Will He/She Contact Me? Pick a card for your message


Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Namaste and Thank you for being here!


Today, I am doing a general reading asking the question – Will He/She contact you? Sometimes in life, we lose touch with a person for various reasons. Fights, misunderstandings, disagreements, distance, break-ups, or the need for space could be a few reasons. This reading is not governed by time so whenever you discover this post or video, trust that there will be a message for you here.


Okay, so at Pile one we have the Sunstone, at pile two we have the Amazonite, and Pile three, Red Jasper. Take a look at the picture below, think of the person and after deciding on your pile, scroll down to read the messages.




There is a video version of this reading available on my youtube channel as well for those of you who prefer videos so feel free to check out the link below.




This is a general reading however if you are interested in purchasing a more personal reading for yourself, please visit my ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section or write to me at [email protected]


For those of you who chose pile 1, a picture of your cards is listed below.




We have the Star, Recovery, and You Deserve Love cards for you. Looks like there has been hurt and disappointment in this connection. Probably so deep that you two are in a space where you need to focus on healing and recovering from the wounds.


With the Star card, I definitely see that this person and you will make amends and recover from the setback at some point. But I also sense that this may not happen anytime soon. Both of you need to heal and this healing very strongly involves self-love.



While your person is out of touch, do not waste time feeling sorry or upset. You need to re-direct all your focus on your own well-being and healing. Your inner self is craving this love and attention from you. It is also possible that this person had an important lesson to teach you in this lifetime which mainly has to do with you loving yourself more and holding yourself in a positive light.


The sooner you learn to appreciate yourself and heal, the better your situation will get and someday, this person get in touch with you. But you need to get to a stable place first so right now, focus on YOU and DO YOU.




If you were drawn to Amazonite, your cards are Page of Pentacles, You’re ready, and Past-life connection.




I definitely see communication coming from this person because you two share a very deep bond that goes beyond this lifetime and this certainly isn’t over.


Your contact may happen sooner than you think. It could involve a meeting or a practical discussion about the situation you are in. I also feel like this person will bring something concrete to the table this time.



They need to be ready to do this which I feel they are preparing towards so don’t lose hope and faith. The communication is bound to happen soon.




If you chose Red Jasper, your cards are 2 of cups with two extra cards, 7 of swords, and 10 of swords alongside Let Go, and Children.



I do see that this person will communicate with you. There has been betrayal and deep hurt in this relationship. Either of the party has done something that has caused trauma and hurt to the other person.


In some cases, it is also possible that this person has a habit of deceiving you, leaving you only to return later.


Eitherways, your guidance is quite clear – Let go. You need to detach yourself from this person’s energy and thoughts for now. You need to step back and focus your attention on your life so that you can be free of expectations and pain.



Even if this person comes back, I don’t get this feeling that this will be a positive relationship. You need to do something deep thinking and re-evaluation on what this relationship is bringing to you and whether you want to continue with it.


In some cases, children could be involved in this situation. Maybe this person is a parent and they are busy with their life as a parent. Maybe they are in a situation they cannot walk away from and you are an option to them. Or, maybe their inner child needs healing just as yours to stop repeating the patterns over and over again.


Whatever the case, the contact will happen soon but this may not be your best relationship so make wise moves.


I hope this reading helps you in whatever way possible at whatever point of time in life.

Sonnyaa Siingh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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