Your Message for May 2019 – Pick a card





Blessed May to All,



In this reading, you will get to choose a card set for your message for May. These messages will shed some light on what to expect this month and what guidance you can use to navigate through the energy of 5th month of this year.


Above in the picture, you have three piles to choose from for your message for May 2019. Pick the pile that calls out to you and scroll down to read the corresponding message.


If you would like to address a more personal situation through a reading, you can book a reading with me by visiting the Buy a Tarot reading section of this site or by using the Contact form to reach me.






If you were drawn to the first Pile, your message comes from the cards Yang, The Star, and Ask for help from others.




Luck is on your side in May, beautiful one. But remember, Luck will only favor the brave. Yang energy is the masculine force which guides us to ‘give’ and ‘do’. This is not the time to rest and surrender but to take action and make things happen. This month is about taking initiatives and being confident in your approach.


What are you ready to bring forth into this world? What goals are you ready to pursue? What are you willing to do to make a dream come true? Are you ready to meet the Universe halfway? Go out and make magic happen. Think of the Yang card as the Magician from the Tarot. All that you seek is within you and available to you – talents, skills and resources. Use them.


You will also meet some generous and helpful souls on your path this month who will be happy to offer their assistance. Even if you can’t see them yet, put out a request to the Universe to help you meet the right people, mediums, and platforms that can propel you forward. Notice and take advantage of this help without feeling guilty, embarrassed and ashamed. This help is meant for you.


The beautiful Star card brings you hope and healing. Don’t let your faith waver. Know that you are fully supported and loved. Remain optimistic and you will receive wondrous blessings from the Universe.



Blessings and Love




If you were drawn to the second pile, your cards are By the Book, 2 of swords, and You’re ready.




Following the rules, adhering to the laws and maintaining structure will be important this month so don’t let your inner rebel tempt you into straying from the familiar path. It is best to pace yourself before acting on impulse and avoid taking unwarranted risks. Simply put – Go by the book and play by the rules to ensure your success and avoid potential pitfalls.


To get to your ultimate goal, you need a strategy and perhaps even take care of several smaller goals first. Think of your situation as a ladder. To get to the top of the ladder, you must go through each ascending rung. Develop a step-by-step method to achieve your goal. Avoid taking shortcuts out of desperation and be patient if your goal is taking longer to finish. The Universe also follows its own laws and it won’t grant you your wish the very next day or even week without bringing other crucial factors into alignment.


Some of you reading this are experiencing mental blocks right now which has halted your progress. You may be doubting your own potential and feeling unprepared to take action. Relax! Don’t let negative voices confuse you. You are ready to move forward. You are prepared to handle what awaits you. Stop wasting more time and get busy doing what you should be doing.



On an emotional note too, some of you are choosing to not confront your true feelings and a situation as it is. You may be ignoring the signs that are in front of you out of fear or apathy. You may be turning a blind eye towards what needs your attention because you feel you are not ready to handle a situation. Listen to your inner voice, beautiful soul. Trust your true feelings and stop stalling important decision-making. You are ready and you got this.


Blessings and Love



If you were drawn to the third pile, your cards are Flexible, Strength, and There is something better. 




Lovely Soul, flexibility and open-mindedness are crucial for you this month. Don’t cling onto the old ways and techniques. Don’t get stuck being stubborn. Let go of resistance and move through life with an unbiased and accepting attitude.


The Universe is sending you a reminder that what you want may not always come to you and there is a blessing in that. Something better is waiting for you. This is why it is important to practice acceptance and have faith that when one door is slammed shut and despite your best efforts if someone or something is not aligning with you, let go and flow. Your purpose and path have other plans for you which are more suited and deserving of you.



Your strength and patience are likely to be tested this month. But don’t lose hope. Your struggle will bring an end to your dilemma and problems. You will find support and resolution. Approach people and situations calmly, avoiding aggression and anger.


There is also a reminder for some of you to pay more attention to your physical well-being by engaging in sports and exercises that can help you stay fit and flexible. Keep your body engaged and work on developing a strong core. Eat nourishing food and drink healthy beverages that support your well-being at this time.


Blessings and Love

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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