Weekly Tarotscopes 10th to 16th July, 2023

Namaste Beautiful Souls! Welcome to another edition of Weekly Tarotscopes (Guidance for zodiac signs derived from Tarot cards) to get a peek into the energy of the week ahead.


This week, I am using The Phantomwise Tarot deck to channel the guidance messages. You can purchase these decks by visiting the link below, if interested.


ARIES. Dear Ariens, diplomacy, stealth, and strategic thinking will be your best weapon this week to tackle situations. Be careful what you share and who you share it with. Do not make any quick and impulsive decisions in your day-to-day life.

Ariens, don’t trust anyone blindly. The 7 of Swords card indicates that there may be deceptive people around you or there could be more to a situation than meets the eye. Even when it comes to purchasing items or striking a business deal, be sure to have done enough research and analysis.


To some Ariens, the most difficult part of a situation is coming to an end this week. Things are going to get better, and a smoother road is ahead of you. A woman is going to play an important role in your life this week.

This week Ariens, I also urge you to keep your Karmic scales in balance. Do not cheat or deceive anyone. I have mentioned earlier that stealth and diplomacy is needed this week but know where to draw the lines and let your actions not create any harm, pain, or suffering to another.

Make time to connect with your ‘Soul family’ this week, Ariens. These are people who make you feel at home. These are people who you call ‘your tribe’ and who positively inspire and uplift you. Needless to say, shut out the ones who deplete you.

TAURUS. Dear Taureans, your card of the week is The Tower. Expect some shake ups and volatility in your lives for good or bad.


I sense that many Taureans may have to deal with a stubborn and aggressive individual this week. This person could be part of the problem or someone who will create chaos in your life. If you are dealing with such a person this week, handle them carefully.

Some things are meant to disintegrate from your life at this time. Do not resist such changes. Sometimes, we do more damage to ourselves by holding on for too long than to let go and embrace change.

Dance can be a great form of healing for many Taureans. Turn on the stereo and move your body to release pent up energy.

Keeping calm in the eye of the storm can be difficult at times but that is exactly what you need to do this week, Taureans. Keep your words to a minimum and do not allow your ego to tussle with your confidence and rhythm.

It may seem like forces are working against you, but you just need to keep on going and make room for your peace, happiness, and joy. Let the Tower shake and break. Accept the cleansing and allow life to carry you forward.


GEMINI. Dear Geminis, this week could bring a period of frustration and anger. You may be looking for results or trying to fix something and things could be moving slowly, or you may be failing to get the results that you desire.

Rest assured that you are on the right track. The road in front of you brings many twists and turns. You are required to work hard but your efforts will lead you to the top.

This week Spirit is also encouraging you to share your gifts with the world. Your creativity is meant to be shared and seen by the world. Do not shy away from sharing your ideas, using your natural talents to your own advantage, and to bring all your hidden skills to the light.

The King of cups is gentle, compassionate, calm, and collected. You must adopt these qualities in order to deal with the day-to-day situations that will be thrown in front of you. Show emotional maturity in the face of challenges instead of subduing your emotions and resorting to indulgences that can weaken your mind, body, and strength.

You may even find insights and help by turning to a perceptive and emotionally mature individual. Talk things out to a good friend, mentor, guru or a therapist, if you are struggling to see a way through the current conundrum. Control your anger and reactions when you are heated in your head.


Charitable acts will elevate your energy and a sharing mindset will help you grow spiritually and bring back karmic gifts.

CANCER. The High Priestess brings a time of contemplation and trusting your instincts to make the right calls this week, Cancerians. You need to seek more information and wisdom before you can step forward. Do not make rushed decisions or pass judgments without knowing the complete story.

You must bring more focus and dedication towards your goals, Cancerians. Keep your eye on the prize and you will succeed.

Speaking of success, many Cancerians can expect good things coming your way this week. I see you being compensated for your efforts in the form of rewards, material benefits, or recognition.

The only challenge I see this week is that someone may try to play the blame-game with you. This could be a person or a situation where you may have to incur accusations that could be falsely targeted at you. Handle this situation maturely.


Don’t let your perspectives be jaded just because something did not go as per your expectations, or someone did something against your desires or will. Learn to see the beauty and order in everything. You just keep on doing you.

Honor your own emotional sensitivity and do not be quick to judge something by its cover.

LEO. Dear Leos. This is a week of healing and releasing. The Star is reminding you to take the time out for yourself to rejuvenate, rebalance, and release all those things that no longer require any space in your mind and heart.

You may feel uncertain about life or a situation. However, do not let this uncertainty shroud you in negative emotions. Be strong in moments of doubts and keep the faith.

A proposal may come your way this week, but Spirit is guiding you to seek more information before you accept this invitation or offer.

There is a situation in your life where you are asked to not compromise. Learn to say ‘No’ to things that your heart is not ready for and that does not sit well with you. Do not feel pressured to say ‘Yes’. It is also the time to walk away from a path, a person, or a situation.


Amid all of the above, a small wish will also be granted to some of my beautiful Leo friends.

There are some problems that you have been turning a blind eye to. Address them this week before they get out of hand.

VIRGO. Dear Virgos, the Wheel of Fortune says that this can be a topsy-turvy week for you. You may go through many ups and downs and highs and lows. Do not take too many risks as luck may not always favor you.

I am seeing that many Virgos may have deal with some testing situations related to family. An older woman is also showing up in the cards who may be the center of your focus this week. This could be your mother, grandmother, aunt or any other important person that you may be dealing with.

This is a week where many Virgos need support, nurturing, and upliftment. Reach out to your tribe and be in the company of positive people who are also part of your support group. Negative people and their presence can only bring you down further.


