to aggravate any situation further because there are forces outside your control that are working against you.

There is a good possibility that some Sagittarians may resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms to overcome this state of stress, sorrow, and disappointment. If you are someone who consumes alcohol or any other mind altering substance, then you must take care to see that you don’t do something that will lead to regrets and make you feel sorry and embarrassed in the end. Avoid drunk text messaging and phone calls and don’t act on your feelings when you are not sober.

Relationships may pose challenges this week. There is a lot that you are dealing with and this may impact the time and attention that you could give to your loved ones. If you were looking forward to a new beginning of some kind, it may be delayed. Your energy is low and this week does not look very supportive for romantic starts. Some existing relationships may be missing the stimulation and spark. Effort is needed from you or both parties to bring back excitement.


Work looks demanding this week, Archers. There could be multiple situations that can crop up at work and you must be prepared in advance to handle it all. Don’t let situations get out of hands. If you can nip the problems at the bud and take care of all the deadlines on time, you will remain on top of things. If not, things can pile up and overburden you. Discipline is needed. Your work life is calling for persistence and more effort. The good news here is you can do this! You have what it takes to maintain your stable footing. Just don’t give up!



Capricorns, I see an important realisation dawning upon you this week. You will figure out the solution to a problem or a situation in your life. If required, be open to seeking guidance from outside. Clarity is very important and if you feel like you are missing it in some aspect of your life, it’s time you do everything possible to find it. This week also marks the completion of something in your life. Achievements and recognition could be yours. Your connection with foreign locations is strong and this can manifest as a trip to a distant land or opportunities coming from far and wide places.

Now that the good news is shared, I also want to warn you against a situation that can bring trouble or wrong accusations. Be careful to not involve yourself in controversial situations. The direct blame could come upon you and you may be victimised. At the same time, try your best to stay out of troublesome situations.

There is some form of dishonesty that is taking place in the lives of some Capricorn where relationships are concerned. In you are involved with someone already and this is a steady and serious relationship, then ensure that you don’t keep secrets that can harm your connection. It is important to be sincere and avoid dishonesty at all costs. If you are single and lately have been involved with someone who is throwing the red flags your way, then take caution. I do see some deception involved. Be careful who you trust and do not enter any partnership without careful thought. Some Capricorns may be involved in a toxic relationship at this time. Or, it is also possible that your actions or the actions and behaviours of the other person are turning your relationship into a toxic one. It is also advised that you reassess your relationships with others and cut out the toxic ties where people are constantly making you suffer and taking advantage of you.

When it comes to work this week, there is a good possibility that some of you could be dealing with a very critical person. This can be a boss or an individual in your work environment who has lofty expectations from you and is a perfection freak. There is a good chance that some of you Capricorns could be acting a bit hard on yourself by being too critical. You must relax and stop looking back at past experiences to judge your present and future. Be logical in your approach and clear your mental fog. There could be much going on in your thought realm that can muddle your thinking and lead to unclear decision-making.



Aquarians, your message this week is to clear the old and welcome the new. This may involve cleansing your space and perceptions. This may also mean embodying a new attitude and approach towards life. I also suggest clearing your living space and discarding any old, unwanted objects to purify the energy. More energy is needed this way to stay on top of things and address to all the minor, unexpected challenges that may pop up. You may require guidance and assistance to move forward or make an important decision. Seek expert opinion.

I also sense the energy of obsession in your cards, Aquarians. Take note of what it is that you are feeling obsessed towards this week. Unhealthy addictive attachments must be kept under check so that you can focus your energy on things that are important and worthwhile. Matters may need your immediate and full attention and with a clear mind, you will be able to do better and give your best.

In relationships, I am seeing a fated meeting taking place in some of your lives. This connection is important and it is destined to happen. However, I also sense that a lot many of you Aquarians may be afraid to inviting love and opening your hearts to a new connection. You may be using your past relationship challenges or memories to judge the present opportunities. Many Aquarians seeking a true connection could still be stuck in the fears of the past, refusing to embrace what life has to offer now. I am also seeing a tense situation in relationships for a few many Aquarians. Open communication and being true to yourself and your partner about your needs is important. Release the past so that you can stop damaging existing relationships.

Some delays can be expected in matters related to career and work. There can be some frustrating moments. If you are awaiting a new start, expect delays or rejections. This week does not look very conducive to new projects or offers working in your favour. This can be a temporary situation or you may have to change course. Signs of growth are missing or slow this week.



Pisceans, you may be seeking some time alone this week. A situation has lost it’s lustre and it’s time to move forward seeking that which brings you joy and fulfillment. You are encouraged to go after your passion and breakaway from the restrictions of the familiar. Your intuition could be pointed you towards a new direction and spirit is encouraging you to follow this path. I also see that it is time for you to get out of a situation before things get worse.

An important announcement is likely to come this week. Some of you Pisceans will find a world of benefit from withdrawing from your environment and going on a a retreat or using silence to heal and find your balance once again. Solo journeys and alone time are seen on your cards.

In relationships, it’s all about the choices you make at this time. Whatever choices you make now will directly and strongly impact your future yet there are decisions that have to be made and cannot be put on the back burner. For a few of you Pisceans, I sense that there are more than one options available at this time when it comes to dating. You may not be too keen or clear on making your pick and it is best to not get forced into choosing something or someone when your head and heart are in conflict with each other. This is where time alone can offer you bright new insights. I also sense that for some of you Pisceans, the time has come to conclude on a connection and move on. You may not recognise that you have free will and the choice to be free and think for yourself. This week is about breaking out of and taking a break from all the mental and emotional bindings that are restricting you.

Important news or a piece of information could reach you where work and business is concerned. You have clarity of vision and a new idea can be presented to you. Don’t just sit with on these ideas but action upon them. New opportunities could come your way that offer mental stimulation. Put your thinking cap on when dealing with work-related matters this week. You may also want to think differently and be open to new perspectives that can assist you in making clever business decisions.

I hope these messages will serve you well.

Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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