Weekly Guidance Messages for 8th to 14th March, 2021

Greetings beautiful soul!


Here are bite-sized horoscopes for the week ahead. I hope these messages will serve you well.

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This week calls for a lot of self-care and nurturing from you, Ariens. Nurture your dreams, ideas, projects, home, loved ones, and all that matters to you. Engage in a beauty ritual. Pamper your senses. Some of you will need to watch your weight and stick to a healthy diet that supports your well-being. There may be an arrogant or boastful individual in your circle this week who you should take caution against. Don’t give away your power to bullies and those who try to dominate you. Some plans may not see a successful outcome but it is okay. Trust the Universe! Be more vocal about your needs.


Money needs careful handling this week, Taureans. You must also pay attention to your health and well-being as this week may bring a sense of hopelessness due to tough circumstances, and asks for you to have faith. Be open to looking for alternatives, solutions, and out-of-the-box methods instead of giving up and feeling dejected. You may feel the loss of something very strongly but the Universe is pushing you into a new experience of life. Let life unfold onto the next stage. Legs are being highlighted this week so take care to see that you do not put a lot of strain on them and watch out against any minor injuries or aches. Autumn time may bring your plans to fruition.



An offer may arrive this week, Geminis. Something from your past may pop back in and seek your consideration or approval. Let your intuition be your guide. Trust every nudge and pay heed to the signs that you receive. They are not coincidental. Many of you may feel tied down and frustrated with a situation. This week you must make a decision to walk away from an unhealthy situation that is draining your energy so that new doors can open for you. Flowers will bring healing and refresh your energy. Work with them and enhance your surrounding with their pleasant aroma. A female child may be of significance for many this week.


Success and accomplishment of a goal is seen this week especially in the area of work. Your hard work will pay off. In addition to this, new business or career opportunities may be presented to you. Pay attention and follow-through. Emotionally, this week may bring ups and downs. You may be too sensitive to life’s happenings and situations. Try not to let your feelings get the better of you and bring some practicality into your life. Obsession and obsessive behavior should be watched against. A distant friend may pop back in or you may receive support from a close friend as well. Be sure to touch base with friends you have lost touch with.


Teamwork is essential this week, Leos. Work together with those around you to reach a quick and effective solution. Someone may try to impose their thoughts, actions, and will upon you. Do what is right. You may be dealing with a lot of worries and anxiety this week, however, if you look closely, some of these worries may be baseless. Exert your willpower and be confident in situations that can seem daunting. Spirituality and healing are topics that you must give time to this week. Seek a spiritual mentor or teacher to guide you. They are the perfect way to uplift your energy and steer you towards a stable place. Do not miss out on regular health check-ups and health-bound appointments this week.


This week can make you aware of certain challenges that need to be carefully assessed and dealt with. You may also encounter difficult people who may try to create unnecessary disturbances. Be very stern, honest, and outspoken when it comes to making your point of view clear. Keeping a level head is important when trying to dissect problematic situations. Springtime is when some of the answers or results you are seeking are likely to come to fruition. Some of you may deal with anger issues this week and there may even be suppressed feelings dating back to your childhood or younger days that can impact your actions and behavior. Break negative patterns and cut through anything that doesn’t support your well-being anymore.



Balance and focus are key this week. Achieve balance in your thoughts and behavior and stay very determined and focused on your goals. There may be distractions around you that can derail you from your mission or throw you off-course. Only willpower can help you stay on track. It may also be time to leave matters of the past and move forward. You must take caution and care when traveling, Librans. The move you have been wanting to undertake may not happen this week and travel plans could be delayed or canceled. Affairs related to the family will be of importance. This week also signals the right time to move forward with something. If you are ready, do not hesitate and waste time.


Hope and optimism are needed to survive this week. Dwelling in negative thoughts could be bringing down your mojo and making you feel discouraged. Move past these feelings and get into alignment with your vision and spiritual self. Shrewdness and resourcefulness are required when dealing with business matters or important events. You must also watch your back against manipulative people. You may experience deep love or longing this week. Make sure you are not pouring your feelings excessively towards something that is not worth your time and attention. Summer time is when what you have asked for is likely to come into being.


This may not be the best of weeks for you, Archers. Some plans you are attempting could turn unsuccessful and there are people or situations in your environment that may work against you as well. Victory, even when it comes, may not seem satisfying. Disengage from argumentative or selfish behaviors and if someone else is doing this to you, walk away without getting involved. You must make thoughtful plans for the future now as times ahead may be unsettled. Travel may be of significance this week and may bring important epiphanies. Take care of your emotional and mental well-being this week as otherwise, you may experience a lot of disturbance in your head.


This week demands rest from you so take frequent naps and tend to your bodily and mental well-being. Calmly approaching a matter is recommended. If you cannot find all the answers instantly, take the time you need to regroup yourself and contemplate. Health may take a beating for some of you and some may even need more bed rest in order to fully recuperate. Take care of your back. Your career is triggering a change and this week may open some new doors and fresh perspective for you. A new career opportunity may be presented to some. Dealings with an older woman will be of importance. Do not keep too many secrets from those who matter or even share them with others as this can affect you.


This week’s mantra is to ‘Let go’. Do not hold onto anything too tightly (even your desires) as the moment you relax and release control, you will begin seeing progress and forward movement. Recognition and rewards can come to you this week. Happiness is yours to take but there is also a warning to not get too lost in emotional and wishful thinking. Deal with your emotions in a mature and stable manner. Do not get addicted to food, alcohol, or substances as substitutes for feeling better. Throat chakra healing is needed for some. Speak your truth kindly and compassionately. Be gentle with yourself and express your emotions in helpful and healthy ways.



Good news is about to reach you this week, Pisceans. You are likely to enjoy lighthearted and carefree times this week. Be yourself and express your individuality. Honor yourself and your body. Do not compromise or copy others’ ideas and methods when your own creative brain can come up with a plethora of fresh thoughts. Belief in self is needed. It is best to avoid unhygienic food from outside especially the ones sold on streets and exposed to pollutants. Watch your diet and make sure you take prescribed medications on time. If you are waiting for a favor from someone, it may be delayed or you may not receive what you expect. Have backup options and make alternate plans rather than depend on one thing alone.


Sonya Singh 
~ Om Namah Shivaya ~

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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