Weekly Tarot Guidance for 7th to 13th June, 2021

I hope you will find these messages helpful. If you would like to get a personalized reading or a distant healing session from me, send me a DM or write to [email protected].


Aries, some unexpected turn of events can occur this week. Something you have worked hard to build may not stand the test of time. A situation that was treading on thin ice may sink and dissolve. Yet your divine guidance from the Universe is to seek the hidden treasures in such events. Look for the blessings in situations that have come undone and have not lived up to your expectations. There is a lesson here for you. Ariens are known for their impulse and temper. This week is about keeping a tight lid on both to avoid disastrous results. Do not let your anger get the better of you.


Taurus, this is a week to go after your dreams and reach for the stars. Your needs are met and abundance is all around you. Comfort, luxury, love, and affection are all at your access. Make the best of it! You are in a position to sit and command. Bring out your nurturing and motherly qualities to tend to your loved ones or your goals. Eat healthy and prioritize self-care. If you are watching your weight, better watch that sweet tooth this week. You either need to pamper yourself more or you will be pampered by another. Sensual energy runs deep. Pregnancy-related matters are likely to turn in your favor. Take care and enjoy yourself.


Geminis, karma is strongly at play this week and what you sow is what you will reap. Take every step and decision carefully focusing on doing the right thing. You may even see situations from the past coming back to bite you. Life is giving you the opportunity to correct your mistakes. Do not repeat them and make the effort to do things differently and righteously. Do more charity work and donate food or money to servants and janitors. Legal bindings and paperwork can be of importance this week. Read the fine print carefully before you sign up for something.


Cancerians, this week is going to demand some serious decision-making and sacrifices from you. You may have to leave the comfort of the familiar and move towards uncharted and unknown territories. Do what must be done. Mustering your courage, determination and will power is crucial right now. Do not get sidetracked by emotional longings nor go back and forth on what you have decided. Stay focused on your goals. Travel opportunities are likely to come your way. Relocation and movement is seen. You must take charge of your mind and not let your mind take charge of you.



Leos, this week looks good for new friendships, romantic connections, business negotiations, and commitments. Relationship healing is possible by keeping all differences aside and focusing on the common goals. Some compromises are worth making for the benefit of all, keeping the bigger picture in mind. Through others, life will give you the opportunity to face your shadow side. Do not run from this shadow side but embrace it, acknowledge it, and make peace with it. Focus on becoming better by learning from old patterns and mistakes. We are all a work in progress, after all. Health consultations may prove beneficial and healing energy surrounds you.


Virgos, a big bright yellow sunshine week is in store for you. It is time to drop the seriousness and engage in some fun and frivolous activities. You totally deserve it! Clarity is important when making decisions or even contemplating matters. Therefore, take the time to think things through. Dig deeper and do your research to get to the bottom of things. Maintain good relation with your father and do something nice for him this week. Get into the habit of waking up early and step out for a walk, if you can, absorbing the healing radiance of the Sun. Vitamin D deficiency can be an issue for some of you. Take the right supplements to feel more energized and optimistic.


Librans, it looks like you have a lot on your plate this week and you could be burning the candle at both ends. Either you have overpromised and taken on more work and responsibilities than you can handle or you simply have been dealt with more liabilities and burdens. Find ways to shed all the unnecessary load and focus only on important and urgent matters. Try to free up some time for rest and relaxation. You must be decisive this week. Make clear and effective decisions by looking carefully into matters. Do not dawdle and delay.


Scorpios, you may be coming out of a difficult experience or cycle in life. This may have left you feeling jaded. You may be taking your time to come out of disappointments and mental stress. This does not mean you should forget how to incorporate and express joy in your day-to-day life. Celebrate the little things in life this week and share your joy. You are moving towards better things and peaceful times. The support of someone is made available to you. If not someone, trust that the Divine power is leading you through this transitory phase. A fresh start is on the horizon. Keep moving!



Sagittarians, time to bust out of your cocoon and shine. Your confidence level can use a boost this week. You have been hiding for a while now or playing it low-key. The world needs your opinion, warmth, and energy. Be more visible this week. Muster your inner strength and display your power. Take charge of your life and look towards the future. The answer lies in looking forward and not backward. Like Virgos, you too need to step out both physically and metaphorically this week. Do not let anyone rain on your parade or dampen your spirit. You are powerful and highly capable!


Capricorns, this week brings stability and happy times. You could be in a celebratory mood or will soon find a reason to celebrate. Matters related to home will be of importance. You may feel inspired to decorate or redo your space. Abundance is flowing towards you and if you are still in doubt, you must instill faith. Have faith that the stability and success you seek are near. This week augurs lighthearted moments. The serious Capricorns should make time for leisure. If you are going out on a date, expect some sizzling moments. Purchase of a new property is also on the cards for some Capricorns.


Aquarians, the motto of this week for you is to forgive and forget. Holding onto past disappointments, grudges, and failures is of no good to you. Move away from the dark spells of the past towards positive thinking and a fresh start. Let your inspirations and motivations lead the way forward. Something new is going to catch your attention this week. Excitement is in the air and you are advised to be open to exploration. Do take care to see that you do not act in juvenile manners and don’t speak or act in a brash manner. You are in an exploratory state so do not overpromise or rush into serious commitments this week.


Pisceans, this week you are encouraged to reassess matters. Do not enter a commitment without exploring all your options. There is something better out there that can prove more beneficial, meaningful, and desirable. This is a great time to brainstorm new ideas and get out of your comfort zones. Do not limit yourself to things that have brought you success in the past. Be inventive. There is a whole new world out there waiting with new potential. Settling for less is a big no-no. Opportunities from foreign lands or distant places is also on the cards.

I hope these messages will serve you well.


Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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