Weekly Tarotscopes for 2nd to 8th March, 2020

Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Thank you for being here! Below are some messages and insights for the week of 2nd to 8th March, 2020. The reading was done keeping your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in mind so feel free to check for all three.



These are general messages for all zodiac signs as a collective so take what resonates and leave the rest. I have been as honest as I can be with the insights and as you can tell, they are not sugar-coated. Please bear in mind that the messages are indicative of the general energies and not everything will make sense to everyone. The idea is to move with awareness.



If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries to [email protected] or DM me on my social media handles.



Ariens, a positive week is in store for you where rewards and recognition are likely to come your way. I see you being in an abundant place, enjoying the fruits of your labor and relishing the victory from all your hard work. I also sense that many Ariens will be making forward progress this week, leaving behind the past and pushing out of the comfort zone. Some of you may be going on an important trip, as well. Be mindful and welcoming of new connections this week Ariens, as a meeting with a stranger could turn out to be important and could lead to future developments. Exercise your will power more and be focused. Do not get sidetracked by distractions.




Taureans, some old, uncomfortable stuff may pop up during this week that is seeking your forgiveness and wants to bring you closure. Release and let go. Something is coming to an end only to pave the path for a fresh beginning. Respect everything that may come to an end on your journey and trust that new doors will open. Also, notice what your soul is urging you to do at this time. Listen to the calling of your heart and welcome any new awareness with open arms. This week, the ruler of your house, Venus, may tempt you to invest in material possessions. Don’t let retail therapy get too out of your hands, though. Ensure that your diet is replete with fresh fruits and veggies. Medical visits may be important to some of you as well.



Gemstars, this week’s energy is urging you to be positive and to see the beauty in everything that surrounds you. Engage more in outdoor activities and do more of those things that bring you joy and pleasure. There could be a small event or experience which may leave you hurt this week. However, don’t let this blanket your optimism and water down your mojo. Be free-spirited and pick yourself up. Listen to the advice coming from close friends. You must watch against anger and angry reactions to situations. The best way to wing this week is to be happy and seek your bliss, no matter what life throws at you.



Cancerians, balance is key this week. Do not overdo or underdo anything and make sure that you distribute your energy equally towards all aspects of your life. Don’t end up burning the candle at both ends and make self-care a priority. Special attention must be given to your finances and how you are managing it, this week. Avoid unnecessary expenditures and keep a tab on your spendings. An important journey may come up for some of you in the days ahead. Your body needs plenty of care and nourishment this week so make sure you are tending well to your needs. Step outside and plant your feet on the ground to connect with Mother Earth’s nurturing energy (grounding). This will help you stay centered and balanced and shed any unwanted energy from your system.



Leos, this week’s energy will bring spiritual development and a new understanding of old matters. You will gain a fresh perspective and start seeing things from a new angle. Take note of what is being illuminated in your life. Good luck surrounds you and will play out in many ways in your life this week. Do not shy away from social interactions and opportunities to get together and celebrate. Make room for fun and find ways to unwind. Someone could be wearing a mask and acting deceptively in your life. Be slow to trust all that you see. Do more research with matters related to real-estate. You must watch against exhaustion this week and find ways to rejuvenate yourself. Leg and neck region may present some challenge to a few of you.




Virgos, they say good things come to those who wait. It feels like for many of you, this wait is nearing an end this week. New beginnings, creative ideas, and ventures are on the horizon. After a dark night of the soul, the Sun is ready to rise and offer you a bright start in some way. Having said that, a patient and a flexible attitude will greatly assist you in the days to come. Many of you are undergoing a phase of healing right now. Be gentle with yourself and keep your life in balance. You are also advised to maintain your cool this week as you may have to deal with people who may act stupidly. Don’t let trivial matters destroy your peace of mind. Diplomacy and tact are required when dealing with important people or touching important subjects.



Librans, this week some important events may come into play in your life. On a romantic note, marriage is highlighted for some or, some of you may meet a person who holds good potential to be your long-term partner. Even in business, an important partnership or contract could be up for grabs. Put your negotiation and conversation skills to good use. You may even meet important people who can assist you in your growth this week.  You are being asked to trust your intuition more this week. It cannot fail you and your sixth sense will be throwing up some important insights your way. Listen to your gut when making any decision.



Scorpios, chances are that you may be feeling quite emotional and deeply in touch with your feelings this week. While this definitely allows you to express yourself more openly to those around you, you must guard against being overly sentimental and getting too attached to situations or people. This week may also throw up a challenge on your path. Don’t let this bring up anxiety and fear. Search within for strength and know that through perseverance, you can surmount this obstacle. You must also watch against people or circumstances that can operate against you. Your emotional health is highlighted this week and so, you must work hard at remaining practical and detached rather than be consumed by feelings.



Archers, this week I see you feeling comfortable in your power and probably even being the life of a party. Many would feel drawn towards you and would admire your confidence and strength. However, hold your tongue when it comes to spilling your secrets to others. Not everyone you trust is worthy of your trust as I am sensing the energy of gossip in your cards. Also, make wiser decisions with your money to avoid investing in wrong things and feeling the pinch later. Social interactions, networking, and outdoor activities will be important this week but do take care of your digestive system by ensuring that you eat right.



Capricorns, this week is going to ask from you plenty of courage, determination, and fortitude. It may not be an easy week for many Capricorns but the Universe is guiding you to not back down. Some disappointing events may take place which could impact your emotions or it may even be that you are viewing things from a ‘glass half empty’ perspective. You must work on lifting your energy and mood and not give in to depression and pessimistic thoughts. Life is asking you to take a chance on something new so stop being too attached to past losses and failures. Wear bright colors and avoid using alcohol or food as a coping mechanism. Also, take care of your neck this week.




Aquashines, the most important message for you this week is to slow down. Do not be in a rush to do things or make decisions. Also, tone down on aggression and handle situations by being mindful. You must also guard against the energies of a younger person this week, especially if this is someone who is quite good at stirring the drama pot. Talking about speed, also avoid rash driving. Money matters need to be handled carefully and a lot of research must be done on new investment options.



Pisceans, sometimes what we sense and feel makes more sense and is the right thing to do than what appears to the naked eye. This is a week where you are encouraged to trust your intuition even if it negates what the world or facts are telling you. Even in the midst of a crisis or a perplexing situation, spiritual assistance will be given to you to make the best choices for yourself. Some of you may be dealing with a difficult and manipulative person this week who will stop at nothing to get what he/she wants and is good at playing mind games. Be wary. Do not invest in someone who is emotionally unavailable. On the plus side, you may also receive a gift or a pleasant surprise this week.



Om Namah Shivaya

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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