Weekly Guidance Messages for 8th to 14th April, 2019



Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Namaste and Thank you for being here!


In this post, we will look at the messages for the week ahead. You have three piles to choose from so relax and let your intuition guide you to the pile that is calling out to you. For pile one we have the clear quartz. For pile two we have the Moonstone. For pile three, we have Angelite.





These days I am pushing past my comfort zone and creating video readings for those of you who prefer them. I have created a video reading for the messages as well and you can find the link below. If you enjoy and find these readings helpful, do subscribe to my youtube channel and give the videos likes.





Now for those of you who are more comfortable with the written word, I hope you have picked your pile. If yes, scroll down to read your weekly message.



For those of you who chose pile 1, a picture of your cards is listed below.



This week is about creating something new, beautiful soul. You are being asked to gather all those wonderful ideas that are bubbling in your mind and give form to your thoughts. A great week to start new projects and work towards new goals or dreams. But wait! The Hierophant is here to offer you some advice. And your advice is to be willing to invite support and seek guidance in any matter where you feel your knowledge and expertise is limited. Honor the time-tested rules and techniques and let the experts show you the way especially when moving through unfamiliar territory.


Your guidance this week also speaks about surrendering defensiveness. Sometimes, we think we know best and we don’t need outside help or suggestions. But with this attitude, you have more to lose than gain this week. Keep an open mind towards suggestions, advice, and guidance. Respect others opinions and be willing to hear them out before you can make up your mind and pass judgment. If someone wants to correct you or present a new solution to a common problem, hear them out. You have more to win when you welcome outside help and listen to advice coming from those in a position to guide you. Guidance doesn’t always come from our angels and guides but can also come from people who carry years of wisdom and experience in our material world.


I also sense that this is a positive week for matters related to children, pregnancy, or fertility problems for some of you. Old problems are being dissolved to make room for healing and happy changes. Pregnancy could be on the cards for some of you whereas some of you may begin making progress in situations that were stagnant. You are being supported and nurtured. But this also doesn’t mean you stop giving yourself the support, love, and self-care you deserve at this time. Make time to nurture your lovely being. Take care of your bodily needs and physical health. Invest in activities that make you feel at your best.



If there have been challenges with children in your life, this week will bring positive changes.


I hope these messages serve you well. If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries via the Contact page or visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section of my website.


If you were drawn to the Moonstone, your cards are listed below.





Lovely souls, this week is about reaping what you have sown. Your efforts are close to being paid off so continue refining, re-evaluating, and re-adjusting. If you have been slacking off or have failed to give your best to a situation, then life will bring you a wake-up call. Don’t let this bring you down. Take the opportunity, instead, to re-start and better invest your energy and time on things that are important to you.


A practical approach will benefit you more than an emotional one this week. It is important to see things for what it is and not glamorize situations that are throwing up red flags. Some of you could be living in denial about a situation or person. Like our lady Justice has removed her blindfold to see the situation for what it really is, you too need to get practical and start seeing things for what it really is and not what you want it to be. Do not give too many chances to people or situations that are clearly failing to bring you peace and joy. Step back and analyze where you need to stop or start investing your time and energy.



Patience will play a key role this month. Do not be in a rush to invest your resources into something. Take time to do your research. Read the fine print and make sound decisions after careful consideration. Legal situations may show new developments as well.


Value peace over drama. Walk away from people and toxic situations that are making it hard for you to stay in balance. Your inner peace is way more important than anything.


I hope these messages serve you well. If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries via the Contact page or visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section of my website.


If you were drawn to the Angelite, your cards are listed below.





Beautiful Soul, the very first thing I want to say to you is that you need to stop thinking so little of yourself and know that you are far more deserving of good things than you imagine. You may be at a place where staying hopeful and trusting the process is becoming harder and harder for you. But by letting negative thoughts eat away your peace of mind, you are doing yourself a huge disservice and inviting similar experiences to greet you on your path.



This week is about finding hope and restoring your faith in the process. You must gather your inner strength to stop obsessing over a situation, living in anxiety, and overthinking problems that are not even going to happen. A positive outlook will do you a world of good.


Your self-esteem is shaken and you need to build yourself back up. Only you can pull yourself out of this negative spiral and once you have decided and have faith that you are deserving of success, love, and abundance, the Universe will miraculously open its arms to bring you what your energy is sending out.


Work with your solar plexus chakra this week. Let the powerful rays of the Sun charge your body and burn away negative thoughts. Find and engage in activities that exhilarate you and bring back your enthusiasm. Feel more alive and know that the world is not a cruel place and good things do happen and come to us if we focus on it.


Investing in a spiritual practice will help elevate your energy and open you to messages and support from the spirit realm. Make more time for meditation or relaxing activities this week that help you stay in tune with the flow of life. Read uplifting messages. Pray when you are feeling weak and in need of support. Take a rejuvenating salt water bath or get close to the ocean to bring you more clarity and peace.


You become what you think so only give power to empowering thoughts. Do not lose hope and trust that something better is out there for you and you hold the power to manifest it. But first, you must work on shedding and clearing negative beliefs which are blocking you from ascending to a higher vibration.


I hope these messages serve you well. If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries via the Contact page or visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section of my website.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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