Weekly Tarotscopes for 16th to 22nd March, 2020

Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Thank you for being here! Below are some messages and insights for the week of 16th to 22nd March 2020. The reading was done keeping your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in mind so feel free to check for all three.



These are general messages for all zodiac signs as a collective so take what resonates and leave the rest. I have been as honest as I can be with the insights and as you can tell, they are not sugar-coated. Please bear in mind that the messages are indicative of the general energies and not everything will make sense to everyone. The idea is to move with awareness.



If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries to [email protected] or DM me on my social media handles.



Ariens, there is a particular situation that you are being advised to get out of. Do not linger in the aftermath of something that has gone wrong and can no longer be corrected. Proper planning of the future is needed at this time so don’t take things lightly and squander your resources on needless things. I am also sensing some good times coming up for you this week, probably with a friend or a particular person you cherish. You may feel too indulgent and may get into the mindset of living life to the fullest. While we must enjoy our life moment to moment, do not get carried away and overdo things. Pay attention to your diet and go easy with intoxicants. Those with weight gain issues must watch their cravings this week. Dental issues may crop up for some.





Taureans, you may be moving through some personally testing times and Spirit wants you to know that things won’t always be this way. A change is on the horizon and your current situation will transform soon. This is a time to gain perspective on matters and focus on the bigger picture. I also sense many of you making a transition. You are leaving behind the disappointments of the past and moving towards a fresh cycle that allows you to start anew. The symbol of your zodiac is the bull and this week, you are being asked to display bull-like courage, strength and a resilient attitude to overcome all obstacles. Do not give up. Travel may be on the cards for some but chances are that this travel may not make you happy. Leg, hand, and backaches may trouble some. Some of you also need to work your way through grief.




Gemstars, it may seem as though some situations have come to a standstill and progress is halted. Delays may be cropping up and things may not be moving at a pace you had imagined. Relax. This is a temporary situation and it will change. You must guard against negativity, though. Spirit is also guiding you to pay attention to your finances this week, Gemstars. Do not invest or take any risky decisions where the money is concerned. Romance is in the air for some and even those in established relationships will have the time and chance to work on strengthening their relationships this week. Negative thoughts can turn out to be your biggest challenge this week even when it comes to your health. Do not give into them.




Cancerians, even with everything going on in the world right now, this week’s energy remains positive for you. Success is seen in matters involving law and authority. The strong foundations that you have laid in the past will prove resourceful for you this week. If you are dealing with a situation that involves contracts, legalities, or even offices and companies, you are likely to find the results in your favor. Many of you may feel drawn towards spirituality and spiritual love. You may experience an awakening of sorts that can help you live more consciously and peacefully. New ideas, offers, and inspiration are likely to come your way. I see many of you feeling rejuvenated and filled with vitality this week. If you were feeling unsettled and unwell these past few days, this coming week will bring you energy and enthusiasm.




Leos, matters pertaining to the family will come into the spotlight this week. It is also possible that you may have some financial matters to look into that have to do with your family and it’s security. Inheritance, insurance, family business, etc are all highlighted. Many of you may have to go on a short journey this week. Spirit is guiding you to take care of your finances and to not trust or invest in haste at this time. Take a step back and contemplate. Give yourself some time before you make any decision involving your money and resources. You may be dealing with someone in a position of authority this week. You may even be called to meet or be the leader this week. Take responsible decisions. An elder in the family may require more attention where health and well-being are concerned.





Virgos, the Universe will be lighting up your path this week and showing you the way forward out of any confusing situation that you may be facing at this time. Happy news pertaining to job or money is seen this week for many. There could be an unexpected gain coming your way. New partnerships are also possible and the chance to resolve conflicts through open communication is showing up for many. Do not move with conflict but with love, understanding, and flexibility. Some Virgos may experience a period of ill-health, too. Depressive thoughts could be affecting your mental well-being and it will be best to seek help where necessary. Avoid eating unhygienic food, junk, and food from outside.




Librans, this week may bring some challenging situations in your life. Brace yourself as a lot of negativity could be around you and you will need to put in more effort to not get affected by situations and maintain your zen. A disappointment could come from a friend or lover. You may also receive criticism that you must not shy away from as long it is valid. For some, a situation related to the family may bring unhappiness. This is a week to sit tight with your finances and adopt a calm and composed demeanor. You must watch your back and posture, this week. Some of you may experience heaviness of head as well. Even if you are to stay indoors, move around, stretch and do some light exercises to stay active.




Scorpios, despite all the precautionary messages and chaos taking place in the world right now, being out in the open, in natural settings will do you a world of good (of course, be safe). I am seeing fun times in store for many Scorpions. Celebrations and happy memories are in the making. Health and well-being look stable for the most part, however, exhaustion may affect some from being too busy and on the move. Pay attention to the wisdom and wise words that are shared with you this week from a wise friend. This could be someone older. The advice that will be coming your way will help you move through your situation better and will offer new insights. Keep your diet in check and choose fresh, natural food over junk and packaged items.




Archers, this week your guidance is to stop wearing your heart on your sleeves and operate from a place of knowledge, practicality, and intelligence. It is time to display courage and take the necessary action steps. It is about saying things as it is and aiming for clear and effective communication in all your affairs, especially the one concerning your family. Choose your words carefully. Sexual matters may also be of importance for many this week. From the health and well-being perspective, take better care of your back and hands. Some of you may need to confront, break or work through patterns that may be stemming from your childhood or past. Allow your experiences to make you stronger, not bitter.




Capricorns, this week will shed light on some important matters for you. This is a positive week for many as you could be feeling happy, youthful and in the mood for fun. You may value your sense of freedom more and do what makes you happy. There are a few cautionary messages for you, though, Cappies. Someone –  either a friend or a person you know – could be acting in conflicted ways this week. Beware of two-faced people who may be selling you lies. Be slow to trust and do not spill your secrets loosely. Do not be too ready to believe the words of people who could be acting suspiciously nice on the surface. You must also take care of your material resources this week, Cappies. Spend money carefully. Some of you may experience problems related to heat such as heat stroke or dehydration. Also, anger issues need to be kept under check.





Many Aquarians may be going through a period of stress, anxiety, and worries this week. Guard against such thoughts and do your best to not get worked up, Aquashines. Your instincts cannot fail you so make sure you quiet the mental chatter to be able to listen to your inner guidance more clearly, which will help steer you in the right direction and aid you in making better choices. Many Aquarians may also experience a big shift this week. An old cycle is coming to an end. This ending may create fear and a sense of loss but Spirit is saying that a prosperous cycle in ahead of you. Move through changes with a positive frame of mind and know that new beginnings are on the horizon. Many Aquashines may be dealing with emotional issues stemming from the past and maybe feeling lost. Be gentle with yourself and get help, if need be.




Pisceans, you may have heard of the saying that haste makes waste. This applies to you in the coming week and Spirit is guiding you to stop rushing into matters. Have a slow and steady approach to life this week. Do not say or do something on impulse and be mindful of your triggers. Mental focus will be needed this week as your thoughts may be scattered, disabling you from making the best decisions for yourself. Your family and cherished connections will act as a sanctuary this week, Pisceans. Go where you are loved and needed. You can lean on your loved ones for comfort, security, and love. A family wish is also likely to come true. Avoid speeding and rash driving and take care of your legs, calves, and hands this week.




All glory to the Divine. Om Namah Shivaya 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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