Weekly Tarotscopes for 10th to 16th February, 2020

Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Thank you for being here! Below are some messages and insights for the week of 10th to 16th February 2020. The reading was done keeping your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in mind so feel free to check for all three.


These are general messages for all zodiac signs as a collective. If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries via the Contact page or visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section of my website.






Ariens, you may feel heavy-hearted this week. Negative emotions and self-blame could be shrouding your thoughts and dimming your outlook. Work on overcoming the self-condemning and let go of any past guilt that could be stealing your peace of mind. Invest more time doing things that bring you joy. This week may present to you opportunities to celebrate and get-together with your loved ones. Participate in all uplifting occasions and engage in outdoor activities. Choose the right people to be your companions and avoid the naysayers and energy suckers. You are loved unconditionally by the Divine and sometimes, you just need to accept this truth and be less critical of yourself.



Taureans, this looks like a stable week where you will continue to make steady progress. Keep your vision fixated on your goals and continue doing what you must. The results will come soon. Just don’t get side-tracked, lose focus or feel dismayed. Dedication and discipline is very important on your path at this time. I am also sensing a stable situation where family and loved ones are concerned. This week is about bonding with your loved ones and making time for family. This is also an excellent time to take action on matters that concern the future security of you and your family. Pay attention to the elderly folks at home and make sure their needs are met. Being a homebody will be helpful this week.




Gemstars, some matters could bring up disappointment or pull the band-aid off old wounds this week. There is an energy of pain, feeling low, hurt, or just experiencing a sense of loss coming through for the week ahead. Fret not! Whatever the situation, a little bit of self-love and an attitude of gratitude will see you through the tough times. Deal with uncomfortable feelings and pain courageously and maturely. Facilitate your healing. Sometimes, this happens naturally when you sit with the discomforting emotion and just feel things fully. Acceptance dissolves that which you fear. Also make time to do something for yourself. When was the last time you actually gifted yourself something or rewarded yourself for accomplishing a tiny or massive goal? Focus on your best qualities and count your achievements.



Cancerians, this week is all about energy work and setting the right intentions. The Universe always gives us what we vibrationally emit but for you guys, this power is amplified this week and whatever you give your energy to will manifest pretty rapidly. It is best to focus on what you want and not what you fear or don’t want. Meditate more, connect with the Divine, set intentions and do the work. This is an excellent phase to set new goals and make a fresh start. Any healing, energy work, spells and rituals that you perform with a sincere heart will be heard (loud and clear) so invest your time and emotions carefully. There is a message for you to be more confidence and trust in your abilities as well. What you say and how you say it will make a big difference and you possess the midas touch when dealing with the outside world.



Leo, this week, find some ‘Me-time’. Your week is best spent by yourself or in the company of those you cherish and who feel like home. Take a break from any busy situation and noisy environment. Do things to pamper yourself and make yourself your number one priority. The less you work and more you relax, the better. I also highly recommend a good dose of nature this week. Get grounded and connect with your own energy. Some of you are also being told to focus on healing family patterns and unproductive conditionings that you may have picked up from family members. Some of you may also need to make peace with a family member and let bygones by bygones. Eitherway, focus on making room for peace and healing this week and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.



Virgos, this week calls for assertiveness and a bold attitude. Sometimes, a soft approach doesn’t help and a quiet attitude can push you further away from your goals. Be bold, be honest, and say what’s on your mind. Do not settle for less or accept your loss just to make someone else comfortable. Speak up and go for what you want. This may also feel like a frustrating week for some of you and more effort will need to go into tasks. Trivial disruptions may arise so make sure you plan better, get organized and nip the problems at the bud before they get out of hand. Find ways to de-stress and calm your nerves from time to time.




Librans, this week may feel a bit heavy on your emotions and a sense of confusion could prevail. Decision-making may seem pointless and tough as your mind could be pulling you in different or opposite directions. Emotions may rise and fall like the ebb and flow of an ocean. You must take good care of yourself, especially your emotional health and not get too worked up overimagining things. Get good rest and pay attention to your dreams. Some of you need to work on re-wiring your subconscious beliefs because you are attracting repetitive situations and people that are not in alignment with who you are and what you want. It feels like your words don’t match your energy and beliefs and this is where the problem lies. Learn more about reprogramming subconscious thoughts and that’s half the battle won. The other half, in case you are wondering is – doing the work!



Scorpions, it is time to leave a situation behind for your own sanity and peace of mind. Many of you may feel troubled, anxious or unhappy concerning a matter this week. You may be doing a lot of thinking, worrying or something could be disrupting your balance. Do not stay put in this negative situation but move. This week demands plenty of self-care but also advises you to stop getting consumed by your thoughts. Some of you may experience trouble with sleep as well and could be spending a lot of time dealing with guilt, regrets and frustrations. Get help if you must but take positive action-steps for your well-being. Whatever costs you your mental peace is not worth it.



Archers, this week you are encouraged to think outside the box and explore ideas. This could help you find a way out of a tricky situation. A situation could present some trouble especially where partnership is concerned this week. You may feel like you are not supported and are walking a lonely path. There could be issues surrounding trust and even finances for some. Stop feeling helpless and know that help is available if you know where to look and if you are open to look it up. Better communication is needed in all your significant relationships. Take care of your health and well-being as well, Archers, as your body may be lacking the right nutrition. Some of you may experience physical discomfort as well this week and it is advisable to not miss any red flags where your body is concerned.



Capricorns, this week is about making the right choices and investigating your options better. Don’t just fall for the surface glamour of anything or any person but dig a little deeper to find out the reality. Do not direct your focus in too many different areas as well. This can only render you unproductive and you may end up scattering your energy and feeling disconnected. You must make more time for grounding and learn to be more in the present which will help you make practical and well-informed decisions. Make more time to study, journal and work on important goals this week, Capricorns. Do not be distracted by meaningless activities or thoughts. What do you believe is your life purpose? Whatever feels right to you in this moment, work towards it.



Clear the mental fog, Aquashines. Search for the right answers and cut through illusory thinking. This week is about getting clear on where you want to direct your energy and getting the facts right. Some unforeseen and shocking revelations may also unfold this week. Many of you will feel more in touch with the truth and finally receive clarity on a matter that was confusing and confounding you all this while. Use this new piece of information to make further decisions. Keep your communication clear and expect the same from others. Do not fall for empty words but let others back their speech with action. The more you focus on doing your job without worrying about results, the more easily results will come to you. So focus on doing the work.




Time to release and surrender, Pisceans. This week calls for faith in the unknown and the releasing of burdens so that you can move forward. Do not hold onto worries, fear or sadness. The Divine energy is working through you and in your life. Be receptive. A lot of things are coming out in the open this week and there is a strong possibility of conflict being resolved. Even in relationships, improved communication is foreseen for many. If things are not exactly turning out the way you imagined them to be, don’t lose your sleep over it. Simply trust and go with the flow. The more you are at ease with life, the easier things will become. When you let go of control is when you will start allowing the manifestation to occur.


Om Namah Shivaya 







Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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