Weekly Spiritual Guidance for 17th to 23rd August, 2020

Hello Beautiful Souls! Thank you for joining me on this post. In this weekly post, I am going to share some messages that I have received from the cards for the upcoming week along with guidance based on your zodiac signs. The ‘Tarot’scopes are written with the intent to make sense for those who also lookup the moon and rising signs, so feel free to check for all or simply go with your sun sign.



Before I begin, I would like to share a little bit about myself for those of you who are new to this site or my work. I am Sonya Singh and I am a Tarot card reader and certified Lama Fera Healer based out of Bangalore, India. If you would like to work with me, you can book a session or send your inquiries to [email protected].


Let us start by looking into the collective message for us all for the upcoming week. This message applies to us all (especially those who will be led to this post).


Collective Message for the Week 

There are a lot of positive moments surrounding family and loved ones that are coming into play next week. There is togetherness and a sense of commitment where you and your loved ones are concerned. Family issues will be sorted in a way that benefits you right now so do not be afraid of adapting to the changes that are naturally unfolding. Matter of fact, be welcoming of any change in your life as this is divinely orchestrated and is helping you get closer to and fulfill your life purpose.



Archangel Michael’s presence is coming through strongly for next week. Work with this glorious Archangel to help dispel negativity and darkness. Sometimes, dark thoughts and disturbing emotions can wreak havoc in our personal lives and affect our closest relationships. Do not let such thoughts impair your sense of judgment nor dim your light.


Make more time for your loved ones this coming week. Also, pay attention to your pets and their well-being. If you are planning on getting a pet home, the upcoming week seems like the perfect time. The same applies to those who are planning to start a family. In your moments of weakness, turn to family and loved ones for support.


Protection is around you and your loved ones. If you are thinking of long-term security for your near and dear ones, the timing is ripe to make the right moves in terms of investments. For some of you, Spirit is giving the green signal to start a new home or focus on meaningful relationships than casual affairs.


I hope this collective message will guide you towards the right path and help you make the right decisions during the forthcoming week. Let us now move to the Tarotscopes and see what the zodiac messages are saying for you and your loved ones’ sun, moon, or rising signs.




Ariens, life and death are two sides of the same coin. While the death of something can bring about a sense of discomfort, sometimes change is very much needed to find the right direction. Be accepting of the changes that come into your life this week. Put the past to rest and do not let bygone events or circumstances bother your present too much. The road to success can often be a twisted one so do not give up on hope. An important announcement is likely to take place this week. Some of you may even have to travel back and forth or set out on a short journey to someplace. Take all safety measures while traveling. Honor all endings that you experience for they are opening the doors to something new.



Taureans, turn to your friends and dear ones for support and guidance this week. Certain events could leave you feeling out of hope and dim your sparkle, yet, do not forget that every experience brings us wisdom and learnings. Extract the learning from such experiences now. A connection or relationship stands the chance to be broken. Faith is crucial during such uncomfortable times. Faith that all is well and will be and that closed doors are in fact redirections from the Universe towards a more meaningful and apt path structured for your benefit. Choose to remain positive and take care to see that you are not wasting your time, energy, and resources on things that are not worth your time. A friend may act protectively.



Gemstars, this week calls for balance and fairness. Do the right thing and exercise unbiased judgment towards life situations. You must focus on your goals and set your priorities straight in the coming week. Only this way will you be able to accomplish the end result. Work will need more attention in the coming week. A lot could be expected out of you and if you are not well-equipped to handle your targets, you may face unpleasant consequences. This is also a good week to work towards your career ambitions. You will experience a sense of joy and contentment this week, Gemstars. Count the blessings that are already present and practice gratitude.



Cancerians, a mixed-bag week awaits you. A situation may ask that you stand up for yourself and defend your position. Be assertive and do what you must. Shielding your energy and protecting yourself in all possible manners is highly important as well. You may even experience disappointment over a situation where all the bridges have been burned. However, don’t lose heart. Something new is brewing in the air for you. An opportunity of some kind will be presented to you this week which will open the gates for prosperity, abundance, and financial stability. This week, someone new may also enter your life. This could be a friend, a boss, a colleague of importance or just about someone who will be adding some value to your situation.



