What is your guidance at this time? Pick a card to find out.




Hey Beautiful Souls,




I was inspired to create a new ‘Pick a card’ post using a brand new deck I received in the mail today that I am absolutely in love with – The Everyday Witch Oracle cards by the Deborah Blake and Elisabeth Alba (who previously created The Everday Witch Tarot).  So take a few deep and cleansing breaths and pick a card for guidance at this time.






Yes, these are general messages so take what resonates and leave the rest. I have shared my intuitive thoughts on each of the three cards but feel free to use your own interpretation based on what clicks for you.



If you need a personal reading, do take a moment to choose from the options in my store to purchase a reading or write to me at [email protected] with your queries.



Without further ado, let’s get to your card. Do like, share or tag someone who may find this post useful.





If you were drawn to the first card, your message reads ‘Affirmation for growth’.

You have successfully planted a new seed and watched it come to life. However, your work doesn’t end here. In order to see your plans, projects, and goals grow and thrive, you must commit to working on it with dedication. You must also hold positive thoughts and envision yourself succeeding as there will be times when doubts and uncertainties will test you on your path. Don’t let these temporary phases stall your hard work. Do not give up on what you started. Just like a seed takes months and years of nurturing, nourishing and care to grow into a fruit-bearing tree, so too will your plans, projects, dreams, and goals gradually evolve, expand, and bear fruits. At this time in your life, you must be patient and commit to working on an important goal that you have set your mind upon. No, you will not see overnight changes. But you will begin seeing progressive change as you continue to stay focused and do the work. To assist you on your journey, use positive affirmations of growth.




If you were drawn to the first card, your message ‘Affirmations for positive change’.

You are meant to go on new adventures and explore new vistas. At this time, you are being called to work towards making positive changes in your life. You are being asked to take some risks and boldly venture out and explore your options. If you are bored and unhappy with where you currently are or if life has become dull and stagnant, it is totally up to you to get yourself out of your current rut. What new adventures have been calling out to you lately? What passion are you feeling drawn to pursue? Don’t just sit and wait but take action. Some of you are being guided to leave the old and prepare for the new. The time has come for you to let go of a stale situation and expect more for yourself. The time is ripe and right to seek a new job, say good-bye to a dead relationship, go on a life-changing trip, or to simply do something that you have never done before. Sometimes it is important to take risks in life. Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained. So, go! Go in that new direction and take responsibility to welcome positive changes into your life.






If you were drawn to the first card, your message ‘Meditation for Peace and Serenity’.

Your purpose right now, beautiful soul, is to invite peace and serenity into your life. And that won’t come your way through pushing, chasing, rushing, and pulling. It will come when you retreat and learn to simply be. It will come when you take a pause and breathe deeply, releasing all the ten-thousand worries and thoughts that are gnawing at you slowly. It will come when you stop letting situations beyond your control impact your happiness and well-being.  Most importantly, it will come to you when you practice acceptance and embrace life for what it is and where it is rather than run and hide from what is trying to get your attention. You must get to a place where trivial matters stop disrupting your peace and sense of well-being.  The time has come for some of you to come out of denial and make peace with a situation that you have been avoiding. It will hugely help you to incorporate a helpful practice in your daily routine such as meditation, yoga, mantra chanting, or any other method that helps you stay balanced and centered if you are not already doing this. Start taking care of your inner world and your outer circumstances will align. Remove yourself from situations that are full of drama, stress, and demands that are not worth your time. De-clutter and simplify not just your physical environment but also empty your mental and emotional space of unwanted and meaningless junk.

I hope these messages serve you well! Until next time.

Sonnyaa Siingh 

~ Om Namah Shivaya ~


Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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