Your Soul Guidance – Pick a Card – Full Messages



If you were drawn to card one, I see you sailing through some challenging times at present or in the near future. There is a stormy phase that your life is passing through and you may be experiencing fear and a whole range of emotions wondering whether you will make it through this.


Spirit wants you to have courage because like all storms that rise and die, this too is a phase that will soon die down. At the same time, your soul’s guidance for you is to set healthy boundaries in your life. This means not just saying “No” to others who ask too much out of you and distract you from your daily missions but it also means setting boundaries in your own life and prioritizing your work, visions, goals, and dreams over other time-consuming and time-wasting things.

It is time you got focused and looked out for yourself instead of spreading yourself thin trying to be everything to everyone else. The more you practice setting healthy boundaries, you will notice that half or more than half of your problems will disappear. Others will no longer have undivided access to your energy and in the process, you could be disconnecting from certain types of energies that drain and latch onto yours.

Not just this, Spirit is also revealing that by doing this and very soon in your life, you will be aligning with the force of advancement and abundance. You are very close to manifesting something that is close to your heart. Perhaps you were losing hope and your guides and guardian angels are using this message to reassure you and ask that you continue on your path with faith, knowing that your desire’s are within reach.

To summarize, a time of conflict is foreseen that will test your strength. Spirit wants you to move with courage and set healthy boundaries. You could be giving too much of yourself to others or their causes than focusing on your life, your goals, and dreams. A time of positive advancement is coming. Make sure you are not slowed down by demands and expectations that are not yours to fulfill and get more focused. 







If you were drawn to card two, spirit wants you to wake up and live your most authentic life. When we ignore the guidance of our soul and lose track of the path that we are meant to journey upon, life uses other means to gather our attention. Most times these alarm bells come in the form of a crisis such as a divorce, a lay off, a health challenge, and so on. You may be experiencing a similar situation right now or life may use a situation soon to gather your attention. Do not be scared of such wake-up calls because they bring a special purpose to your life.

The good news in your reading is that I see a beautiful partnership manifesting for you soon. This could be a romantic union or even a new business partnership. You are going to meet someone soon who will be perfect for you and will help your growth process. Together the two of you will move towards the path of progress.

Your soul is also urging you to celebrate. Celebrate what? you may ask. Well, celebrate YOU. How often in life we forget to give ourselves the pat on the back for having come so far and accomplished all that we have. Instead of being too focused on your future accomplishments, take some time out to appreciate yourself. Be proud of who you are and raise your self-worth.

To summarize, embrace the chaos that can occur or is already taking place in your life. Life is giving you a wake up call to redirect you on your path. Your path soon involves a beautiful partnership with a kindred soul. Create ripples of manifestation around you by celebrating every moment and all your accomplishments till date. Give yourself the credit you deserve and know your worth. You are bound to attract more celebratory moments and wonderful accomplishments. 







If you were drawn to card three, I am being shown issues surrounding self-worth. A part of you does not believe that you deserve all the good things in life. You may even question your deserving-ness from time to time. Are you worth it? Are you good enough? Do you really deserve what you want? There is a lack or poverty mindset that has been brewing in your consciousness for a while and it is creating many roadblocks for you.

What you need is a support team. The Universe wants you to be open to seeking and welcoming a team of people who can help you with your goals. You are not alone and spirit does not want you to struggle with your situation alone. You need supportive people in your life and the moment you set the intention and really ask for it, they will begin showing up. You may have to do away with some old, meaningless connections as well in the process.

Through your support team and through divine intelligence, I also see that you will soon receive the solution or the answers to your predicament. You will be shown the way and guided on your path. The problems you are currently dealing with may seem too life-sucking but there is certainly a way and with the help of your support team and through your prayers and intentions, the Universe will guide you forward.

To summarize, you have some inner work to do in raising your self-esteem and believing in your worthiness. You also need supportive people around you and I see them coming into your life as long as you place sincere intentions. You don’t have to wing it alone and there is nothing wrong with seeking support. Two minds are better than one and three minds are better than two. The solutions to your problems will soon be discovered through your support team and also through the miraculous ways in which divine intelligence works. Know your worthy of it. 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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