Weekly Tarot Guidance 3rd to 9th July, 2023

Dear Ariens, situations this week may put your strength and patience to test. There is a powerful guidance coming to you to heal away addictions. When I say addictions, think of anything that is harming your body, hampering your growth, and blocking your happiness and well-being. Certain habits, lifestyle, and ways of conducting yourself are not helping. making changes and healing (in all forms) are important this week if you want to get back on course and see improvements. A calm and focused attitude will help you navigate challenging situations. Keep a tab on your anger, impulsiveness, and the need to react before thinking things through. Stay grounded. Connect with the energy of Mother Earth and her natural creations to remain centered. This week, I also see an important meeting taking place. If you have the opportunity to meet someone new and explore future possibilities, do not turn it down. I also see many Ariens winning the admiration of someone. Last but not least, if you feel lost and uncertain about something, try to get back to the basics.


Dear Taureans, your emotional sensitivity could be heightened this week and you may feel things more deeply. It is important to honor and respect your sensitivity and listen to what your body is telling you. You may feel like slowing down or you may notice that your body has developed its own rhythm. Embrace it. Many Taureans are in need of some downtime, and this seems like a good week to sneak away on a vacation or a retreat. If you cannot physically travel some place, then try to take a mental break. Many Taureans may also be susceptible to water-related infections and illnesses. Take precautions. Your inner compass is also going to throw in some signs this week, Taureans. Make sure you are paying attention. Successful outcome of a situation is foreseen and the solution to a predicament will come to you. Spiritually too, my dear Taureans, you are protected from harm and guided by the divine beings. Take it slow and do not make any quick decisions this week, specially without checking with your inner oracle.

Dear Geminis, this week, a situation could disappoint you and you may feel a deep sense of dissatisfaction in some aspect of your life. Many Geminis are ready to end old cycles and will be motivated to follow a new path to get what they truly need. Do not be scared of getting out of your comfort zones, Gemstars. Some of you need to break out of stale situations in order to find greater joy and a sense of purpose. Whatever you decide to do this week, remember that the consequences will follow as a result of your action. Therefore, be certain of your choices. I also sense that some Geminis need to heal their relationships with their parents. A cord of resentments and unforgiveness exists with both or one of your parents and the sooner you heal and release, the better you will feel. Even in your day to day life situations, do not hold onto petty grudges against your parents and find a way to work things out and move forward. Gemstars, you must be prepared for hardwork in the coming days. Things will not come easy so put your best foot forward and be ahead of things.

Dear Cancerians, I see you stepping into a new experience this week. Something new is birthing in your life and your guidance this week is to Visualize Success and eliminate negative or fear-based thinking. Many Cancerians will feel a pull towards going in a new direction. An increase in your material wealth is also indicated so look out for opportunities that bring more money and the chance to grow. If fertility and childbirth-related matters are on your mind, this week bodes well. Chances of pregnancy are high. Pay attention to your spiritual growth as well this week, Cancerians. The time has come for you to drop the baggage from the past and expect more for yourself. I also recommend adopting a child-like and playful attitude. Do something fun and go on new adventures. Explore new cultures, cuisines, places, and meet new people. Last but not least, some Cancerians need to take care of their legs, feet, and joints really well at this time.

Dear Leos, this is a week of Awakening and Evolvement. Something within you is changing and you are outgrowing your old self, welcoming a new way of thinking and being. Therefore, pay attention to what you feel and what your inner voice is guiding you to do. It seems like a lot of messages are being sent to you as I see your Ear Chakra being active. You may hear messages and guidance through sound, music, and words. If you have the gift of hearing (clairaudience), then don’t be surprised if divine spirit is speaking to you and nudging you to take some important steps that will change your life. An important message may reach you as well this week. There is a strong Karmic tone to this week and I see many Leos reaping what they have sowed in the past. Karma will be served. Leos, family-related matters may beg your attention this week so handle situations carefully. There are people who are jealous of your success and would love to see you fail. Do your work diligently and do not give such people the opportunity to find faults and see you fail. Stay focused on your path.


Dear Virgos, this week brings some tense energies and confusion. You may feel indecisive and uncertain about making an important decision. Something could be weighing heavily on you, making you feel tied down and frustrated. Hoping that problems will go away on their own is not the solution. You must make a well-informed decision and stop putting things on the backburner. Emotionally too, some Virgos have deep seated emotional problems that need addressing. Action is needed from your side in order to evade problems and figure out solutions. Your own stubbornness could hinder you so be flexible and open to looking at your options. On an emotional note, I see many Virgos feeling blocked. Whatever you are holding onto in your heart needs to be expressed in a safe manner. Speak up and clear your thoughts and your heart so that the weight can begin lifting. Animals play the role of messengers and guardians in your life this week, Virgos. Look at messages coming from the Animal kingdom. Notice if pets are being extra close to you this week or if you spot random animals coming into your life in a synchronistic fashion. They are here to offer comfort, support, and guidance.

Dear Librans, this week, Spirit is guiding you to release the energy of fear. Some things have got you all tensed up and worried. You may develop the tendency to overthink things and expect the worse in your mind. You must work on changing your thoughts and stop expecting the worst outcome. Some situations in your life have fulfilled their purpose and it is time for you to accept the reality and move forward. You are moving in a positive direction, and you will notice the tides changing soon. This week, make sure that you do not let anger consume you. A wrong momentary reaction can lead to regrettable consequences. Control your anger before it does irreparable damage. Travel and relocation are also on the cards for some of you. You have been through some uncertain times and volatile changes but there is a promise in the cards that things are going to get better. Have faith. Do not let problems get out of hand. Seek solutions and solve the issues at the earliest.