Leos, some extra efforts can go a long way this week so muster your inner strength and work towards your goals. You must also guard your energy and monitor who or where you are needlessly pouring in all your energy or giving it to. Do not waste your efforts or emotions on things that bring no value to your life. A period of prosperity is on its way for you Leos, yet Spirit is advising you to watch against greed in all manners. Also, be wary of greedy people around you who could be solely seeking their own benefits at the cost of bringing you discomfort. Dealings with a man will of importance this week for some. Relationships will require compassion and compromises but learn to draw the lines in the right places.




Virgos, this week, pay heed to the messages you receive both from the physical world as well as your own inner self. Your heart knows what path you must choose and there will be enough validation and guidance made available to you with respect to what you must do. An important announcement or news will be shared this week. If you have been questioning yourself and your path lately, it is time you take a leap of faith and trust the unfolding of life. Also, pay attention to the red flags about a situation. The warnings are here for a reason. Some of you must work towards forgiving yourself and stop engaging in self-sabotaging behaviors and actions. This is a week to work on your self and your spiritual growth.



Librans, this week you may experience some discord and disagreements with friends and family members. Relationships need to be handled more maturely. Try your best to avoid unnecessary squabbles and avoid wearing black, if you are already feeling agitated or depressed. Reassess your relationships and connections. Are there any toxic behaviors or patterns that you are succumbing to? Are the people around you creating this toxicity in your life? Choose healthier ways of responding to situations and be brave enough to cut negative ties. This week, however, is extremely positive for matters related to career. A new job is on the horizon for some of you. Career opportunities are likely to pour in. It may also be a busy work week for Librans.



Scorpios, this week, focus your energy on starting or creating something new. Pay attention to the practical goals of your life and diligently work towards them. Something new is lined up on the horizon for you. This could be the start of a new job, project, or even a study course. Pleasant news may also reach you this week pertaining to financial or material gain. This week, some of you Scorpions may have the chance to reconcile with someone. However, be wary if this person has had a reputation for being undependable and insincere in the past. Be slow to trust and go all in. You may even come across people who may behave dominantly and try to impose their thoughts and requests upon your shoulders. Learn to say ‘No’ where necessary and redirect your attention towards your own growth and tending your own pastures.



Archers, this week’s energy shows that you will be getting to the bottom of the truth about a matter (or, someone) and gaining clarity. An important piece of news or information is likely to come your way that can alter your way of thinking and help you gain a new perspective. You may also have to deal with criticism in some area of your life this week. Do not let this upset you. Often, our critics show us where we need to improvise and do better. Use valid feedback to strengthen your position. Some of you also need to beware of insincere and false friends this week. Do not participate in gossips or believe everything you hear. Many Sagittarians risk experiencing dehydration so ensure you consume the right food and stay hydrated. Also, avoid excessive mind application.



Capricorns, some wonderful opportunities are headed your way this upcoming week. There is growth and prosperity around you. However, you may be excessively and obsessively fearing or worrying over things that are inconsequential which can lead to a lot of stress. You must guard against negative thinking and destructive actions. Practice more gratitude over what you possess. Give more importance and time to family, loved ones, and home-related matters this week. Whatever difficult situation you are currently experiencing is only temporary in nature. There is light at the end of the tunnel so learn to relax and focus your energy in the right direction.




Aquarians, just like Sagittarians, you too must beware of entrusting your secrets to others this week. You may experience disappointment this week and a stubborn and argumentative person could be the reason behind this. You could even be the victim of meaningless gossips and rumors. Be careful what you post or choose to share online as many envious eyes will be upon you. Avoid making serious decisions this week specially if you are mentally not at your best. You may find it hard to stay focused on a task, yet this is something you must consciously aim for through practices such as breathwork and meditation. Avoid arguments and may your actions come from a mature place after much reflection.



Pisceans, this week, you may have an exciting event take place in your life. Self-care and self-grooming may come into focus. You may feel drawn to luxury, beauty, and aesthetics. Your sensual side may be at its peak. Cater to your physical needs and take good care of yourself in all possible ways. This week is a positive one for work-related matters. New job opportunities may arrive for many Pisceans. This week can make you feel a bit extravagant Pisceans, therefore, keep your expenses as minimal as you can. Spirit is also guiding you to plan for the future and save a few pennies for a rainy day. Weight gain or weight loss could be an issue for some this week. Diet needs attention.

I hope these short messages bring you valuable insights and help you through your week. I would love to know how the messages played out for you during the week so feel free to drop a comment or write me a note. Till next week.

Sonya Singh 
Om Namah Shivaya 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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