Weekly Tarotscopes for 3rd to 9th February, 2020

Welcome to another edition of Weekly Horoscopes (err, Tarotscopes) where you will find insights into the week ahead for all zodiac signs. The reading was done keeping your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in mind so feel free to check for all three and see which one resonates this week.



These are general messages for all zodiac signs as a collective. If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries via the Contact page or visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section of my website.




Ariens, this week, you may experience deep emotions towards something or someone. You are very much in tune with your sensitive side and are likely to feel and absorb the energy of whatever you focus on. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that your focus is only placed on positive and supportive thoughts and habits that are in alignment with your goals, intentions, and dreams. Be wary of self-sabotaging behavior and outlook. Your nurturing and giving side may be activated this week and you must take care to see that you are not giving away too much of yourself and your attention to the wrong things. Stay away from energy vampires!




Taureans, we all have unique gifts and talents; Something that we are naturally good at doing. This week is about identifying your talents, interests, and gifts and working on strengthening them. This week is about focusing your energy on meaningful pursuits and getting better at what you are naturally feeling a strong calling to go after. Do not let negative thoughts and opinions destroy your confidence and waste your energy. Also, be honest and open in your partnerships. Clear misunderstandings by dropping the ego and verbalizing your truth. The divine hand is at play and will bring those things and people in your life that are meant to be and deserve a second chance.




Gemstars, if you are feeling frustrated this week by going round and round and ending up in the same slump, it is time you explored your options and did something different. Many of you may experience situations that can rob you of hope and direction. Financial strain may also add to the stress. Do not lose hope, instead, have a different approach to situations and you will discover new and effective solutions. It is time that you moved in a different direction this week from what you are used to. You must pay attention to your health and well-being as well, Gemstars. Some of you may face trouble related to legs. Take care to see that you are straining your legs too much.





Cancerians, this week calls for decision making. You are advised to put your mind before the heart and make calculated moves necessary for your growth, betterment, and progress. If you lack clarity, seek information and guidance from a wise and clear-headed person or a knowledgeable source. Just don’t let your emotions cloud your judgment. Sometimes, it is important to be blunt but honest even at the risk of losing something. This week, you may have to put this into practice and shield your sensitive side. Your own wisdom and knowledge will help you navigate situations smoothly this week.




Leos, this week is about putting on your brave face and facing any and all challenges with a ‘Rawr’. Your confidence and bold attitude will help you overcome (or, at least find solutions) to all tricky situations that may present itself. Even if you find yourself smackdab in the middle of a challenge, face your fears, instead of feeling weak and scared and you will come out stronger and victorious. There is also a message for you this week to reflect on your reactions. Are you responding from a place of ego and lack of information or should you really stand up for any violations and injustice and speak? Decide carefully. This is also a week to be more adventures and go after your passion.




Virgos, this week comes bearing the message to grieve your losses in order to release their hold over you. Mistakes teach us valuable lessons, therefore, learn the lesson and stop going through the pain in a loop. Do not self-punish and hold yourself back from opening your heart to new experiences. Practice acceptance, forgiveness and then make a fresh start. You don’t deserve to get stuck in the past. This week is also likely to bring new proposals, offers, and opportunities for you. Express your heartfelt desires and accept the joy that others around you want to share with you. This week also bodes well for meeting new people and going on dates.




Librans, your message this week is to stop hiding your true self and to speak up. Do not wear false pretenses just to please others or bottle up your true desires just because you aren’t feeling confident enough to express yourself and be accepted. You must work on your confidence levels and know that you are enough. Honesty is sexy and powerful. Say what you need to say and ask for what you want. This week may bring you plenty of admiration and occasions that can put you in the spotlight. Be social and connect with the world around you. Build your network and use existing networks to further your goals and agendas. You can receive support with ease (or, with a bit of persuasion). Do not lower down your standards for others who probably are not on your wavelength, either.





Scorpios, you will have to refine your focus and tune out distractions this week if you want to make progress and accomplish your goals. Otherwise, you may end up feeling stuck and lose your motivation. In addition to this, you must also start trusting your own inner guidance more than relying on or getting influenced by the outside ones. Do not be led by fear that if you follow your instincts, you may falter and lose track. It is quite the opposite. This week, engage in activities that help you connect with yourself and the voice within you. Find meaningful activities that help you grow richer in knowledge and awareness. Also, carefully assess your response to situations and people.




Archers, time to raise your vibration and focus on your highest dreams and potential. This week, the Universe is asking you to reach for the stars. Do not get sucked into drama or engage with unauthentic situations and people. Start working towards your bigger goals and surround yourself with positive people and influences. Make room for only those who help bring stability, encouragement, and joy into your life. This week, you are being asked to pay attention to your diet. Eat healthy and stay fit. Celebrations and gatherings may also take place this week which will bring you the chance to shine brighter and have more fun.




Capricornians, a pleasant and happy week lies ahead for you. There could be a sense of relief and contentment. However, you must watch against overindulgence. Enjoy life but not at the cost of creating imbalances and disrupting your well-being. This week you also have the guidance to unleash your creative side and trust in your abilities. Do not look for validation from outside or others’ approval to feel better. Trust your own abilities and create what you are feeling called to create. Show more faith in yourself and know that your truth is unique to you and will make sense to you even if others may oppose it.




Aquarians, this week is about facing your fears and working with your shadow side. Embrace the discomfort and work on peeling the layers of your personality to understand and break a disempowering pattern or thought process. Many of you may need to step away from everything going on around you and take the time out to find your own voice, motivation and soul purpose. There is a likelihood that you may feel unsettled and maybe even a tinge of depression. Take a break, Aquashines. Disconnect in order to reconnect. Travel if you must and give yourself the gift of ‘me-time’ to undo the mental knots.




Pisceans, disappointing situations may leave you sullen this week or it is possible that you may be holding onto a failed situation too tightly. While working through any loss can be challenging for many of us, the Universe is guiding you to look for the hidden treasure and blessings in your seemingly lost situation. Do not be too quick to dismiss a setback as ‘ill-fatedness’. Fate is on your side and is urging you to stop wasting time over what is done and dusted and start opening your eyes to the present moment and the gifts it contains. In short, count your blessings and know that you are blessed and protected. New experiences await you if you are willing to bury from the skeletons of the past.





All glory to Mahadev!

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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