Dear Scorpios, the worse is now behind you. If you have experienced a difficult cycle or challenging circumstances lately, take a sigh of relief that the bad things are coming to an end, and you are all set to begin a new chapter. Do not get caught up in the aftermath of dying situations. Fill yourself up with hope, optimism and faith and look forward to new things. You may have heard the saying that rejection is sometimes God’s protection. I see Divine protection surrounding you. Be thankful and accepting of the closed doors. They were never meant for you or your highest good. Some Scorpios are going to enjoy respect and honor this week. You are likely to be recognized and appreciated for your skills, talents, and strength. I also see Romance in the air for some of my Scorpio friends . Be open to welcoming new things. Those already in a relationship are also likely to enjoy some good times with their lovers. Crystals will play a supportive role in your life at this time as you make this transition so cleanse, charge, and wear your crystals more often. Learn about their different properties and roles and connect with their healing energies.

Dear Sagittarians, positive, fast-moving changes are afoot. Your friendly and passionate energy will be the key to your success this week. You may feel inspired to start new ventures or sign up for new things. Do not forget the commitment and effort that will be required to keep up your promises and see them through. Do not bite off more than you can chew and only say ‘Yes’ to a commitment that you are certain to fulfill in the future. Family matters are going to be important this week, Archers. Many Sagittarians may lean towards the idea of starting a family and so, news of pregnancy or child-planning could play an important role in some of your lives. Your relationship with your parents may also need some attention. Some Archers need to work on releasing anger and resentments associated with their parents as this is the cord creating a major block in your life at this time. New beginnings related to family are also possible. Romance, celebrations and parties are on the cards. If you get the chance to celebrate life and your relationships this week, grab it. You are likely to feel energetic this week, Archers, and in some cases, you may come across a passionate and energetic person as well who could make life interesting and keep you on your toes. While it is good to have fun and adventures, avoid recklessness and do not overdo things.


Dear Capricorns, the only one you can depend on at this time is YOU. This week is about contemplation, soul-searching, and withdrawing from ‘noisy’ situations to find your peace, balance, and answers. The answers or solutions you seek are going to come when you have disconnected from the jibber-jabber coming from the external world and are wanting to commune with your inner self. Capricorns, this week, I am being shown that your ability to connect with the spirit world is heightened. If you have a loved one who has passed on and is on the other side, they may try to send you signs and you could feel a strong connection with them. Perhaps they have a message to share with you so be open to signs and pay attention to your dream world. I also sense that some Capricorns may have a witnessed loss recently and could be in a phase of mourning. Take your time to heal and feel ready to get back to the world but don’t end up isolating yourself for too long. Your need to be alone could be interrupted this week by some exciting events or news. I see reconciliation on the cards for some Capris. The chance to revive a connection or restart a relationship could be offered to you. You must also reconcile with the reality, Capricorns. Accept the truth and the reality of a situation, make peace with it even if you do not like the outcome, and show maturity. A guru or teacher could emerge in your life and show you the way as well. No matter how bleak you feel, know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Dear Aquarians, some new beginnings are lined up for you this week. I see you entering some new contracts and commitments. You are likely to formalize a deal or a situation and sign the dotted the lines. This is a great week for both business and romantic connections. Some Aquarians are likely to receive new opportunities related to work or business. You may even enter a partnership or shake hands with someone on a good deal. Be careful before signing up and make sure you read the fine print carefully. I also see new relationships and marriage on the cards for some Aquarians. Some of you may feel a sense of dissatisfaction in your lives but the events taking place this week can really perk you up. Be sure to not say ‘Yes’ to something that you don’t want or are feeling unsure of. Some Aquarians may experience nervousness and anxiety as well. You may feel overwhelmed by the task ahead of you and could be second guessing yourself. Your divine guidance this week is that if you feel unsettled or get nervous, make sure you focus on doing the job right. Do not worry about the outcome. Keep your focus on what you need to do and you will do a swell job. Opportunities don’t always knock on the door, Aquashines, so if life is giving you something, be sure to look at it and grab it if it is to your liking.

Dear Pisceans, this week promises triumph over obstacles if you have put the right effort towards your goal. Victory is in sight for you. I also sense supportive energies around you, especially in the form of a man (could be a woman too), that will help you move closer to your desired outcome. You are also encouraged to seek the support of people in your life if you are facing challenges or need that extra hand to achieve your goals. Also, tap into the healing powers of crystals and use them to bring grounding and to give you that extra energy and luck to get to your outcome faster. This is a week of friendships and close bonds that could be romantic or platonic in nature. There is genuineness to these relationships so make sure you value and cherish them. I see trust factor being reinstated on the cards as well so if you have had a fallout with your partner or a friend, there is a good chance of getting back together to rework on your relationship. This is also an excellent week to reconcile differences, put the past behind, and establish understanding in your connections so be flexible and do not showcase a stubborn attitude. To some of you, partnerships in a business situation are also indicated. If you need advice, seek an expert. You are likely to find the right advisors and guidance at this time. Do you believe in Karma, Pisceans? Karma is playing a big role in your life this week and you will reap the rewards for what you have sowed in the past. I mostly see this in a positive context where you will receive the rewards for your struggles. However, if you have been the wrongdoer, then life may get even with you as well.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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