Weekly Zodiac Guidance – 26th August to 1st September, 2019

Hey Gorgeous Souls,




Thank you for being here! Below are some messages and insights for the week ahead. The reading was done keeping your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in mind so do check the messages for all three to see which one resonates for the upcoming week.



These are general messages for all zodiac signs as a collective. If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries via the Contact page or visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section of my website.



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Aries, make time for rest and rejuvenation this week. Don’t be under the misconception that the more you push to get something done, the sooner you will finish it. Exhaustion can take away your inspiration and drive. The quality of your work could be affected if you don’t take the time to replenish yourself. Take frequent naps if your body asks for it. Take a day off if you are feeling pressured or if your mind has gone blank. Rest and you will emerge will more power and clarity. Ariens, you will also need to take caution this week against outside forces that could be working against you. This could be people or circumstances that may try to come in between your goals or even create a misunderstanding between you and another. Don’t turn a blind eye towards the tell-tale signs. Take care of your relationships, your energy, your material resources and move with more alertness and awareness.





Taureans, this week, you will need to put on your brave face and display courage when it comes to some matters. You will be guided to take some risks which, if dealt correctly, can result in opportunities. Do not be afraid in the face of challenge. Confidently deal with your situation. You can easily tap into this confidence and self-assuredness by taking the time to connect with the Source, the Divine, God. In moments of silence and meditation, and when you connect with the higher power above, you will receive guidance, clarity, and strength to overcome any hurdle. So make more time for this soul therapy during this week.




Gemstars, take very good care of your health and energy this week. Don’t let negative thoughts and worries get to you. Sometimes, we pick up other people’s insecurities, low vibrational vibes, and fears unknowingly during our daily interactions. Wash it all away at the end of a heavy day with the help of a replenishing bath or an energy cleansing practice. Like your fellow Taureans, your guidance too is about making more time for self-reflection and meditation. Make time to have the ‘God-talk’ i.e. connecting with the higher power. Those who are prone to slipping into periods of depression need to take special care this week. Surround yourself with positive situations, things, and people when you are feeling demotivated and muster the strength to fight back thoughts that pull you down.




Cancerians, this week you are encouraged to make better plans and choices so that you can reap fruitful rewards in the days to come. I see the birth of something new this week. This could be an idea, a step towards investment, a project that you are assigned or anything new that comes with potential. Whatever you begin now, remember that hard work, dedication and good strategizing will be needed to make it a success. Like your fellow Geminis, you too must take care of your health this week. Do not ignore the signs that your body is giving you. Minimize and work towards eventually quitting habits that could be having an adverse impact on your well-being. Music holds the power to uplift, inspire and harmonize. Allow the power of music to help you heal and rejuvenate this week.




Leos, this week, you may be called to step up and be of service to others. You may also assume a different role than the one you are used to playing in everyday life. Be prepared to take this responsibility and do your best. Many would look up to you and seek your guidance. Situations may arise where you will need to spread positivity, hope and hold things together. For some of you, discord or misunderstandings may come into play with friends and family members. Keep ego and anger aside and deal with such situations with kindness, compassion, love, and understanding. You lead by example and inspire through your actions.





Virgos, an important announcement or piece of news could reach you this week. A young person’s presence is showing up in your cards. This could be someone who can assist you this week so be on the lookout. Speaking of assistance, you are encouraged to reach out to those who can guide and help you, this week. Sometimes, due to ego or embarrassment, we don’t express our need for support to those around us. Sometimes, asking for help is looked at as a sign of weakness. This is far from true. We cannot always operate as a one-man(woman) army. Teamwork and partnership are known to have played significant roles in achieving success in many lives. Let others know that you need their support and when offered, be open to receiving.




Librans, this week comes bearing positive tidings. An end to a stressful and worrisome situation is showing up in your cards. You may receive news that puts your mind at ease and/or brings you hope and joy. The Universe is guiding you to be of help to someone or something, such as a worthy cause, this week. Sometimes we are the recipients of love and assistance and sometimes, we must take on the role to offer these to those in need. How can you be of service to others and this world this week? You are the peacemakers and the harmony-lovers of the zodiac. Find ways to bring and maintain this harmony in situations that are presented to you in the coming days.




Scorpions, your message this week is, ‘’Say Yes’’. Say yes to life. Say yes to opportunities. Say yes to facing challenges too and mine for the gold in the situation. Maybe its time to say Yes to that long-time partner you’ve been dating. Welcome life through acceptance this week. You are protected from all harm and negativity. As you make way for the new, clear the old cobwebs from your life. Don’t linger in past pain or setbacks.  This week is also about taking action, Scorpios. Don’t wait and ponder any further. Take action with respect to the important decisions in your life.




Archers, this week may feel like a mixed bag. There are good times and celebratory events on your cards and also, some experiences that may bring small disappointments. Ah! Life. With the disappointment bit, you will be shown who or what you must let go of. Pay attention. It may also be time to cut cords with situations and people who are depleting your energy and dampening your mood. Don’t feel bad about cutting them loose. Some of you are also being reminded to stop being too self-absorbed and direct your attention to other important things in your life. You may need to watch against narcissism and self-obsession while some need to stop being overly-critical of yourself. Strike a balance and go enjoy the week!




Cappies, let me open with a positive message. The cards show me that a wish may be granted this week. Yay! The Capricorn goat is known to persistently climb the mountain and reach its peak, often alone. You will work best alone this week, Cappies. So don’t follow the crowd or get too influenced by others opinions, suggestions or viewpoints. Do what feels best for you and express your individualism in everything you do. Original thinking is the way to go. Also, take care of your energy in crowded places. You will also need to take good care of your health this week, Cappies. Saturn bestows a tinge of melancholia to your personality. Don’t let this deepen into sorrow.





Aquarians, your message is to not sweat the small stuff. Don’t let those pesky emotions get to your peace of mind. Don’t let little frustrating matters create big burdens and stress. Yes, some vexing matters may come up this week but instead of getting too worked up, aim to learn the lessons these matters are throwing up for you. One of your lessons and challenges would be to find peace and joy amidst the seeming chaos. Tip – surround yourself with fresh flowers or use flower essences and oils to help lift your mood. Focus on the little positive things in your life and practice gratitude.




Pisceans, this week is about releasing all those stuffy feelings that you have been holding in your heart for some time now. This week is about healing your heart chakra. Put all the lingering sorrowful memories from your past to rest and open yourself to new possibilities and beginnings. Let love in. Explore new connections. You are a natural intuitive and one of the empathic signs of the zodiac, Pisceans. This makes you receptive to messages, omens, and signs. This week, notice what the tell-tale signs are showing you. Pay close attention to problem areas that are throwing up warning signals. This will either help you dodge a bullet or prepare well in advance for the future.




Wishing you a blessed week ahead. Om Namah Shivaya

Sonnya Siingh 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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