Big changes are afoot, Virgos. Go with the flow. Change sometimes cannot be resisted no matter how much you try. Accept life for what it is offering you and if the time has come to move on from one situation to another, then do not block the movement.

It will also help to examine a destructive pattern or a vicious circle that keeps repeating itself in your life. Work towards breaking this pattern instead of repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

LIBRA. Dear Librans, The Hermit is urging you to go inward and do a lot of self-reflection this week. This is a time best spent closely examining your life, situations, and what changes you need to make in order to bring balance, harmony, and find your path to success.

This is not the time to engage in heavy duty work or busy activities. Being surrounded by too many people and their opinions can water down your own ability to decipher the truth and wrongly influence you into doing things that are not best for you.


Some Librans have given into delusional thinking. You are deluding yourself by not accepting the reality of a situation or a person. It is time to quash and quell your fantasies that are misleading you.

If you were expecting to make progress in a matter, this week’s energy may slow you down. Something you have been wanting may either be delayed or denied.

Meditative practices and solitude can bring the much-needed respite to recharge your energy, Librans. Prioritize yourself and find ways to achieve peace and harmony in your life. Learn to deal with the sadness that is lingering around you in a positive way and know that no one else is responsible for your happiness but you.

SCORPIO. Dear Scorpios, this week is like a reset button that allows you to restart your life and your goals on a fresh note. Don’t carry the burden of the past as it will only weigh you down. Focus on your ‘Today’ and embrace the potential that comes with a brand-new day.

New opportunities are aligned for you, but you must seek them out. Be more present in your body and take slow but steady steps to accomplish smaller goals that will eventually lead you to the successful completion of the bigger goals.

You must take care of your finances this week, Scorpios. Do not be tempted to squander money or resources carelessly. An older person in your life can offer some guidance on this matter. Also, take care of your belongings.

The Page of Pentacles also brings new opportunities your way that allow you to excel but sheerly based on your hard work. Be dedicated towards all those things that matter to you and start your day with grounding exercises.

SAGITTARIUS. Dear Sagittarians, the Universe is guiding you to open your heart and welcome the energy of joy and laughter into your life. Many Sagittarians have faced some emotional challenges off-late that has left you feeling bogged down. As you release old emotions and make space for the new, fill yourself up with positive energy and uplifting emotions.

Many Archers may find themselves feeling tied down and frustrated over some matters. This week, you may even part ways with someone or the memory of losing someone can make you feel sensitive and emotional. Spirit wants you to release old emotions that are keeping your energy stuck.

Learn to find joy in the simple things in life, Archers. Do not take life too seriously. You need some light-hearted moments this week and a good laughter session to release stuck energy. The Ace of Cups is offering you the chance at a new emotional beginning.

Attend a stand-up comedy, watch a funny movie, or read a book on jokes. Be silly and learn to laugh at the curve balls that sometimes life can throw at you. Nothing lasts forever.

You also stand to win someone’s admiration and your own respect can be elevated this week. New friendships, relationships, and romantic connections are possible.

CAPRICORN. Dear Capricorns, this week is about owning your power and taking some bold steps towards the betterment of your life. There are challenges ahead of you but nothing that you cannot overcome.

Many Capricorns this week may slide into the energy of fear and worry about something pointlessly. Overthinking things and imagining the worst possible outcome will deplete your energy, therefore, stop fretting.

A quick break from the everyday humdrum is needed, Capricorns, and you will benefit by escaping to a getaway destination or a mini vacation. Find ways to rejuvenate and relax your frazzled nerves.

I want you to share your gratitude with the Divine as much as possible this week, even for the results that you have still not seen. Gratitude is the key to your success. Many Capricorns will receive the help that they need and the resources or the good news that you have been waiting for.

If you are stuck in a situation, know that your positive mindset and the power of prayer and faith can move mountains for you, leading you to safe harbor.

The King of Wands may appear as a confident and charismatic personality in your life this week to support you. You are also encouraged to use your creative ideas and talents to propel your business or goals forward.

AQUARIUS. Dear Aquarians, the 6 of Cups this week is giving you the opportunity to reconnect with yourself and all those things that warm your heart and bring you happiness. It is time for you to remember how to be playful and share your joy and goodwill with others.

Your past holds importance this week. There could be reunions and reconciliations. Also remember to engage your inner child and do things that you have forgotten that once made you happy.

Spirit is guiding you to be wary of Greed this week, Aquarians. The temptation to excessively indulge in something or overdoing things can lead to unpleasant consequences. Moderate your desires and avoid going to the extremes with anything.

You must also watch your money carefully. Money matters pose some challenges, and many Aquarians may stand to face disappointments where finances are concerned. Handle your money wisely and rethink and take some time before making huge investments.

An older person will play an important role in your life this week. Allow your heart to open up to things that truly make you happy.

PISCES. Dear Pisceans, the 9 of Wands suggests that you are tired and in need of a breather this week. Perhaps you have been working hard at something and your mind and body could use a break and rejuvenation. It is time for you to blow off some steam and loosen up.

This week, you may face disappointments in some matters. Losses and gains are part and parcel of life. Don’t let setbacks pull you down for too long.

Hidden secrets can harm you now or in the near future, Pisceans. Therefore, come clean and speak your truth. Don’t allow mistrust to breed or situations to get out of hand.

Sexual matters may pose some challenges for many Pisceans as well this week. Some of you might be too preoccupied with sexual matters and feel distracted. Practice moderation.

Pisceans, with the 9 of wands energy, you must learn to keep going on even though you are uncertain of how long it can take for you to accomplish your goal. The fear of something is gnawing at you and making you feel isolated and disconnected with the world around you. Work through your fears and don’t let them enslave you.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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