Weekly Tarotscopes for 24th February to 1st March, 2020

Hey Gorgeous Souls,




Thank you for being here! Below are some messages and insights for the week of 24th February to 1st March, 2020. The reading was done keeping your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in mind so feel free to check for all three.



These are general messages for all zodiac signs as a collective so take what resonates and leave the rest. I have been as honest as I can be with the insights and as you can tell, they are not sugar-coated. Please bear in mind that the messages are indicative of the general energies and not everything will make sense to everyone. The idea is to move with awareness.



If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries to [email protected] or DM me on my social media handles.





Ariens, an important week lies ahead for you. Prepare to receive an awakening of sorts that brings a fresh perspective and helps you move past old situations. This is also your cue to release the hold of your past and give yourself a second chance at something. Some of you may have to deal with important matters pertaining to the law. A dark-complexioned/haired man is showing up in your cards who may play an important part this week. Your guidance is to be bold and courageous and take action. This is no time to wait and watch but to think and act. When it comes to general health and well-being, the hands and neck region are being highlighted. Take care of these areas and stay hydrated. Do not skip any important medical visits.





Taureans, this week, beware of delusional thinking as all that glitters may not be gold. Relationships may also present challenges for you so work on harmonizing any situation that is within your control. If you are waiting for a meeting or proposal, chances are that it may not take place or unfold as per your expectations. Not a good week to enter new partnerships or commitments or sign any contracts. Your circumstances will aid your spiritual growth this week. Move with awareness and absorb the lessons that are being presented to you. You will gain clarity on something. When it comes to general health and well-being, take better care of yourself. Medical attention may be needed for some.




Gemstars, an abundant and prosperous week lies ahead for you. All your needs are shown to be met as the Universe showers its blessings upon you. Even those who are sailing through rough waters are being guided to persevere as you are about to overcome the obstacles on your path if you don’t give up. This week’s energy also seems to bode well for personal relationships and romantic situations. New relationships are on the horizon and some of you will be hit by cupid’s arrow. A new offer may also find it’s way to you. Do not hold back from expressing your emotions as I sense that some of you need to empty your cups of old energy before you can make space for something new. Let those tears flow, if you must. Stay hydrated.




Cancerians, this week, practice the wonderful art of surrendering to the Universe and learn to be okay with delays. Some matters may lack progress and you may be met with temporary setbacks. Do not let this work you up as the situation will soon improve. The rewards and recognition that you are awaiting are coming your way only with a slight delay. Do keep an eye out for new opportunities. Have you heard the saying that the Universe works much faster when you are having fun? This is exactly what you must do this week. Party, have fun, partake in celebrations, and give and receive love. Shift your focus from the problems and let loose. Joint aches may trouble some of you. Engage in doing Yoga and stretches.




Leos, some matters could be looming over your head creating unnecessary stress this week. Disconnect to reconnect. Take a break from all the thinking and find ways to rest and rejuvenate yourself. Let go of worries as good luck surrounds you. You may witness this luck playing out in some area of your life this week. It also appears as though you are anxiously waiting for the arrival of something. This could be a piece of news, a letter, or a package. Expect delays. Pay attention to the guidance that will come from a wise person. Do not bypass any valuable advice. Many Leos may feel under the weather this week and some of you may experience backaches, too. Surrender and let go of what is beyond your control.





Virgos, this week you may face some issues from a stubborn and aggressive individual. I am sensing fiery energy (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius). This person may try to create obstacles for you or come in between you and something (or, someone) important. Be aware and handle the situation carefully. Act maturely and watch against impulsive reactions. Important news may also reach you this week. Many of you will experience a renewed sense of passion and enthusiasm as well. Excitement is in the air. Travel for fun and exploration is highly likely. You may feel drawn towards something new. Health appears to be on an upswing.




Librans, this week may challenge you a bit. There is a sense of loss and despondency that I am picking up for your zodiac. This could be related to financial matters or it could be that your personal relationships may be creating a sense of disharmony and imbalance. There are some hurdles that you need to overcome, Librans. An arrogant, older person is showing up in your cards and chances are that some of you may be facing issues with such a person this week. Try not to cross the wrong people, Librans. Health may present challenges as well for some. There could be issues with legs, head, lack of proper nourishment to the body and stomach upsets. Eat healthy and avoid junk.




Scorpios, this week, you will witness some form of progress that will take you closer to success or your dream. Family matters are coming into the spotlight and it could well be that a family wish may come true. I am seeing precious gifts in the cards so chances are that you may either be receiving or giving this gift. Alternatively, consider doing something thoughtful and generous for your loved ones, this week. With the onset of Mercury Retrograde, you must pay extra attention to all forms of communication this week. Do not say or do something from a place of ignorance and inexperience. Small arguments may present themselves but they can be totally avoided if you tread carefully. Neck issues may bother some of you this week.




Archers, this week calls for dependability and practical thinking. Get serious and disciplined about your important goals and no one can stop you from succeeding. A journey is showing up for you this week which could be on a physical or mental level. Embarking on this journey will leave you wiser in the end. Also, there is a message for some of you that you are on the right path. Keep going and keep aiming for things that help you grow and prosper. Archers, you may also have to deal with someone this week who could be acting stupidly. Do not lose your cool or get into squabbles with this person. Pick your battles and interactions wisely. When it comes to your well-being, guard against negative thoughts and focus on the wisdom that every situation brings.




Capricorns, this week you may experience some mental blocks which can shroud your optimism and create uncertainty. Is there something about a situation that you are failing to see or acknowledge? Are emotions running high and clouding your judgment? You may feel disconnected from your creativity and intuition probably because of absorbing too much of unwanted energy from your environment. I am also seeing personal sorrow coming from a situation or person who is acting distant and uncommunicative. With all this heavy energy, Capricorns, make plenty of time for self-care next week. Your guides and guardian angels are around you, protecting and keeping you from all harm. Drop all worries and treat each shut door as a protective blessing. Headaches may bother many of you this week.





Aquashines, you may have to work harder at gathering your will power and staying disciplined this week. Progress may seem stalled or delayed. More efforts will be needed than usual in order to get things done. This week’s energy is not supportive of travel and forward movement. With Mercury going retrograde in the cosmos, greater precaution will need to be taken when making travel plans. Some of you face competition and conflict from a female figure this week. Also, be aware of hidden enemies or people with hidden agendas. Avoid trusting people blindly and make sure you don’t leave any loopholes in your work. You must bring balance between your heart and mind, otherwise, you may feel torn in two different directions which can derail you from your path.




Pisceans, a burdensome situation is coming to an end this week paving the way for something new. New opportunities, pathways, and possibilities are showing up for you. Embrace them and prepare for a new journey. Something that you have been wishing for with all your heart is about to come true this week. With all this brilliant potential showing up for you, some of you may be too consumed by the dullness and drudgery of life that you could be turning a blind eye towards fresh offerings. Stop focusing on the lack of something, Pisceans, for you will only end up feeling more of it. You may be unnecessarily burdening yourself with too much and it is important to shed all the unwanted tasks, responsibilities, and baggage this week. Take care of your back and leg this week as these regions could possibly present issues for some of you.




Om Namah Shivaya 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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