Vedic Birth Numbers and simple remedies to strengthen your planet

Greetings to All!


As a certified Numerologist, I want to write and talk about numbers. Numerology is a science that I was always drawn to and it is much more than simply knowing about your birth number or destiny number. I practice Chaldean numerology and follow Vedic remedies that have been practiced for eons in this mystical country where I live (India).

Today, in this post, we will find out:

What is your birth number
How to ensure the planet associated with your birth number is free of malefic effects
What objects your birth planet represents
What remedies you can follow to strengthen your birth planet

How do you find out your birth number?


It is simple. What was the date you were born on? I was born on the 17th. So that makes 1 + 7 = 8 my birth number. Below is a quick reference chart to know your core number and your planet.

Number 1 (those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th) is ruled by The Sun
Number 2 (those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th) is ruled by Moon
Number 3 (those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th) is ruled by Jupiter
Number 4 (those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st) is ruled by Rahu, the north node of the moon.
Number 5 (those born on the 5th, 14th, and 23rd) is ruled by Mercury
Number 6 (those born on the 6th, 15th, and 24th) is ruled by Venus
Number 7 (those born on the 7th, 16th, and 25th) is ruled by Ketu (south node of the moon)
Number 8 (those born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th) is ruled by Saturn
Number 9 (those born on the 9th, 18th, and 27th) is ruled by Mars



Sun rules the number 1.

A few ways of finding out if your Sun is turning malefic or weak is to pay attention to a few areas of your house such as the water motor, pillars, bulbs, and lights. Notice if these are well-maintained and are functioning properly. Look at the pillars and walls to see if there are cracks.


Remedy: Worship or honor the energy of the Sun. Do Sun salutations. Offer water to the Sun every morning around Sunrise. As Sun also represents your father, make sure you offer respect and love to your dad.



Moon rules the number 2.

Moon rules the element of water. This means the main water bodies of our home come under the rulership of the moon mainly the washroom. Maintaining a clean washroom, fixing leaky taps and ensuring that water is not wasted can strengthen your Moon.

Remedy: Moon’s metal is Silver. To strengthen your Moon, keep a silver coin wrapped in a white cloth with you, on your person. You can even place it in your wallet. Drink water from a silver glass at least once a day. Meditate every day.



Jupiter rules number 3.


Jupiter is also called Guru in Vedic scriptures and represents all those people in our life who take on the role of teachers, mentors, or gurus. As Jupiter bestows knowledge, it also rules books. Make sure the books at your home are in good condition. In addition, also pay attention to idols and photographs of gurus and deities. Do not keep broken or damaged idols and photos and ensure that these are well-maintained.

Remedy: Jupiter’s animal is the Elephant. Keep a small silver elephant figurine with you. Donate bananas on a Thursday. Keep on good terms with your teachers and mentors and take their blessings from time to time.

Rahu is said to rule the number 4.

Rahu rules water taps, helmets, old coins, objects made out of bamboo, and the clock to name a few. Make sure these objects in your house are in good condition.

Remedy: Offer help and assistance to old people whenever you can. Worshipping Lord Shiva and Goddess Saraswati can also combat any ill-effects of Rahu and strengthen your planet. Keep some Barley seeds with you in a brown cloth or wrap them in a black cloth and hang it in the southwest corner of your house.


Mercury rules number 5. 

Mercury, the fastest moving planet has been associated with speech, communication, intelligence, and learning. Therefore, it naturally rules books and stationaries. Like you would do with the planet Jupiter, keep all books and stationaries in a good condition.

Remedy: Mercury is associated with the color green and plants are the greenest of living creations that we can find. Plant trees, if you can, or grow a garden. Introduce plants in your living space. If you do not have a balcony, use indoor plants. Ensure that your lawn and garden are well-tended and taken care of. Worshipping Lord Ganesha can also help strengthen your planet.



Venus is the ruler of the number 6.

Venus bestows us with luxury and love and so, to strengthen this planet’s energy in the simplest of ways, ensure that your perfume bottles and pieces of jewelry are in good condition. Do not keep empty or damaged perfume bottles in the house. As Venus represents our lover, treat your partner kindly, respectfully, and with love. Cheating or hurting a partner is said to easily disturb the energy of Venus. Also, see to it that your partner’s clothes and accessories are in good condition.


Remedy: Wear perfume daily or keep a perfume bottle in the South-East corner of your house. The color of Venus is white and donating white-colored food or objects to the poor on a Friday also helps.



Ketu rules number 7. 

Number 7 people are always on the search for something and have a thirst to know more. The energy of Ketu gets disturbed if old wires and pipes in your house are in bad condition. All bottles should be capped and the caps should be in good condition.

Remedy: To strengthen this planet’s energy, keep a copper coin with you in brown cloth. One of the most effective remedies of Ketu is to get hold of a diary with a golden cover and start writing your desires and wishes in it frequently during the nights. This is said to help you manifest your desires. Meditate during the mornings. Feed stray dogs as often as you can.



Saturn is the ruler of number 8. 

Born to the Sun and known to be the master of Justice and Karma, Saturn is one of the most-feared planets. When Saturn gets disturbed, all hell breaks loose. Alternatively, if your Saturn is strong, it can even help you achieve many things in life. Saturn rules iron. If you have iron objects in the house, ensure that these are rust-free and well-maintained. Saturn rules old age and therefore, it also represents all the ancient, inherited, ancestral items in your house. These must be well-preserved and maintained.


Remedy: Saturn rules service providers such as servants, drivers, laborers, security guards, janitors, etc. Treat people in the service sector with respect and donate something to them from your paycheck.



Mars rules number 9. 

If the energy of Mars is disturbed in your life, pay attention to the kitchen area. Maintain your kitchen in a good condition. Also, ensure that scissors and hammers are rust-free and well maintained.

Remedy: Mars rules medicines and donating medicines to those in need enhances the energy of this planet. A remedy especially if you live in India or have access to a Hanuman temple in your geographical region – If you have a younger sibling, get a red thread tied to your right hand from them on a Tuesday. If you do not have a younger sibling, visit a Hanuman temple and get the red thread tied by a priest.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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