Weekly Energy Forecast for the Collective – 7th to 13th September, 2020


Gorgeous Souls! Welcome to the Energy reading of the week. This week, I have drawn a few cards to look into what messages are coming up for us as a collective to bring us guidance and spiritual support. These messages apply to whoever will be directed to this post by the Universe at whatever point of time. Take what resonates and leave the rest.




If you would like to book a personal reading, send me an e-mail at [email protected] or drop a ‘hello’ on any of my social media handles.



The keyword for this week is self-reliance. We are being nudged to become self-dependent and walk the path that is in sync with what our soul is urging us to do. We are being pushed to leave our comfort zones and irrelevant attachments to things, people, and situations in order to find our true purpose. Some of us may experience detachment as an emotion very strongly while others may also witness the sudden shift of energies in their lives. There is a possibility that something or someone may either leave our lives or take a break from our environment. Emotionally, it can be a challenging week which is why go with the flow and let your inner guidance serve as your inner compass.





Dependency is an issue that almost all of us have battled at some point or the other and may still be battling in our existing lives. This week we are being encouraged to let go of our dependent tendencies towards things. This can be your dependency on someone to make you happy and feel whole. This may even be your dependency on others to guide and influence every decision of yours. It could even be an addiction to something in your life without which you find it hard to function on a daily basis at the cost of your own well-being. Examine what unhelpful attachments and dependencies are weakening you as an individual and learn to bravely detach and walk away. Find your source of strength within yourself. All you need is you and your desire to do well for yourself by placing yourself high on the priority list.




Emotional intelligence is of utmost importance this week. Ups and downs and highs and lows affect all of us at some point or the other. It is how we choose to move through these emotional highs and lows and how we decide to respond to emotionally charging situations that determine our inner strength, growth, and individuality. Be more accomodating and adjusting. Tap into your creative side and birth something new and refreshing. Do not let trivial matters tick you off. Turn towards the wise and inspiring people in your lives or in the world to derive motivation from.




Anger, impulse, and reckless outbursts can become a common way of responding to situations during this week unless we learn to channel our inner rage in a constructive manner and give ourselves the time and space to think before acting out. In addition to this, if someone in your environment chooses to touch a nerve, disengage from the drama. Choose peace for self when faced with challenging and trying circumstances. Also, take care on the roads and avoid driving/riding rashly. Say no to abuse – physical, mental, or emotional. This is not the week to rush into anything new without careful consideration. There may be individuals in some of our lives who may wish to attack or belittle us in some way. Do not give away your power to bullying.



When it comes to our general health and well-being, legs may need extra attention. Leg aches could be bothersome. In addition to this, emotional disturbances can lead to mood swings. If a situation becomes too unbearable, withdraw for a time, or give it a break.



I hope these messages will serve useful and help guide you in the right direction. Until next time.



Sonya Singh 
Om Namah Shivaya 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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