Weekly Tarot Guidance for all zodiac signs – 6th to 12th June, 2022

Dear Ariens, overall, a positive week is in store for you all. The key to moving through this week is Kindness. Other than being kind to others, don’t forget to be kind to yourself. Something you have done in the past can fetch you results and financial gains. You will see your hardwork paying off. Many Ariens this week are also likely to receive recognition and rewards. The Universe wants you to incorporate some playfulness in your life and to live joyously each day. What brings you joy? Do that more often. Different responsibilities could be entrusted on your shoulders and you must be prepared to play different roles this week. There can be someone in your life who will try and make you do things that you are not comfortable doing. Stay true to your path. This can be a good week for matters of the heart as well as I see love, deep affection and caring.


Dear Taureans, the Universe wants to remind you that your intentions are powerful and until you single-handedly focus on what you want, you may be drawing in mixed results into your life. I see some indecisiveness in many Taureans, this week. Indecision is also a form of decision and it is wearing you thin. Decide on what you truly want and then stick to the course. Your creative side is waiting to blossom. You are in the perfect place to birth something new both physically and figuratively. Exercise those creative muscles this week. Good fortune is coming your way, Taureans. I see new opportunities waiting for you and a period of prosperity and abundance. A young person could be of importance this week. Some good times with a dear friend are also on the cards.

Dear Gemstars, a transformative week is in store for you. It is time to shed something and go through change. Your emotions may be all over the place and mind may fluctuate too often. A situation can bring sorrow and tears. The key lesson to remember and integrate this week is to elevate your standards. You may be selling yourself short or may have forgotten your true potential. This week serves as a wake up call to acquaint you with your personal power. Your life needs balance at this time, Gemstars. Taking a vacation might help. You need some downtime physically or mentally or both. Take it because this break will help prepare you for the hardwork that lies ahead.

Dear Cancerians, you are on the road to success. The road may be twisted and you may have seen a lot of hardships along the way, but the Universe wants you to know that you are on the right path and heading towards success. The most difficult part of a situation is over and behind you. You can take a sigh of relief this week as things are going to get better. This week, a wish can come true. Do bear in mind that people will also act as your support system and therefore, embrace team effort. Some good souls will help you with your transitioning and goals. Make time for genuine friendships and friends. Sharing and spending time with those who really care can help uplift your spirit and assist you on your path.

Dear Leos, there is so much abundance that surrounds you this week and it all starts with your attitude. You are in a place of flowering. There is so much that you are capable of giving and attracting into your life. Your sensual and attraction powers are at their peak. Your heart is healing and is wide open. A fresh start is on the cards for you and to some, this could mean a new home. Take the time to declutter your space to deeply tap into positive energy flowing through your life. Some Leos embroiled in a legal situation are also likely to emerge victorious. Rewards and recognition are yours. Practice kindness, Leos. A woman’s energy will be prominent this week in your life. This can be someone with a dark complexion or dark hair. I sense some stubbornness and reluctance to change coming from this individual. Do not waste your efforts.


Dear Virgos, the answers you seek will come when you direct your focus inward and trust your intuition. Meditate on your third eye if you are feeling indecisive and confused about making a decision or finding clarity. Perseverance is your weapon. You can overcome all problems as long as you keep going. This week bodes well for legal situations and matters that involve the paper and ink. A commitment is taking place for many Virgos. This could be a business or a romantic commitment such as partnering with someone or getting married. An increase in your material wealth is also likely. I see many Virgos in need of a vacay. Pack your bags for a quick getaway if time allows. Taking risks is sometimes healthy and this week, the Universe is encouraging you to take a chance on something.

Dear Librans, this week marks the beginning of something new in your world. This could be a new get job or a raise that could bring you joy. Romance, celebration, and the spirit of partying is up in the air. There will be a lot for you to feel grateful for this week though there is also a small warning headed your way. You must take care who you trust as there is someone in your world who is insincere and cannot be counted upon. You may also witness two-faced behavior in your environment. Be wary of hidden agendas and people who may be wearing a false facade. The Universe wants you to acknowledge and embrace your feelings this week, Librans. Honoring your emotions is the first step towards your healing at this time.

Dear Scorpios, the Universe wants you to cultivate a calm inner state this week. Soothing your mind and choosing your thoughts holds the key to your wellbeing. A sense of sorrow may engulf you. You may feel disappointed or dejected about something. The guidance is to get back to the basics and seek help if you are facing roadblocks. An older man could be of importance this week. Perhaps, this could be the person who can help you out with some fine advise. Matters of the heart need careful handling. Tend to your heart and do not ignore those who need your love, affection, and reassurance. Be prepared for hard work but if you have worked hard for something, this week will bring the taste of well-deserved success.

Dear Saggittarians, this week is asking you to up your game and increase your efforts. Only then will you successfully accomplish your goals. Obstacles are dotting your path and problems may crop up that need your attention. Cultivating a spiritual practice or diving deeper into your spiritual world will bring you courage and help. Your inner voice wants to communicate to you. Your guides and angels want to send you a message. Make time to quiet the external noises so that you can listen to the wisdom coming from within and find solutions to current problems. The Universe brings you a gentle reminder to choose your words carefully. A situation is coming to an end and someone may possibly exit out of your life this week.


Dear Capricorns, life wants you to surrender to the unknown and let go of all worries. Sometimes, it is okay to not know what lies ahead and to simply live in the moment taking each day as it comes. Just take a chance on life and dive in! You must take good care of your health this week as you may be prone to falling ill or feeling depressed. You have some major challenges to overcome but the Universe is blessing you with a period of prosperity and abundance in the coming days. Make good use of this phase. Your wishes related to family are about to come true. Good planning is needed in order to see successful results in the future. A decisions awaits.

Dear Aquarians, this week promises a shift. I see many Aquarians starting a new job or moving in a new direction when it comes to career. An effort you has put in the past will bring you good results and financial gains are also foreseen. It is important to keep your priorities in check this week. Choose how you spend your time and make sure your schedule reflects the life you want. You are the creator of your destiny and through your determination and will alone, you will be able to create what you want. Vacation is on the cards for some Aquarians. Soak in the holiday vibe and go have some fun, Aquashines!

Dear Pisceans, the Universe wants you to engage more in charitable deeds this week. Share your abundance with others. Give to those who are in need. It will all come back to you in manifolds. Some of my Piscean friends may struggle with clarity of thought this week. Fear, worries, and tense situations could make you anxious. Also, watch out for some discord that may arise between you and your friends or family. You must tend to your mental wellbeing and stay away from drama as best as you can. There is some good news coming your way. This may be related to the birth of something new or a business opportunity. Define and refine your goals. Do not shy away from taking healthy risks.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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