What is Name Correction?

What is Name Correction?


Off-late, you must have caught me using terms such as ‘name correction’ or ‘name vibration’. What is all the fuss about? What does name correction mean? How can you correct a name?

Name correction is a service extensively used in the Numerology world. Each one of us was born on a specific day and time and based on our date of birth, a number chart called Lo-Shu grid is created. This grid shows us what numbers are present and what numbers are missing in our number chart.

All numbers render a certain quality and attribute to our persona and also attract the experiences in our life that they stand to represent. For instance, number 1 makes a person individualistic and bestows one with leadership qualities. It also helps you shine out there in the world just like the Sun. Number 6 helps you attract wealth and acquire name and fame, and number 7 can activate the spiritual element in you, making you psychic and a seeker of knowledge, for example.

So what happens if certain numbers are present while others are missing in your chart? Missing numbers can create a lack of that number’s quality in your life. For example, a missing 5 can bring a lack of stability and opportunities. The absence of 6 can deprive an individual of wealth accumulation and one may struggle to make and keep the money they make. There are certain numbers that are vital in our number chart and the absence of these numbers can create imbalances and give rise to problematic situations. Since we cannot change our date of birth, we must bring back the energy of the missing numbers in our lives through other means such as Name vibration, mobile phone numbers, or remedial measures.


Our name comprises of alphabets that carry a number vibration as well. When you add up your first and your full name, it reduces to a number that will either support you or create further obstacles. Having a name with a total value of 8, for example, can bring about more obstacles, delays, and destructive situations as 8 is the number of Saturn and is considered unsuitable for names. Such people, despite having positive numbers in their number charts, may time and again experience delays and unwanted trouble. Therefore, Numerologists study your number chart and help you tweak your name to bring it to a vibration that supports your birth numbers and increases the success quotient in your life.

Having tried and experimented with this in my own life, I can vouch for the benefits of name correction as you have seen me change my name spelling a couple of times. Earlier, I went back to using my original name which did not carry a supportive vibration and I could see how unstable it had made me alongside bringing other unpleasant experiences. Therefore now, I use a name that perfectly aligns with the vibration of my birth chart, in addition to which I also carry out remedial measures that has made a huge difference in my life.

Another important question that many ask is whether they need to change their name legally if they undertook a name correction. The answer is, No. You only need to display your corrected name on important social media platforms that you use. Your legal name does not come into use every single day but how you write your name on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc is seen by the world every day and social media is where most of us stay active most times. This is where your name gains it’s power.

My legal name is still Sonya Singh on the documents which I don’t deal with on a day to day life basis but my corrected name, Sonniyaa Singh, is how you see me when I make posts, write blogs, go live, etc. and that is where name correction is important.


This was a tiny attempt from my side to explain name correction and if you still have questions, send me an e-mail or a message. If you would like to understand whether you need a name correction or not, or if your name is compatible with your birth date or not, you can send me a message as well. I offer Name correction as a service and I will be happy to assist you on this mystical and uplifting journey.

Sending you love,

Sonniyaa Singh


Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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