Weekly Tarotscopes for April 20th to 26th, 2020

Hey Gorgeous Souls,




Thank you for being here! Below are some messages and insights for the week of 20th to 26th April, 2020. The reading was done keeping your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in mind so feel free to check for all three.



These are general messages for all zodiac signs as a collective so take what resonates and leave the rest. I have been as honest as I can be with the insights and as you can tell, they are not sugar-coated. Please bear in mind that the messages are indicative of the general energies and not everything will make sense to everyone. The idea is to move with awareness.



If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries to [email protected] or DM me on my social media handles.






Ariens, this week calls for perseverance if you are to achieve your desired goal. Also, pay attention to your resources and use them judiciously. There may be a misunderstanding with someone this week. Communicate clearly and effectively and try to resolve any differences now before matters get serious. Your spirit guides are working closely with you and trying to bring an important matter to your attention. Pay heed to the spiritual downloads and repetitive themes. Health needs more attention this week as there is a chance that many of you may face issues in this area, especially those who are fighting depression. Eat healthy and love yourself enough. If need be, do not hesitate from seeking counseling, therapy or healing to find balance, support, and clarity.





Taureans, this week may bring some challenging situations in your life. Partnerships may undergo a period of frustration and you may find yourself feeling a bit isolated. Money matters need to be handled carefully this week else you may feel the financial pinch. Do not go overboard with your spending. Many of you may have to deal with a situation involving law and justice. Careful before you sign any contracts or documents. Read the fine print carefully. On the plus side, many Taureans may receive a precious gift. It will be best to avoid eating outside food especially when you are unsure of its hygiene value. Skin issues, leg, and headaches, and stomach-related issues may trouble many in this zodiac this week.



Gemstars, family matters come into focus this week. An older member of your family may need attention or have an important part to play this week. Honor and connect with your ancestors for spiritual strength this week. Work on releasing generational patterns and karma. You may also receive some criticism this week and it is important to accept it, if it is valid. Hard work beckons. A stitch in time saves nine so get to finishing all the tasks that can save you more work in the future. Spirit is also guiding you to not lower your standards, Gemstars. Do not compromise your integrity and beliefs just to fit in, please someone or for quick gains. You may regret this later. When it comes to health, age-related issues may create some discomfort. Allow your loved ones to support you and take adequate rest.



Cancerians, expect to see some positive developments or receive an important piece of news this week. New opportunities and possibilities are opening up for you. Be open to exploring all your options with an open mind. Someone from a distant place may reach out or remember you with fondness. Your reputation is enhanced and compliments could come your way. Despite such good vibes, Spirit is guiding you to avoid taking risks this week. Do not go all-in on something without weighing your options. Don’t let impulse make you act or behave in ways that you may regret later. Many of you may experience dehydration and dryness of the body this week. Ensure you are staying hydrated by increasing your water intake. Be careful of falling or tripping as well.



Leos, after a period of frustration, things are finally beginning to look positive for you. This week, a new opportunity or doorway is opening up. You may receive an offer, a noteworthy idea, or see an increase in your finances. You may even receive a gift. An older woman is likely to play an important role in your life. You also have some lessons to learn this week through your hardships. Take note of the underlying lessons that need to be learned through the frustrating situations you are facing. Where health is concerned, get grounded and stay in touch with nature in whatever way possible. Some of you may even have to take certain supplements to regulate your well-being. This is a great week to start a fitness program or a new diet that supports your health.




Virgos, disappointments are on the horizon and you may experience a situation this week that could bring up pain, conflict, and frustration. Your heart needs healing and your emotions need careful handling. Also, take note of old painful matters that you have not fully processed and swept under the rug. Dealing with these pestering emotions will promote healing and help you make a fresh start. Speaking of fresh starts, why not start by decluttering? Start with your physical environment. Get rid of old, useless items and objects. Adopt a new attitude towards life. Even though it may hurt now, know that the worse is behind you. Some of you may decide to move into a new place and may even seal the deal this week. Take good care of your cardiac health and keep a tab on your blood pressure levels. Increase your intake of food rich in iron.



Librans, know that spirit has your back and sometimes, certain paths are blocked for your highest good. This week, you are encouraged to stop being trapped in a dead-end or frustrating situation and liberate yourself. Do not limit your potential. You may experience some setbacks in a particular situation and are asked to get out now before its too late. Spirit is also showing that someone you know and hold high in regards is actually insincere and cannot be relied upon. Take note of who this is and not do pin your hopes on this person. Plenty of spiritual downloads are coming your way. It will help to make time for spiritual practice this week if you don’t already do so. Many Librans may feel alone and dissatisfied this week. You may even feel lost. Be centered in the present moment and seek support.



Scorpios, you have a powerful ally, a friend who is willing to guide you this week. Trust this friend/kindred soul to help you gain perspective and the bigger picture on a few matters. You will receive support and help to triumph over obstacles. In business matters, shrewdness and resourcefulness are needed. Many of you may be doing a lot of emotional eating lately which could be impacting your weight. Or, some of you may be resorting to other unhealthy means to cope with emotional pressure, for instance, too much drinking, perhaps. It is important to guard against overdoing things. Do not let emotions get the best of you this week. Cut down on all excesses. Some Scorpions may face issues related to the teeth as well this week.



Archers, this week brings victory to you in some endeavor. Be prepared to take action and do what needs to be done wholeheartedly. A laidback attitude can work against you. You must act with courage in some area of life this week and bravely face matters. Do not underestimate your rivals. Someone could be working against you or behind your back. Make sure you don’t leave anything to chance and cover all loopholes. Let your communication come from a place of careful consideration and compassion. Be careful of your choice of words else it may lead to misunderstandings and conflict, especially when communicating online. Take care of your neck this week and do not overthink things. Also, minimize the time you spend online as it can end up draining you.




A bright and positive week is in store for Capricorns. A reunion or catching up with a friend is possible this week. You have overcome a hurdle and will be enjoying stability this week. Financial gains are also foreseen, mostly from something you have done in the past. Make time for friends and do something fun, Capricorns. Do not be too consumed with work or any other matter that is short of fun. Time to blow off some steam! When it comes to health and well-being, watch out against over-exerting yourself else you may end up feeling too tired and sore. This a positive week for matters related to property investments. Try to donate fruits and vegetables to someone in need.




Aquashines, Spirit is guiding you to put in more effort toward your goals and ambitions if you want to see the desired results. Do not have a laidback attitude. This is a good week for financial gains and stability. An exciting event may present itself, maybe online, this week. Make time for fun and high vibe activities and take care to see that you are not focusing too much on negative thoughts. Shift and elevate your energy the moment you feel dull and stuck and this will help you accomplish a lot more. Avoid using the color black and wear and stay in touch with bright colors. Negative thoughts can make you pensive and keep you from reaching your highest potential. Clear and shield your energy frequently.



Pisceans, a lot of opposing energies are at play this week. Someone could be working against you or disrupting your peace of mind. Do not cross the wrong people or get into an altercation with someone who is impulsive and cutthroat. Frustrations may rise this week and the best way to beat it is to pick your battles carefully and to focus on doing things that help you remain calm and unwind. Try not to be argumentative or use sharp words as it may lead to unpleasant situations and consequences. When it comes to health and well-being, work on dealing with anger in a better way. Leg, calf, back and neck pain may trouble some of you this week. Stay zen, Pisceans.


|| Om Namah Shivaya ||

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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